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Meet The Legion Iss.1


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Hello Planet Bob!

The Legion has been home to some great and colorful characters for these past 3 years. These weekly threads are meant to introduce you to our fine legionnaires who proudly fly the eagle as we near our 4th birthday. So let's get to it! Ave Legio!

Arcadian Empire - Minister of Internal Affairs

Arcadian is a marathon Legionnaire, who has served The Legion for the past 2.5 years. He joined The Legion as we began to rebuild from our loss in the Third Great War of Digeterra. Arcadian started out in The Legion's Communication Department, as a member of our infamous "Spam Corps" and he has lived in Internal Affairs ever since. Serving in the Unjust War, The Dove War, The Coalition War, and The Karma War. Arcadian is one of the few Legionnaires who can relate the horror of Purplegate and the NPO Viceroy that followed it. Working his way up from a simple Spam Corp Member to the Internal Legion Letter Editor, Director of Communications, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and finally, Minister of Internal Affairs. Arcadian has two titles of note. The first is The Legion's Unofficial Sports Ambassador, as an avid Soccer (or should I say, Football) fan, he partakes regularly in Xpert11 soccer matches, coaching his nation's soccer team fanatically and encouraging any Legionnaire to join (which has been met with much success). Arcadian is also known as The Legion's Resident Pikachu, a title he is very proud of and is per say, one of our mascots. To all animal lovers, dont worry, we give our Pikachu plenty of water, food, and space to roam :P. Arcadian currently holds the record for most medals held by a single Legionnaire, that number being 19. Arcadian is also an avid and devout spammer, with a post count of over 33,826 (The Legion's Highest) and a daily average of 49.76. As a joke one time, a fellow Minister dropped his post count to zero, causing him much trauma, for his medal of spammiest Legionnaire is much treasured, luckily, it was only April Fools and no harm was done.

And now, an interview with the Man.....er..........Pikachu himself

<SiCkO[Legion]> alright

<SiCkO[Legion]> Arcadian, How long have you been in the legion?

Arcadian does the maths

<Arcadian> two years and five months.

<SiCkO[Legion]> wow

<SiCkO[Legion]> thats a long time

<Arcadian> yee.

<SiCkO[Legion]> how has the legion changed since then

<Arcadian> well, after some noob from the blackwave alliance tech raided me

<Arcadian> i joined the legion and there was lots of forums

<Arcadian> for example, each cohort had their own forum

<Arcadian> and there was probably fifteen-twenty forums on the main page

<Arcadian> just for the new recruit...

<Arcadian> so it was daunting.

<Arcadian> then that crashed

<Arcadian> then we had another forum

<Arcadian> which was nice

<Arcadian> then we have our nice neat forums

<Arcadian> that is just one little bit of many changes

<Arcadian> i could talk about government

<Arcadian> or people that were famous

<Arcadian> or the influentials

<Arcadian> but we'd be here all day.

<Arcadian> unless you want me to

<SiCkO[Legion]> well do a special on that later

<Arcadian> yay

<Arcadian> WoT!

<SiCkO[Legion]> when i get sinatra to sit down

<SiCkO[Legion]> and you guys can talk like old people :P

<Arcadian> he's older than i am

<SiCkO[Legion]> indeed

<SiCkO[Legion]> anywho

<Arcadian> besides, my only memory of old legion is the forums and a few people

<Arcadian> sinatra was an influential then.

<Arcadian> so yes?

<SiCkO[Legion]> what jobs have you held in the legion

<Arcadian> err... i started off as a spammer

<Arcadian> in the lovely days before the spam list

<Arcadian> people dont know how good they have it these days

<Arcadian> we had to send each message manually, person by person

<Arcadian> then i got involved in the Legion Letter

<Arcadian> did one edition before Assarax got promoted to MoIA

<Arcadian> then i got promoted to DoC

<Arcadian> the rest is history :P

<Arcadian> other than that

<Arcadian> konk made me an honourary tech officer

<Arcadian> megamind made me the Legion's Unofficial Official Sports Ambassador

<Arcadian> of which i still hold that today.

<Arcadian> and i had many stints as a Centurion for Defence.

<SiCkO[Legion]> your a tech officer?

<SiCkO[Legion]> get to work then!

<Arcadian> and if you dont know, DoC --> DMoIA --> MoIA. for those new people.

<Arcadian> hey, i resigned

<Arcadian> well, arb or someone demasked me.

<SiCkO[Legion]> well your hired

<Arcadian> :(

<SiCkO[Legion]> alright

<SiCkO[Legion]> who is your favorite legionnaire and why?

<SiCkO[Legion]> btw

<Arcadian> uhh...

<SiCkO[Legion]> you only get one

<Arcadian> can it be an ex-legionnaire?

<SiCkO[Legion]> yeah

<Arcadian> reformentia (sorry imperial!)

<Arcadian> because

<Arcadian> i'd like to think he recruited me

<Arcadian> although that eludes me

<SiCkO[Legion]> wait

<Arcadian> but he has the aura of him.

