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2010 Disparuean Elections


2010 Disparuean Elections  

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A man stood up. "Jimmy Nelson, freelance reporter. Ms. Celeste, I know you're not currently a prostitute, but I know you used to be. I still have pictures from the night you gave me gonorrhea, which I can provide to you. Speaking of which, do you mind paying my medical bills?"

"Sir, are you trying to spark a flame war or just insulting Ms. Celeste? I'd hardly call your news channel unbiased, especially with all of those inappropriate questions and comments." asked a GLS National News reporter.

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"How about if you don't shut up I feed you your teeth? And you call yourselves an unbiased news Channel." Turning to the candidates, the DUNES representative, a rather large woman by the name of Cynthia Calhoon, asked her question.

"I'm not with a channel. What part of 'freelance' don't you get?" Nelson snapped.

"Sir, are you trying to spark a flame war or just insulting Ms. Celeste? I'd hardly call your news channel unbiased, especially with all of those inappropriate questions and comments." asked a GLS National News reporter.

"I'm not with a channel, damn it. I can show you medical records and...physical evidence of my condition."

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"I'm not with a channel. What part of 'freelance' don't you get?" Nelson snapped.

"I'm not with a channel, damn it. I can show you medical records and...physical evidence of my condition."

"Then maybe you should be quiet and take this somewhere else...neither we nor the world give a damn."

-Hanseatic reporter

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OoC: Sorry guys, RL has been busy. Finalized election results coming soon.

The Imperial Observer is reporting that Disparu looks set to form a minority government under the Empire Party. More to come...

Deadlocks and stalemates FTL. :(


A man stood up. "Jimmy Nelson, freelance reporter. Ms. Celeste, I know you're not currently a prostitute, but I know you used to be. I still have pictures from the night you gave me gonorrhea, which I can provide to you. Speaking of which, do you mind paying my medical bills?"


"If Miss Celeste wins the election, due to her policies seeming to reflect my own, I would be honored to have a few words with her in Apophis after the election. You have the Hansa's support for continued relations with Disparu. Good luck."

-H. Asgeirsson


If I win the elections, I will be more than happy to visit the Hanseatic Commonwealth and discuss some things.

Cynthia Celeste

"How about if you don't shut up I feed you your teeth? And you call yourselves an unbiased news Channel." Turning to the candidates, the DUNES representative, a rather large woman by the name of Cynthia Calhoon, asked her question.

"If elected, what sort of policies, if any, will you enact concerning education? If not, why would you not change any of them?"

Celeste: We'll continue to enforce the status quo; primary and secondary education will be payed for by the Government, while anything after post-secondary will be payed individually. Not everyone wants to go to post-secondary education, and that money could be better used for other things.

Fowl: *motions toward Celeste* What she said, though we would try to increase availability of post-secondary education to Disparueans. It's usually the financial part that destroys the dreams of aspiring Disparueans.

Gardenia: We won't really change anything in terms of education, but we would begin an initiative to make schools, and other institutions, to be greener.

Duceppe: Obviously, we will add more French subjects to the curriculum. For example, we could add French Science, French Geography, et cetera.

Roy: One of my party's goals is to provide equal amounts of education to Disparueans, which means everyone will get primary, secondary and post-secondary education. The current system is currently unfair to those without the financial and/or mental capabilities to gain access to post-secondary education.

Reporter James Walker of the Eatonville Dispatch stood up and asked, "Are you willing to recognize new nations like Cascade? And uh, can we stop with the prostitute crud, you're making me sick", and then he grabs his mouth and then runs to the nearest men's room to throw up.

Celeste: That depends on quite a lot of factors. I would only recognize Cascade if it had a lot of international support that includes Tahoe's support, considering that you're claiming land that's currently theirs.

Fowl: What Celeste said, though I would add that you would only get my support if the people of the area actually wants to secede from Tahoe and form Cascade.

Gardenia: No comment.

Duceppe: No comment.

Roy: Yes! We'll recognize new nations like you that are fighting against imperialist powers, such as Tahoe.

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"I'm not with a channel. What part of 'freelance' don't you get?" Nelson snapped.

"I'm not with a channel, damn it. I can show you medical records and...physical evidence of my condition."

A man in the crowd stood up and said to the freelance reporter, "Dude, ask real questions, not stuff that should be kept private! Who cares that one of the politicians was a prostitute in the past, that's something which should never be mentioned in a political debate! Besides, it's disgusting!", and just then Walker comes back, his tongue hanging out and looking sickly.

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"Ms. Celeste, polls show that you will win the candidacy. If you win, how much of the money that you earned "on the street" will you be putting into the federal reserve? Also, how many more babies do you plan on making? Will you have babies with me?"

OOC: Does a candidate need simply the most votes to win, or does he/she need a simple majority, or 50%?

Edited by KingChris
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"Do you think that an MDP and stronger economic ties to Kitex would be possible?"

Celeste: Economic ties? Sure, if you have anything in Antarctica that we don't have, such as a resource or a potential market for businesses/ As for an MDP, well, I don't really like the idea of trying to protect a nation halfway across the world.

Fowl: Of course, we'd be happy to. Kitex is one of Disparu's friends, and we'd be happy to have more relations between Disparu and kitex.

Gardenia: You developed a BioFarm, right? If so, then yes on economic ties.

Duceppe: You're probably not French, so no.

Roy: We'll consider it.

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OoC: Sorry guys, RL has been busy. Finalized election results coming soon.

Deadlocks and stalemates FTL. :(



A Cascadian reporter whispered to his colleague, "That's one ticked off candidate!"

Celeste: That depends on quite a lot of factors. I would only recognize Cascade if it had a lot of international support that includes Tahoe's support, considering that you're claiming land that's currently theirs.

Fowl: What Celeste said, though I would add that you would only get my support if the people of the area actually wants to secede from Tahoe and form Cascade.

Gardenia: No comment.

Duceppe: No comment.

Roy: Yes! We'll recognize new nations like you that are fighting against imperialist powers, such as Tahoe.

Walker, after he came back from his trip to the bathroom, said, "That's okay, our nation's still trying to figure out what to do with Tahoe. It's very likely that sometime in the future, the Cascade Government will try to negotiate with the Tahoan Government about Cascade getting Washington. And Mr. Fowl, I'm pretty sure not a whole lot of Washingtonians like being ruled by a bunch of Irishmen who don't represent them, unlike us, but uh, I guess that's all gentlemen.", and he sat back down.

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"I'm not with a channel. What part of 'freelance' don't you get?" Nelson snapped.

"I'm not with a channel, damn it. I can show you medical records and...physical evidence of my condition."

A man in the crowd stood up and said to the freelance reporter, "Dude, ask real questions, not stuff that should be kept private! Who cares that one of the politicians was a prostitute in the past, that's something which should never be mentioned in a political debate! Besides, it's disgusting!", and just then Walker comes back, his tongue hanging out and looking sickly.

Celeste: I WAS NEVER ONE! Actually, you bring up a good point. It kinda does matter, considering that a politician is also a moral guide, don't you think?

"Ms. Celeste, polls show that you will win the candidacy. If you win, how much of the money that you earned "on the street" will you be putting into the federal reserve? Also, how many more babies do you plan on making? Will you have babies with me?"

OOC: Does a candidate need simply the most votes to win, or does he/she need a simple majority, or 50%?

Celeste: You mean the money I get from being a politician? I don't really see the purpose of placing my money in the Reserve, considering that it already gets taxed too much. As for your other questions; none and no.

OoC: A party needs at least 50%+1 of the seats in the Commons (Disparu's House of Representatives) to form a majority government. If it's lower than that, then they form a minority government. If the EPD doesn't have the majority, the other four parties could form a coalition and form their own government.

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Celeste: You mean the money I get from being a politician? I don't really see the purpose of placing my money in the Reserve, considering that it already gets taxed too much. As for your other questions; none and no.

OoC: A party needs at least 50%+1 of the seats in the Commons (Disparu's House of Representatives) to form a majority government. If it's lower than that, then they form a minority government. If the EPD doesn't have the majority, the other four parties could form a coalition and form their own government.

"No no no, on the street means prostitution. Also, what do you think of that ad about you being Anti-Tintagylist and hating free speech? Do you also hate free press and other civil liberties?"

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"No no no, on the street means prostitution. Also, what do you think of that ad about you being Anti-Tintagylist and hating free speech? Do you also hate free press and other civil liberties?"

Celeste: What did I tell you before? I was never one. As for that attack ad, well, it was extremely tasteless and shameful for the Democratic Party. It's so bad that it's only below from the Caucasians' accusations. I'm not Anti-Tintagylist, I never vandalize Lady Tintagyl's statue at Darach Park. And I support freedom of speech as it is one of Disparu's cherished values. Free press is good as long as they don't report baseless accusations.

