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The Federation of Ukraine

Bull Run

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After months of organizing, the people of Ukraine within the Caucasion protectorate have finally put forth a petition for independance. Accepted warmly by Caucasia, the people of Ukraine now forge their own destiny in a new union for and by themselves. First President Yullia Tymoshenko, of the Federation of Ukraine declares the new state into existance.

"It is through struggle that we have learned to endure, through unncertainty that we have innovated, and through difficulty that we have gained our strength. May the people of Ukaine live long, prosperous, and free under our new Federation. Let us celebrate the begining of a self determined path to our own destiny. This is our time, our best chance, let us give it all we've got. From the united people of the Federation of Ukraine; I salute the world."


Edited by Bull Run
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"Caucasia confirms that the Federation has been legally granted independence. The Federation will fall under the Donegan Doctrine. Should they fall into anarchy, Caucasian peacekeepers will restore order. Finally, the Federation of Ukraine will be under Caucasian protection for a period of one year*."

-HRH King James II

OOC: *one RL month

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A letter would arrive for the President from Anthony Harlem, congratulating the new state on its formation, and accompanied by a package. Upon determining that it was safe to open, they would find it contained a gift, an ornate dagger.


OOC: Ignore everything but the dagger, eh?

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