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Official State of the Byelorussian Federal Republic

comrade nikonov

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"The AURI opposes imbecilic use of advanced technology, thus we condemn this imbecilic use of advanced technology that may be the doom of mankind once day."

-Amazon United Radical Idealist Party, Diberian political party.

OOC: The AURI just hates everyone's advanced technology, not just yours :P.

Edited by JerreyRough
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"The AUDI opposes imbecilic use of advanced technology, thus we condemn this imbecilic use of advanced technology that may be the doom of mankind once day."

-Amazon United Radical Idealist Party, Diberian political party.

OOC: The AUDI just hates everyone's advanced technology, not just yours :P.


"You should take a look at the GDR. We've got a truckload more advanced technology than Belarus."

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In other news today, the Union Republic of Moldova has decided to fully engage with its Crimean past. The infrastructure systems set forth by the old regime have been improved. Maglev links between cities have been restored and service is once again functioning. However, the Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova limits, but not bans, recreational drug use, and thus, with lowered legal demand, many of the hydroponic marijuana plantations have been forced to change to other cash crops such as cotton and wheat. In other news, although marijuana use is legal, tobacco has been outlawed completely. Geothermal and solar energy plants have begun to restart as federal funding pours into these decaying yet high-tech infrastructures.

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The Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova is happy to announce that the military of the Union Republic of Belarus has successfully completed all necessary movements and training.

It is also our pleasure to announce that the Union Republic of Moldova's Armed Forces will begin the same training and movement as the Union Republic of Belarus' soon.


Операция Защитим Юг [Operatsiya Zashchitim Yug](Operation Defend the South) has entered into effect.

As of today, a further 140,000 troops have been slated to be recruited from the Union Republic of Moldova. Basic training equipment, as well as standard military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova, have been loaded into many transports bound for Moldova.

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The Carrier Mogilev and its sister ship Brest have been completed, and are undergoing service testing in the Baltic Sea.

SKAT production has also taken off. As of current, the Carrier Mogilev holds 59 SKATs and 41 MiG-1.44s while the Brest holds 51 MiG-1.44s.

The atomic weapons program is also making headway.

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The Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova is happy to announce that the military of the Union Republic of Belarus has successfully completed all necessary movements and training.

It is also our pleasure to announce that the Union Republic of Moldova's Armed Forces will begin the same training and movement as the Union Republic of Belarus' soon.


Операция Защитим Юг [Operatsiya Zashchitim Yug](Operation Defend the South) has entered into effect.

As of today, a further 140,000 troops have been slated to be recruited from the Union Republic of Moldova. Basic training equipment, as well as standard military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova, have been loaded into many transports bound for Moldova.


"Sir, satellites are picking up some fairly large movement in Moldova."


"We can't tell exact numbers, but about 100,000-200,000 troops. We don't detect any armor. Could be mobilization prep, could be just a way of integrating Moldova."

"Hm. Keep an eye on that. We have no quarrel with Belarus, no need to move our men to the border."

"Yes, sir."

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-Flagship, Carrier Mogilev

"Roger that, HQ. Bearing coordinates for 65°24′S 25°45′E, international waters."


-Nations watching the movement of the Federal Union Flotilla will notice it bearing straight South, on a course to somewhere other than the Indian Ocean where the route to Asia is.-

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Closing into range of Soviet Russian waters, the carriers stopped. A few stealth UAVs were launched, as well as one unarmed MiG-1.44 with special airbrakes, allowing it to fly slower than normal. A banner was attached to the back.

As it took off with the UCAVs, the captain still didn't know what was going on.

A few hours later, on the Soviet Russian shore, massive bombardments began from the UAVs. However, bombs were not dropping. What was being fired from the UCAVs? Metal containers, opening up after hitting the ground to reveal sections of refrigerated special plastic 750ml of Stolichnaya Belarus' Vodka. Care was taken to not hit anything important, such as vehicles, Soviet Russian citizens, or buildings.

The banner was unraveled midflight, near the shore. It read:

"Comrades... the Revolution is Here. Brought to You By World Famous Stolichnaya."

The expansion of foreign vodka markets had begun.

//Edit: Clarification

Edited by comrade nikonov
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Additional scientists have been dispatched to the underground facility from the University of the Union, Minsk's nuclear physics lab. With this new influx of intellect, the warhead is nearing completion.

