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Morte Vallta

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AAR (After Action Report) Round 8

Round long war is fun, yes? Mass salutes to our friends, allies, and opponents.

Declaration of Existance (DoE) Lafayette Escadrille Round 9

I will be taking the helm of Lafayette Escadrille this round. I've been with LE since Round 5, and TE since Rd1; and am looking forward to a fun, and potentially different Round 9.

We will remain closed to unsolicited new members this round as well.

Oh, and one more thing...


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It's time for Bacon to take the reigns, he's been a high officer in LE

the past few rounds. Yes, new tactics this round. We try to switch things

up, as the same old same old gets, well, old.

<S> all

Happy Holidays

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Welcome on back, LE!

o/ LE

Morte Vallta, please make Ferrie fix his avatar.

You guys are killing me, lol. Pretty soon you'll be passing around a petition to get the eyes back..... I'll save you the time. <OoO>

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Meh, he's paying Ammon royalties on it....Sneezing powder, and pepperspray. LE is using new tactics this round. :P

Let's hope he is not paying too much!! :lol1: *Use a cold virus and get the same results*

It's time for Bacon to take the reigns, he's been a high officer in LE

the past few rounds. Yes, new tactics this round. We try to switch things

up, as the same old same old gets, well, old.

<S> all

Happy Holidays

Always good to see what LE has cooking!! Happy Holidays!!

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