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The Allied Anti-Imperialist Conference


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"The Peoples Republic of China is against the British Empire's imperialist aggression" stated Hao Dong. "Therefore i have a copy of President Li Jing's and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mei Liao's signatures with me in case there were any treaties to be signed."

He opens his briefcase and places a piece of paper on the table.

Signed for the Peoples Republic of China

President Li Jing

Minister for Foreign Affairs Mei Liao

"Therefore i can confirm that the PRC wishes to sign the treaty."

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"After the recent British annexation of Australia, America wishes to send a delegate to this meeting, if the current representatives would allow it."

EDIT: "You may send a representative."

Edited by KingChris
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OOC: No, but if we get signatories from every continent, that won't matter, now will it? :P

OOC: Yet they would be allowed to expand into their own continent? I don't get how it is immoral to expand into others yet okay if you stick to your own. Seems to me like a silly rule simply to make my Indian territory appear wrong.

Furthermore, North and South America are NOT the same continent. As such I can presume America will be rescinding its claims from Colombia, etc? And the Kuwaiti Emirate. Asia and Africa? Tut tut.

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OOC: Yet they would be allowed to expand into their own continent? I don't get how it is immoral to expand into others yet okay if you stick to your own. Seems to me like a silly rule simply to make my Indian territory appear wrong.

Furthermore, North and South America are NOT the same continent. As such I can presume America will be rescinding its claims from Colombia, etc? And the Kuwaiti Emirate. Asia and Africa? Tut tut.

OOC: OK, let me address them point by point.

No major power, historically, has EVER seriously condemned Imperialism when it's a nation expanding on its own continent, excepting perhaps during the Cold War, and that was the exception,, not the rule. No one is saying OOC'ly it is moral or right; in fact, it is not, but it is realistic to have at least a small degree of hypocrisy in any nation. