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The Mozambique Confederacy


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**Private Discussions**

Jobuk: I see one giant flaw. Currently, the population of the lands you will receive is nearly, if not over, 50 million. I, however, will have a few million, perhaps 10. By accepting this deal, I in fact gain less than what I am fighting for.

I do not fully deny your proposal, though I wish that you review it.

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** Classified Information **

Bombers take off from an airbase not far to the north. But instead of dropping bombs, paper begins to fall into the streets, claiming that president wade is trying to get them all killed.

** Private Meeting Discussions **

The way I see it, this was a compromise. If you refuse, we will simply have to destroy you. By the way, (points at the protesters outside the window) you really should listen to them, as I am very tempted to take Greece's advice...

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*Response to the Confederacy*

I would like to counter your offer for a meeting with one of my own. I propose a 4-way meeting in Pretoria between you, the leaders of Greece and the Republic, and I so that we can talk this out. I can promise you, I do not want to see a conflict next to my country. We had troops active in the region until your governments sprang up, it would be a dreadful shame if I had to remobilize them because the leaders of the region didn't want to have a chat down here.

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**Private Discussions**

Jobuk: I see other flaws. Who gets to keep the national flag? What of the families that will be separated by this move?

I would like answers before a decision is made.

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** Response to South Africa / Republic **

Very well, we shall attend your conference. A peaceful solution would be best, although we would prefer it to be similar to our initial compromise if possible. Be warned that we will continue the fighting if we cannot agree on a solution, in which case we ask that you let us settle this among ourselves. Until then, we shall halt all military activity, and ask the Republic to do the same.

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for the preservation of peace and security

That is what is in your Treaty. If you think your actions, Greece, are these then I'm going to have to offer you the same peace and security you offer this region. You interfere with this regions affairs, I'll interfere in yours.

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** Messege to The Union **

This is a regional affair and we asked Greece to intervene, and we ask you to please stay away from both our and greeces affairs. If you would like to be involved in the discussions, you may fly to our conference in South Africa

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** Messege to Acca Dacca **

This is a regional affair and we asked Greece to intervene, and we ask you to please stay away from both our and greeces affairs. If you would like to be involved in the discussions, you may fly to our conference in South Africa

OOC: I believe you mean to The Union?

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Formal Reply to the Confederacy, Message to the Republic and Greece, as well as other nations concerned...

Thank you for your compliance. And to the leaders of the Republic and Greece, I do hope you attend this meeting. I'm sure no one here wants another party involved militarily and if we can get something figured out, we will intervene in any way we see necessary. However, we do not want this and so we have a vested interest in ending the hostilities now. Please make your way to Pretoria as soon as possible.

To other nations, we thank you for any support you give in ending hostilities, but we request that no military action is taken in the region or any military presence is sent to the region unless it regionally concerns you. Foreign presence will only inflame the situation, something we are trying to avoid.

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** Messege to Union**

This is a regional affair and we asked Greece to intervene, and we ask you to please stay away from both our and greeces affairs. If you would like to be involved in the discussions, you may fly to our conference in South Africa


Yes, a regional affair. So why is Greek there. Our presense will be present till Greek leaves.

OOC: to the Union

what is your issue with me?

OOC: I told you.


Greece will get out of this affair immediately.

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** Message to all involved countries **

The Republic and The Confederacy have both agreed to a cease fire, and we wish that all involved parties would come to the talks in South Africa rather then military action at this time

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OOC: The issues are all IC, not OOC. No OOC should be needed.

OOC: My question was hypothetical. I was just trying to tell him to calm down. Sorry if it seemed otherwise.

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To other nations, we thank you for any support you give in ending hostilities, but we request that no military action is taken in the region or any military presence is sent to the region unless it regionally concerns you. Foreign presence will only inflame the situation, something we are trying to avoid.

We will not intervene when Greece removes themselves form the area.

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OOC: Enough OOC. Graniteknight, thenb and maicke, if you're coming to the meeting just RP your arrivals and we'll all have this sorted out.

Reply to the Union

That's what we're aiming to do here. Greece has become part of this regional affair and it is regrettable that it was too late for it to be prevented. What your antion does is your own business and hopefully our talks will end conflict in the area but for the time being we wish to meet with their leader.

Edited by Cody Seb
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