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The Mozambique Confederacy


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President Jobuk Wade, as well as Prime Minister Frederick Jeffnin leave the building. They push their way through the crowd to a nearby private runway. There they take off from a plane and later touches down in Pretoria

**Message to the Union**

We thank you for your help. If there is anything you need, we can be of assistance once this conflict is ended, provided we are still here.

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OOC: Sorry for more OOC, but I have to eat dinner now. Being only 15, and since my parents want my whole family to eat together, I do not have much say.

IC: We accept said treaty from the Union, if it is not a hypothetical scenario.

Edited by maicke
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Major Hendrik Christiaan met the leaders from Greece and The Confederacy. He wore his military uniform ocvered in ribbons and medals, as was his custom, and even his officer's cap. He had a stern air about him, but that was not because of the situation, it was simply in his personality.

"I have prepared shuttles for you to the conference room. We will begin after the representative from the Republic arrives. Please, make yourselves comfortable upon your arrival."

The representative from the Union was unexpected and quite frankly the disregard for South Africa's respectful wishes put Christiaan in a less than savory mood.

OOC: Assuming the Republic is coming:


"Please, sir from the Confederacy, I am running this meeting. Now, the initial proposal apparently isn't going to do any good. Therefore, we will propose new borders, ones that correlate more closely to existing regional borders. We will also create a DMZ between the nations and garrison it ourselves until such a time as regional stability is restored. Now, one at a time please, give me your rebuttals."

Edited by Cody Seb
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First of all, I must apologize, you may continue the meeting. Otherwise, could you please have your cartographer's draw a quick map of your idea so we may better understand it?

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The Mozambique-Greek Accords

The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of Earth Roleplay and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.

They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being in the Mozambican and Greek parts of the world.

They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defence and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this treaty :

Article I-Niceties-

Both nations agree to be respectful to one another in public and private and resolve any disputes through proper diplomatic channels.

Article II-Defence-

Neither nation shall take military action or engage in espionage against the other; similarly, no financial or military aid may be rendered by either nation to any party committing hostile action against the other. Both signatories shall pay 150% reparation if an accident occurs. In the circumstance of an attack upon either signatory the contracting parties agree to defend one another and act as one military cohesive unit when the government of the other signatory decides it is ready to go to war.

Article III-Aggression-

Both nations shall take military action or engage in espionage against enemies of the other state; In the circumstance of an attack by either signatory the contracting parties agree to defend one another as well as go to war to support the other nation.

Article IV-Intelligence-

Any information gathered by one of the signatories with any potential impact on the security of the other shall be promptly and privately forwarded to them. The member nations are strongly encouraged to provide assistance, based upon need and the best potential for development, to each other. The governments of the signatory nations are expected to promote this kind of cooperation and encourage their member nations to be involved in it.

Article V- Cancellation-

If the signatories of this treaty decide to cancel this agreement, it must give the other party 72 hours notice prior to the official cancellation, during which all above articles will be upheld.


Alexandros II

King of the Greek Empire

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"Here is the map proposal. South Africa is on the map for reference, our territory did not change. Here you can see that the Republic is given more of the Mozambique homeland, while what the Confederacy loses in this proposal from their own is given to them in terms of land area on the West, roughly."


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we are interested in your proposal, but would like to point out that The Republic has more land then us, which simply will not do.

This is our counter-proposal


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What would population figures be in terms of gains for the Confederacy, Greece asks not that the confederacy be given a majority of the population and factories and everything but that they be given their fair share

"The populations are well distributed. One area I left out for the Confederacy would be the two white regions between the 'prongs' on the Confederacy's north on the map.

I will have you know that with this discrepancy corrected, the difference in land is negligible. Like I said, the populations are well distributed, should you take that land back, it would be greatly unfavorable for the Republic, unfavorable enough to end negotiation."

Edited by Cody Seb
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We offer one last compromise, with only a small change from the original proposed by South Africa.

We encourage acceptance and a lowering of regional tension.

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"The populations are well distributed. One area I left out for the Confederacy would be the two white regions between the 'prongs' on the Confederacy's north on the map.

I will have you know that with this discrepancy corrected, the difference in land is negligible. Like I said, the populations are well distributed, should you take that land back, it would be greatly unfavorable for the Republic, unfavorable enough to end negotiation."

Thank you for the report on population.

We would like to know the location of Lake Nyasa on the map, for reference.

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The Republic once again refuses the counter-proposal. The province of Zambezia is the most populous province of Mozambique, and will directly affect population distribution.

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