Additionally, the carrier flotilla deployed to the Southern Ocean is now being withdrawn.

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The Federal Union's Legislative Duma and Federative Council has successfully passed a bill changing the flag of the Federal Union. To reflect the membership of Moldova, a flag has been adopted with a horizontal bar symbolizing Belarus and a vertical one symbolizing Moldova. Also, the cross each stands for Belarus and Moldova.


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The war in Soviet Russia is in its last stages.

Currently, the city of Mogilev (Mohilow) is experiencing economic downturn due to the loss of its major industry to stiffer competition in Gavanograd-na-Antarktida. To solve this program the government has encouraged financial companies to move to Mogilev, and thus the project for the Mogilev Business District was born:

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Due to the integration of the Union Republic of Slavic Antarctica into our nation, the name Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova became obsolete. Instead, we began to search for a more general term, one that does not favor one nation over another. Therefore, the name Federal Union of the Slavic Republics was found to be most appropriate. However, we do like to make clear although our name includes "the Slavic Republics", we do not make an effort to represent all slavs of the world, as many lie under then benevolent rule of other nations, including Caucasia, Ukraine Fed, Kyivan' Rus, Slavorussian Empire, Vauleo-Buryatia, etc. The short form of the name will be the Slavic Union.

Also, a new flag is to be introduced following the introduction of a third entity. The flag below, represents peace, the flame of clarity, justice, and prosperity, on a sea of the Slavic color blue.


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The development team responsible for the Federal Union's ICBMs have been reassigned to install MaRVs with terminal guidance hardware onto non nuclear and nuclear ICBMs, which can then be fired into space and immediately come down at hypersonic speed, which will be of great use towards naval targets. This weapon, which will have a range of approximately 7,500 km, will be a major breakthrough in the technology of the Federal Union's military.

OOC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DF-21#Anti-Sh...llistic_Missile

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The Federation Council of Cultural Affairs have recently released a series of cultural posters, posted at public locations owned by the state, such as public buildings and subway stations.

These posters promote the Slavic identify as well as Pan-Slavism.


Translation: I am Slav.

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Due the passing of the Europe First Policy, a highly controversial decision has been made by the Presidium of the nation. The Federal Union of the Slavic Republics is notifying the Holy American Empire of the cancellation of the Belarus-Phoenix Empire MDoAP. In 72 hours, the treaty will be nullified.

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At the first signs of conflict approaching, the City Council of the Directly Administered Hanseatic City of Valkurheim has graciously donated 140kg of solid gold, formerly used as pipeline in the city. They say that it has been replaced with PVC, and that even though the pipelines have been used to transport civilian sewage, as they say, gold doesn't tarnish.

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"Hehe just a few hours more and we would have cancelled it"


We recognize the cancellation and can not say mourn the loss, the Holy American Empire is willing to void the duration on cancellation and remove the pact from the archives immediately.

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The Academy of Aeronautic sciences has currently began a program to develop Over the Horizon, or OTH radar. These radar will provide comprehensive radar coverage for most of Europe, so the Slavic Union will always know whats going on. However, some technical trouble has been encountered, and assistance from our allies the GDR has been requested to sort out a few minor technical problems, such as scaling and the specific radar wavelengths that should be used.


In other news, the Union Republic of Belarus has authorized a budget of 20 billion rubles for the import of Fusion reactors and technology from the German Democratic Republic. A total of 3 reactors, totaling 12.9 billion rubles, will be initially purchased, with the rest of the money dedicated to upkeep and technical support for a short term. The German Democratic Republic will receive wired payment once the contracts are finalized.

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In other news, the Union Republic of Belarus has authorized a budget of 20 billion rubles for the import of Fusion reactors and technology from the German Democratic Republic. A total of 3 reactors, totaling 13.2 billion rubles, will be initially purchased, with the rest of the money dedicated to upkeep and technical support for a short term. The German Democratic Republic will receive wired payment once the contracts are finalized.

The 2 reactors would be authorized after receiving the power consumption figures from the Belarusian government. While they'd need only one, future growth may likely require the second one. Thus, once built, the two reactors would run at about half their usual effective capacity each, to be raised as the need for energy rises.

Construction crews were sent shortly after payment was received, together with transports and the like to actually enable construction of the plants. As the URB did not ask for Deuterium plants, it was assumed they'd buy it cheaply from the GDR.

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