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Tribal Rebellion!


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Seoul Province

Troinan News Show

The Polar Bear, Penguin, and Ice tribes, all located in Matsue Province, have declared independence from Troina and that will be taking all of Matsue and Busan Provinces to form their new nation and that they are aware that this violates the Federal Protection Treaty.

President Shiznay has issued this statement "The Polar Bear, Penguin, and Ice tribes shall remain a part of Troina, they have no right to threaten the stability of the nation in this way. The 4th Infantry and 2nd and 3rd Armored Divisions are being activated as we speak. They shall not succeed."

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Matsue Province

Polar Bear, Penguin, and Ice tribal lands

Four men, dressed in boots and heavy coats crowded around a table to discuss their plans.

Polar Bear chief, Fasta Reese, spoke first "The Troinans are obviously trying to stop us, we must be quick in our actions and take both Matsue and Busan Provinces ASAP."

"Agreed," chorused the Penguin chief, David Ice and Ice chief Lola Sky.

The elected defense minister, Jerry Aurora, spoke up, "We have a total of 10,000 men, all armed with AK-47s and RPGs. We have only 20 rounds per AK mag and 2 rounds per RPG. They'll be organized in this way, 4,000 active duty and 6,000 in reserve.

Currently I know that there are at least three Troinan military bases within a 5-mile radius of us, the base immediately north is for the 3rd Infantry's 2nd Batt, the one west of us is for the entire 5th Armored Division, and the southern base is for the 1st Mech Division. I advise that we storm the 2nd Batt.'s base and take all their weapons with us.

We have limited transportation and will only be able to send 500 soldiers, so we'll be outnumbered two to one and we'll have to send in the best of the best, which I have already picked out. Any questions?"

There were none. Everyone then got up and left. David made a call to Ivan Snow for his force to start moving out.

OOC: I know, but I wanted to do something. Was getting bored, you know?

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Matsue Province

3rd Infantry, 2nd Batt. Base

Lieutenant Colonel Nora Trauma ordered the entire division to mobilize and put the threat level on red, just in case the rebels were to come and try to take the base.

Matuse Province

Highway 15

The vehicles of the rebel tribes filled highway 15. They moved with their AKs ready to fire at anyone who got in their way. They'd been driving for about 30 minutes when the cars at the front of the convoy stopped. Everyone got out. Blackhawk, Mountain Lion, Egg, and Blu all had control of 125 men. Blackhawk would take the front, Mountain Lion and Egg the west and east, while Blu would cover the rear. Blackhawk's soldiers moved on on foot while the rest got into cars and drove their way 100 meters from their assigned positions.

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****Private to Caucasia****

We are currently organized. We have an interim government consisting of the three tribal chiefs and also we have a defense minister, foreign affairs minister, and also 200 police.

We need weapons or help ASAP.

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****Private to Caucasia****

We are currently organized. We have an interim government consisting of the three tribal chiefs and also we have a defense minister, foreign affairs minister, and also 200 police.

We need weapons or help ASAP.

**Private to Tribes**

"We will sell you weapons. Pay us half price now, and you will only pay the rest if you win."

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"We could've sworn that Antarctica was largely unoccupied by any form of human life. Regardless, we wish you luck in regaining control of these regions."

Antarctica is lacking intelligent human life, for the most part.

Last we checked, Dranagg set the standard rather high, if you could believe that.

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Antarctica is lacking intelligent human life, for the most part.

Last we checked, Dranagg set the standard rather high, if you could believe that.

Premier Barney laughed out loud after reading that.

"good job the land we own is inhabited by civvies from the homeland and not indiginous flks eh big boy?" said barney to his bodyguard.. whos codename... was big boy.

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Now Promised Land shows their true colors - insulting those they disagree with even when the parties are not there.


"And Carthage displays how ignorant they are of world affairs...Dranagg sent 50 thousand troops into the Hanseatic Commonwealth...and no response was given when those troops were told to leave. Tell us honestly how that shows common sense."

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That's not incompetence. They merely made a mistake. If making a mistake is incompetence, then the whole world is guilty.

Making a mistake when it involves the lives of 50 thousand men is incompitence. No two ways about it. If it's simply a mistake, what's so different if the number is simply doubled?

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Matsue Province

3rd Infantry, 2nd Batt. Base

The soldiers heard the rumblings of trucks and other vehicles around them and set up a perimeter, 250 GIs on each side of the base. Humvees with 50 caliber MGs were also piloted.

Blu, Mountain Lion, and Egg all radioed Blackhawk telling him that they were in position.

"Good, I see they've set up a perimeter. Eveyone first launch four RPG rounds, then everyone rush them. Also take out those Humvees.

Two RPG teams from each commander fired two RPGs at the base. The RPGs hit the fence and killed a total of 50 GIs. They then picked up an AK and charged at the base with everyone else.

The soldiers were first stunned, but their training took over and they hit the ground and began firing their A3s and M60s at the rebels, killing 60 of them. They then positioned the Humvees so that they'd be protected from RPG fire, but could still fire their MGs.

Even though they'd racked up serious casualities, the rebels kept charging. Soon they were within 60 meters of the base. Cpl. Dostum then called in an airstrike.

"Hello this is Red Pepper, do you read me?"

"Loud and clear Red Pepper, this is Black Mamba, what do you need?"

"We need an airstike immediately on -34/46."

"OK. Got one coming up right now."

About 10 mins later an F-15 came into sight and fired 2 ALMs at Blu and Blackhawk's soldiers, killing a total of 75.

Edited by kitex
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