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Sicilian League Announcement


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Official Announcement

With the complete and utter collapse of the Italian government the Sicilian League, in accordance with previous statements and the wishes of our people, has decided to assume trusteeship of the Italian Peninsula. The Italian Mandate will be administered by the Sicilian League until further notice while a plan is made for the future status of the territory. An administrative capital will be established in Naples, Giovanni Delpotro will serve as the Chief Administrator of the Mandate.

The horrors that have befallen the Italian people of late leave me greatly saddened. It is my hope that under my protective gaze we will be able to help my Italian brethren on the peninsula rebuild and reestablish some semblance of sanity. It is my intention to allow the Italian people to decide their fate as soon as is reasonably possible. The task at hand however, is that of reconstruction and healing. There are a great many scars, both physical and emotional, that must be repaired before my brethren on the peninsula will be ready to decide their own fate.

Before I finish, I would like to thank the efforts of RFI for raising awareness about the plight of our brethren internationally. I would like to thank the Libyan's for standing up against the old regime when no one else would. And I would lastly like to thank the many friends of the Italian people, around the world, who have pledged aid for the reconstruction of the peninsula. All your efforts are greatly appreciated, and I am eternally grateful for your help.

-Jean d'Aosta

Steward of the Sicilian League

OOC: I'll have some more specifics for y'all when I get back from dinner

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The Italian Republic finds this statement a ridicolous piece of propaganda. Italian forces still 30.000 men strong liberated Gallipoli few hours ago. Lybian forces will soon be forced out of Calabria.

The deployment of 150.000 sicilian soldiers is just a failed propagand attempt. The Sicilian League has no navy and only a few tens of airplanes. It would be impossible for them to move 150.000 soldiers in Italy in just a few hours, this kind of operations require months of preparations and the Sicilian league existed for only a few days.

The Italian Republic is still here, and its armed forces will soon drive back the invaders.

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The Italian Republic finds this statement a ridicolous piece of propaganda. Italian forces still 30.000 men strong liberated Gallipoli few hours ago. Lybian forces will soon be forced out of Calabria.

The deployment of 150.000 sicilian soldiers is just a failed propagand attempt. The Sicilian League has no navy and only a few tens of airplanes. It would be impossible for them to move 150.000 soldiers in Italy in just a few hours, this kind of operations require months of preparations and the Sicilian league existed for only a few days.

The Italian Republic is still here, and its armed forces will soon drive back the invaders.

"The Italian Republic no longer exists. Only in the minds of the corrupt former dictatorship regime does it. The Italian Republic has been freed by the Sicilians, while they only cowered underneath your regime's jackboots for fear of retribution for their beliefs. You have no power, no fall back, no stronghold, no supporters or allies in the region, no influence. You spoke of the great Roman Empire, yet, the Italian Republic regime has fallen like the Romans in millenniums past. You are done in Italy. The Sicilians are working to bettering the peninsula in a much better, much more free manner than they ever could hope for. The Italian Republic is done, your regime is done and you, Junio Borghese, are done."

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If the Italian Republic doesen't exist anymore, who is leading the 30.000 soldiers against the Lybian army in Catanzaro? And why nothing stopped our troops from entering Calabria? The statistics are on our side.

A non-state force.

OOC: Seriously, just follow the CNRP rules and get back in the game. You aren't the only one who has the dice loaded against him.

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If the Italian Republic doesen't exist anymore, who is leading the 30.000 soldiers against the Lybian army in Catanzaro? And why nothing stopped our troops from entering Calabria? The statistics are on our side.

"A ragtag group of extremists, no better than terrorists. The statistics are not on your side. You have lost. Give up now before pride permanently kills whatever pettiness you hold in your mind and heart. You cannot win the war, the Sicilians have taken over Italy. You have destroyed your nation and put it in to anarchy. There is no reason the Italian peninsula should want you leading them down the same destructive path. You have failed the people, you no longer deserve the ability to lead them by allowing lawlessness and disorder. You will not be missed by the world and the peninsula will praise your permanent departure."

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The Tahoe Republic wonders how the Sicilian League could possibly have conquered Italy so quickly and completely when our satellites clearly demonstrate Italian forces fighing the Libyan Invasion in the South.

This is rediculous propaganda that severely harms European affairs in general.

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The Tahoe Republic wonders how the Sicilian League could possibly have conquered Italy so quickly and completely when our satellites clearly demonstrate Italian forces fighing the Libyan Invasion in the South.

This is rediculous propaganda that severely harms European affairs in general.

"We have no idea what you're seeing. We see some rebels, yes, but not a full scale Italian Republic army."

-HRH King James II

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