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Michuraza declares full Uncondtionary War


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Any aggression against the Holy Imperium or her allies will be met with equal or greater retaliation. This is not limited to nuking the ocean.

"We would also like to note to the world that any aggression against the Holy Imperium, our ally, will be treated as such against New England. And to put it simply, we will not like it."CLASSIFIED
Wait, what if it is eventually determined the nuclear weapons in question were really launched by your respective ally, will you still stand by them? -

Liska Atka-

Edited by Generalissimo
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A Battalion of Strategic Command's Radiation Recovery Corps is on its way to Michuraza aboard 3 Halob transports. These soldiers would be armed for self defense.

Michuraza wish's to ask if that Cochin could send any Naval vessel from the Cochin Navy to help our Ships protect the territorial waters of Michuraza.

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The Kavaratti Class battle cruiser CNS Kavaratti, CR01, part of the Task Force 01 based at Makanrushi is now sailing to Michuraza and would be stationed in its territorial waters for the duration of the conflict. Any attack by any nation on a Royal Cochin Naval ship would be considered an act of war against the Kingdom of Cochin.

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"Zargathia was barely affected by the nuclear attack on Michuraza. There is a mountain range between Michuraza and mainland Zargathia, and radiation cleanup crews have been sent to the harbor area to keep the fallout from spreading, just as other teams are doing in Furon right now. We are working around the clock to keep the damage from spiraling out of control. We would also like to request Michuraza to refrain from making warlike comments while within our country. We would appreciate not getting involved until the actual perpetrators of these nuclear attacks are known."

Edited by Amyante
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*Private Message to Michuraza Government*

There is a private international investigation in progress, if you have evidence please forward it to the the following channel. Please don’t invite additional attacks through ill-thought unilateral action (it’s likely what the perpetrators of this want), justice will be yours when those responsible are identified beyond doubt.

-Liska Atka-

Edited by Generalissimo
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The SST was also barely effected by the situation at hand. While some fallout did manage to spread a few miles into the border, 10 miles at most, nuclear cleanup teams are currently en route and will be working around the clock to ensure it dosen't spread. No fallout has reached any major city of the SST, including Urajiosutuko.

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**breaking news**

It appears that the Michuraza government has been informed from one of their Naval cruisers of the Michuraza Royal Navy which was doing its daily patrol in Michurazian waters, saw the direction from were the nuke came from the smoke was traced towards to were SSR territorial waters were and now it is assured that the government of SSR did launch that nuclear missile on the Michuraza capital city of slavyanka.

The Michuraza government will make a response soon.

OOC: biggest fail ever. considering nukes fall from space. Also, you never recognized me as a nation, nor did I launch the nuke from near my homeland.

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