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"No no no, on the street means prostitution. Also, what do you think of that ad about you being Anti-Tintagylist and hating free speech? Do you also hate free press and other civil liberties?"

A Caucasian State News reporter stood up. "Before anyone says anything, we didn't do that particular report. Anyway. Ms. Celeste, if elected, what would your position to non-American nations be?"

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A Caucasian State News reporter stood up. "Before anyone says anything, we didn't do that particular report. Anyway. Ms. Celeste, if elected, what would your position to non-American nations be?"

Celeste: As I've said, we would be interested on signing free trade agreements with different nations, even non-American ones, though we might go further if they have the same ideals as us. Otherwise, we might continue to uphold the status quo.

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Celeste: What did I tell you before? I was never one. As for that attack ad, well, it was extremely tasteless and shameful for the Democratic Party. It's so bad that it's only below from the Caucasians' accusations. I'm not Anti-Tintagylist, I never vandalize Lady Tintagyl's statue at Darach Park. And I support freedom of speech as it is one of Disparu's cherished values. Free press is good as long as they don't report baseless accusations.

"But you were one! Don't you remember me? Or did you have too many clients?

And you support freedom of speech? Well I beg to differ, considering that you called for security to take a man who only said non-threatening things about you."

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A Caucasian State News reporter stood up. "Before anyone says anything, we didn't do that particular report. Anyway. Ms. Celeste, if elected, what would your position to non-American nations be?"

"Well well...a question that makes sense from a Caucasian news channel," Cynthia muttered after muting the microphone she had. "Is the sun still shining?"

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"But you were one! Don't you remember me? Or did you have too many clients?

And you support freedom of speech? Well I beg to differ, considering that you called for security to take a man who only said non-threatening things about you."

"Oh, put a sock in it, will you?" The rather large reporter stood and cracked her knuckles. She had little patience for fools.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"Well well...a question that makes sense from a Caucasian news channel," Cynthia muttered after muting the microphone she had. "Is the sun still shining?"

"Actually, this is the first question from a Caucasian news channel reporter. The rest are mostly freelancers and such." He turned back to the candidates. "The rest of the candidates: same question as I asked Ms. Celeste."

Edited by Drakedeath
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OoC: Current results:


DPD  : 03/30 (10.00%)
EPD  : 14/30 (46.67%)
GPD  : 03/30 (10.00%)
PFD  : 02/30 (06.67%)
CPD  : 07/30 (23.33%)
Null : 01/30 (03.33%)
Total: 30/30 (100%)


Disparu News Network

Elections Update

"All polls have been closed and the results have been finalized. Voter turnout has been fairly high, with almost 80% of the nation registering to vote. Without further ado, here are the results of the 2010 Disparuean federal elections:


This election's results is obviously more diverse than the last election's.

The Empire Party has garnered most of the votes, totalling at about 47%, which automatically means that the Empire Party will be forming our government until the next elections. Unfortunately, they did not get enough votes to form a majority government, so the other parties could theoretically form a coalition to topple the current government. But that will never happen. Anyways, the EPD has gained approximately 2% more votes compared to the last election.

Surprisingly enough, the EPD's main rival and the party that once had the majority, the Democratic Party, didn't even gain enough votes to form the Official Opposition. Instead, that honour goes to the previously-unknown Communist Party, garnering about 23% of the votes. One can certainly say that both the CPD and the EPD are polar opposites. This is gonna be interesting.

The Democratic Party is now the epitome of a Disparuean epic fail. The DPD only garnered a meek 10% of the votes despite having a lot of support during the previous elections. The Green Party, who had also garnered 10% of the votes, actually did fairly well on this election, gaining 7% more votes compared to the last election. Previously-unknown nationalist Parti Français (French Party) garnered approximately 7% of the votes. Independent candidates have garnered approximately 3% of the vote in total.

There you have it folks, the 2010 Elections! Inaugurations and appointments will be held soon, while we have received reports that all party leaders will be broadcasting speeches momentarily."

Edited by Pikachurin
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"Yes! We helped the Empire Party to power! Now, let us celebrate with a bottle of our finest wine, ladies and gentlemen..."


"New England congratulates the Empire Party in its victory, and wishes the Disparuean government well. We look forward to continuing the excellent friendship and relationship between our nations."

Edited by JEDCJT
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