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Fleet of...ice?


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An unusual pair of ships was starting construction at Port Kurast. Large orders of Wood Pulp had been requested for the construction, as well as a large number of pumps, insulation, and pre-made pipe sections. There also seemed to be large molds being created in the construction yards around the work place.



Construction of overly large battleship-class vessels to be currently called Ice 1 and Ice 2 until completion. Strict secrecy is required. If successful these ice ships will be nearly unsinkable by regular means, and easily repaired.

Sections are to be built up inside of pre-shaped forms, then placed together to form the ship. Expected construction time to be 2 years before sea worthy.

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OOC for entire post

OOC: Nice use of the WW2 English idea.


OOC: They'd be confined to hugging your coast line. Your better off investing in Aircraft carriers

No, they are being made out of Pykrete, which already melts at a massively slower rate, and will also include a coolant system internally

OOC: I remember this myth being tested on Mythbusters, it was plausible, but highly impractical/ludicrous, because even though it could top speeds of 23 mph/37 km/h, it will spring a lot of leaks and melt away...

Unless you have something else in mind?

Yes, Bigger ship. And the Highly Impractical/ludicrous part will fit in nicely with CNRP :lol1:

OOC, ive also gotta say this is a bad idea mate. they would fall apart and melt if you went into deeper water.

even in the antarctic they would have to stay near the coast.

sorry to piss on your parade.

As before, its not regular ice, and will have a coolant system. The 60foot test model the English made took three summers to melt without coolant or repair.

Besides, I just want the ability to say "Thats no iceberg! That's a battleship!" :awesome: Not invade say, Brazil, with it. Though it could make it....in like 6 months. Heavy ships are heavy.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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OOC: Try sailing your super ice ship through warm water/air or under fire from incendiary shells/missiles. It is guarantee to melt apart.

OOC: since it melts slow, and is with a coolant system, no it wouldn't/ And incendiary shells/missiles would just melt a pool around their hole then extinguish :v Pykrete is aptly named. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pykrete

Its got about half the crush strength of concrete and almost 3 times the tensile strength. Its tensile strength is similar to that of high grade steel. And its only 0.98 density so a block of it floats in water.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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OOC: since it melts slow, and is with a coolant system, no it wouldn't/ And incendiary shells/missiles would just melt a pool around their hole then extinguish :v Pykrete is aptly named. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pykrete

Its got about half the crush strength of concrete and almost 3 times the tensile strength. Its tensile strength is similar to that of high grade steel. And its only 0.98 density so a block of it floats in water.

OOC tahsir it will not work. that is why its not been done yet.

it works fine in theory mate but not in practise.

we arnt telling you this to piss on your parade or anything butit actually wil not work.

not a cats chance in hell.

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OOC tahsir it will not work. that is why its not been done yet.

it works fine in theory mate but not in practise.

we arnt telling you this to piss on your parade or anything butit actually wil not work.

not a cats chance in hell.

OOC: It does work, it's been tested repeatedly to work, and was even slated to be a possible giant aircraft carrier in ww2. If it was tough enough to be planned for a warship, its tough enough to survive a little sunlight.

The only reason it hasn't been done yet is its damn expensive and creates a rather slow moving ship. So you can either have a fast ship that can sink easier, or a very slow ship that you'd have to crack into tiny bits to qualify it as "sunk", but is also made out of material so hard that you can compare it to concrete and steel. :v:


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OOC just edited this entire post because it involved foul language.. to much of it to even bother apolgising for.

the protostype was build in the arctic circle in a canadian lake.

thats why is never melted.

it was only a scale model aswell.

5/6 ppl said the same thing mate. do w.e u want its your RP, but i cant really see people recognising the ship outside of antarctic ocean operations.

and thats all ive gotta say on this.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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OOC: I have a book about this carrier from WWII that was to be built with Pykrete.

They built a prototype. It took ages to melt.


OOC: And the Mythbusters proved those kind of ships do not like to travel at high speed and will continue to deteriorate once it reaches a point of no return. They sailed on a boat made from that material off the coast of Alaska, it started cracking, and when they reached the shore, it continue to crack apart. If that aircraft carrier has to flee with its escorts already under heavy fire, it will have two choices:

A: Sail at the max safest speed and take heavy fire from angry enemy ships, including battleships at close range.

B: Sail at the max possible speed and hope that there won't be enough cracks from stress in the hull to sink the ship. If too many cracks develop, time to deploy the lifeboats and raise the white flag.

Even if that aircraft carrier can resist heavy fire, wait until it meets bunker buster missiles. Slow moving massive target=easy target.

Edited by HHAYD
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OOC: And the Mythbusters proved those kind of ships do not like to travel at high speed and will continue to deteriorate once it reaches a point of no return. They sailed on a boat made from that material off the coast of Alaska, it started cracking, and when they reached the shore, it continue to crack apart. If that aircraft carrier has to flee with its escorts already under heavy fire, it will have two choices:

A: Sail at the max safest speed and take heavy fire from angry enemy ships, including battleships at close range.

B: Sail at the max possible speed and hope that there won't be enough cracks from stress in the hull to sink the ship. If too many cracks develop, time to deploy the lifeboats and raise the white flag.

Even if that aircraft carrier can resist heavy fire, wait until it meets bunker buster missiles. Slow moving massive target=easy target.

OOC: the English carrier was going to be two million tons displacement, and 2000 feet long, while getting 6 knots of speed from WW2 engines. I'm not making something that big. Also, a bunker buster hitting ANY ship would sink it. Stop trying to use things that would sink a NORMAL ship from being a reason this ship fails.

Also the myth busters didn't include a coolant system, or repair their ship. For the rather tiny size boat they made, they got 20 minutes of use, and after it started breaking up, it still got them to shore without sinking.

Now include coolant, extremely more mass, repair work, and the fact its going to fight back and not be a sitting duck, like some of you treat ALL enemy ships it seems, and you have a ship that can take a lot of damage, get repaired while at sea, and dish out a lot of damage.

Not my fault some of you can't seem to grasp "THERE IS MORE THAN ONE KIND OF ICE?".

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OOC: I first learned about the whole ice ship thing on History Channel's "Weird Weapons", it stated that they canceled it only because the whole thing was just too expensive and time consuming, and the original reason for the project's existence is because of the threat of U-Boats and the lack of air support over the Atlantic. But the job was filled in the form of various islands being used as air bases and the arrival of the Escort Carrier as an anti-submarine warship. So, given modern technology, the ability to build this kind of warship is possible, and plus there wasn't enough ice to build these things, which Dranagg has plenty of.

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