<Arcadian> hmm?

<Arcadian> mmkay

01[19:21] <SiCkO[Legion]> you were recruited by reformetia?

<Arcadian> i think so.

<SiCkO[Legion]> ?

<Arcadian> i'm not sure

<Arcadian> it was two years and five months ago

<SiCkO[Legion]> lol

<SiCkO[Legion]> ok

<SiCkO[Legion]> alright

<SiCkO[Legion]> your the legion's sports ambassador

<Arcadian> yee

<SiCkO[Legion]> which means you go around talking about Xpert111

<SiCkO[Legion]> 11

<Arcadian> well, not really

<Arcadian> i just play the game

<SiCkO[Legion]> ok

<Arcadian> and recruit people to it

<Arcadian> although i'm currently hiring some writers

<SiCkO[Legion]> has that helped you in Foreign Affairs?

<Arcadian> err

<Arcadian> well, in general knowledge

<Arcadian> i still suck at FA

<Arcadian> consulate is forcing me - just the job, not specific people - for me to get busy and learn things

<Arcadian> because half the consul's job is do FA things

<Arcadian> so basically, yes it has - in the sense i know people from other alliance

<SiCkO[Legion]> thats good

<Arcadian> however

<SiCkO[Legion]> ?

<Arcadian> tell me to name alliances... and i'm clueless.

<Arcadian> cybernations wikia is my friend.

<SiCkO[Legion]> dont worry

<Arcadian> nao i shall take a break

<Arcadian> and get some ham sandwich

<SiCkO[Legion]> there will be am FA pop quiz at the end of this :P

<SiCkO[Legion]> ok

<Arcadian> oh lovely.

<Arcadian> bah, freezer is weak.

<Arcadian> not cold yet

<Arcadian> lets continue

<SiCkO[Legion]> ok

<SiCkO[Legion]> Recently, the legion has seen some great people leave their ranks

<SiCkO[Legion]> if you could tell them one thing to make them come back

<SiCkO[Legion]> what would it be?

<Arcadian> uhh

<Arcadian> well

<Arcadian> one thing to make them come back...

<Arcadian> come back or i'll nuke you... nope.

<Arcadian> err

<SiCkO[Legion]> lol

<Arcadian> i'll have to say, "All I want for Christmas is YOU (to come back to the Legion)"

<SiCkO[Legion]> nice

<SiCkO[Legion]> and final question

<SiCkO[Legion]> Dont you agree im cooler than Imperial?

<SiCkO[Legion]> jk

<Arcadian> well, it depends where you live.

<Arcadian> i'd want to be cool right now...

<SiCkO[Legion]> i live in the same state as him

<Arcadian> ah, i know why i'm not cool

<Arcadian> frigging fan isn't pointing my way

<Arcadian> hold on

* Arcadian adjusts the fan

<SiCkO[Legion]> oh ya its summer there

<Arcadian> unfortunately.

<Arcadian> but it means

<Arcadian> i can go to the beach

<Arcadian> and see the bikini-clad wimminz

<SiCkO[Legion]> :(

<Arcadian> however

<Arcadian> i dont go to the beach.

<Arcadian> because that's a communist thing to do :P

<Arcadian> not really.

<SiCkO[Legion]> wat?

<Arcadian> pikachu's cant swim

<Arcadian> well they can

<Arcadian> but not very well

<Arcadian> we need floaties

<SiCkO[Legion]> learn to swim! :P

<SiCkO[Legion]> anyway

<SiCkO[Legion]> last question

<SiCkO[Legion]> The Legion has had numerous quotes describing it

<SiCkO[Legion]> what is your personal/favorite quote?

<Arcadian> you mean like LOLegion and that?

<SiCkO[Legion]> umm

<SiCkO[Legion]> no

<Arcadian> oh those things

<SiCkO[Legion]> i meant unity is strength

<Arcadian> quotes describing Legion..

<SiCkO[Legion]> things that are positive

<Arcadian> ah the positive ones

<Arcadian> unfortunately i only know the negatives :P

<Arcadian> this is what happens if you hang out on the BBs too much...

<SiCkO[Legion]> make one up!

<Arcadian> uhh

<Arcadian> Legion is :awesome:

<Arcadian> because it uses the awesome smiley

<Arcadian> or emoticon.

<SiCkO[Legion]> ah

<SiCkO[Legion]> thank you for you time

<Arcadian> yay

<Arcadian> so i can be released from my chains now?

<SiCkO[Legion]> yes

SiCkO[Legion] throws a pokeball

SiCkO[Legion] releases arc

Arcadian> yay

Until Next Time!

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Even though I didn't necessarily approve of this when you first proposed it Sicko, it is nice and good to see you guys finally decided to go ahead with this. After all, I don't see the trolls that usually like to troll legion. (coughVanHoocough) :) Also, nice intro.

We usually dont start it...just finish it.

Either way, good luck with this.

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