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Ordo Paradoxia Announcement and Message to Roman Empire


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So much disinformation.. so little time. OP has zero spies anywhere. We did not seek any information. On this poll started by Beazy who you know plays the game for the lulz about 1% of OP made comment in regards to RE. We do not censor our members they are allowed to speak their minds whether they are in agreement with leadership or not.

We did not make plans to attack LE, as you stated they are 1/5 our size. We have no desire to defeat LE with superior numbers. They are great fighters and deserve a chance at a fair fight. I will gladly post the logs with Folger on this very topic when I get home if anyone is interested. I am not looking to curbstomp anyone this round.

We had several offers at treaties but we turned them down. We are not looking to create treaty gridlock like you did as Emperor of RE - this is what will kill TE.

So far the only spy is you and the only one getting rolled is you.

Now that you have no Alliance in TE. I assume this is how you get your kicks but since this thread was not about you and it was not directed as you I'm not sure why you are still trolling the thread with nonsense.

Face it Tiberius, your 15 minutes is up.

Since there is a lot here, I will address it in a cool numbered system.

!@#$%^&* #1. If you have no spies, then how is it that the same person who (while not spying!) gave you information on RE raising their alert level, and is now flying the OP AA.

!@#$%^&* #2. You're percentage is a bit low. 30% of the people who voted in the poll said OP should hit RE. Numerous mid-level and high level government officials made comments supporting it. Most of your more active players also made comments supporting it. You yourself said nothing to discourage it, which is the very least you could have done if you didn't want a war. That's not censoring, that's common sense.

!@#$%^&* #3. You yourself agreed that exterminating LE would be good, out of a personal vendetta based in the actions of previous rounds. Your members are eagerly looking forward to curbstomps and exterminations.

!@#$%^&* #4. Yes, you got offers for treaties. You may have turned down formal treaties, but you didn't turn down informal ones. I have no proof because the person who gave me this information trusted me not to reveal it, but I know for a fact that you have a informal MDP with TPF. In addition, as you show in this post:


you are not averse to getting people "on your side." Basically, you go for treaties without calling them treaties, which allows you to act morally superior on the world stage. As for the treaties ruining TE thing, that debate has no place here, and you show personal weakness by getting into it. I'll be the bigger man and stay away from the topic.

I'm not trolling this thread- I'm responding to idiotic posts. Am I doing this for fun? Of course. Aren't we all? Isn't that the point of a game? I thought it would be fun to post those pics. Those pics are now what is driving this thread, so of course I am going to continue to be a part of the debate. And don't worry about my 15 minutes. I had three rounds as the most powerful person in TE, and a further three as one of the most powerful people. I've gotten my fill of fame.

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Well Tib, RE is less then half our size would that make you happier? I still think LE would put up a better fight member to member then anyother single alliance around.

Of course they are. But attacking RE would at the very least show more balls then attacking LE, since you'd have to deal with RE's allies.

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Not to dig up old bones, but, well, it's so fun! Anyways, and you think OP deserves it's rank? Yeah, cause it's so damn hard to have 10 huge SE alliances all pool their members into one TE alliance! How you guys managed to do that simply boggles my mind. I really wish I had that kind of skill.


If you really want skill, look at alliances that have survived and prospered in TE with almost no ties to SE. RE was founded as a TE only alliance; we eventually made an invitation only SE alliances for TE members. TPF is almost 100% TE. LE is perhaps the best example of a TE only alliance that is truly great. So next time, how about you try doing it the hard way and build an alliance from the ground up with no SE support, mmk?

i already created an alliance from purely TE nations and it was the best military power this game had seen. it took a coalition of literally 75% of TE attacking and certain alliances stabbing us in the back to bring us to our knees. i was ruling TE before you even knew how to run an alliance chump.

and yes OP deserves its rank. I can all but guarantee we're the most active alliance around and we have probably the most wealth of military experience in the game. So yeah we deserve it b/c we're the best.

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Since there is a lot here, I will address it in a cool numbered system.

!@#$%^&* #1. If you have no spies, then how is it that the same person who (while not spying!) gave you information on RE raising their alert level, and is now flying the OP AA.

!@#$%^&* #2. You're percentage is a bit low. 30% of the people who voted in the poll said OP should hit RE. Numerous mid-level and high level government officials made comments supporting it. Most of your more active players also made comments supporting it. You yourself said nothing to discourage it, which is the very least you could have done if you didn't want a war. That's not censoring, that's common sense.

!@#$%^&* #3. You yourself agreed that exterminating LE would be good, out of a personal vendetta based in the actions of previous rounds. Your members are eagerly looking forward to curbstomps and exterminations.

!@#$%^&* #4. Yes, you got offers for treaties. You may have turned down formal treaties, but you didn't turn down informal ones. I have no proof because the person who gave me this information trusted me not to reveal it, but I know for a fact that you have a informal MDP with TPF. In addition, as you show in this post:


you are not averse to getting people "on your side." Basically, you go for treaties without calling them treaties, which allows you to act morally superior on the world stage. As for the treaties ruining TE thing, that debate has no place here, and you show personal weakness by getting into it. I'll be the bigger man and stay away from the topic.

I'm not trolling this thread- I'm responding to idiotic posts. Am I doing this for fun? Of course. Aren't we all? Isn't that the point of a game? I thought it would be fun to post those pics. Those pics are now what is driving this thread, so of course I am going to continue to be a part of the debate. And don't worry about my 15 minutes. I had three rounds as the most powerful person in TE, and a further three as one of the most powerful people. I've gotten my fill of fame.

You are starting to bore me Tibs...

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Why don't you all just shut-up and fight already, jeez.

Update. OP. Hit RE. Wait for counter attacks. Pray.

It's like a bunch of 16 year old girls are playing this game!

No offence to any of you 16 year old girls out there :P

'Course the girls I know who play this game kick butt and take names.

And they don't whine nearly as much!

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i already created an alliance from purely TE nations and it was the best military power this game had seen. it took a coalition of literally 75% of TE attacking and certain alliances stabbing us in the back to bring us to our knees. i was ruling TE before you even knew how to run an alliance chump.

and yes OP deserves its rank. I can all but guarantee we're the most active alliance around and we have probably the most wealth of military experience in the game. So yeah we deserve it b/c we're the best.

Not. At. All. Judgment had some 600 nations, about 20% of TE at the time. Remember, I helped in the planning. You can't twist history so long as some of us here remember the truth. And if we're talking about MHA stabbing you in the back, hey, I'm not complaining. And MI was certainly no military machine. I fought two wars against them. You weren't bad as individuals, but your organization was !@#$. I'd certainly rate plenty of other alliances as having a far better military machine then MI did. LE, TPF, SWAT, WAPA, TF, just to name a few. And I've been on your OP forums remember. You're no more active then RE's forums, and you have some 200 members on RE. Your forums are only slightly more active then MHA's forums, and less so then TPF's forums. Your "military experience" all comes from SE, which as you well know is very different from TE. Nice try though.

we prefer to do our talking with our nukes tibs.

Another brilliant response that isn't a response! Oh Elb, I remember when you were, you know, intelligent. Bring that back, will you?

Edited by Tiberius12
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It shows you lie.

It shows me you are uninformed and speak before you know the facts. Like I said in chat I have been nothing but cordial to you and MHA. I like Thai and Lonewolfe and think they are stand up guys. I'm just trying to figure out your angle in this.

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I'm so glad you came to grace us with your brilliant commentary. Thank you oh-exalted one.

as you've so been so loudly protesting, our forums are teeming with spies. Why, pray tell, would we continue to discuss things that matter on them?

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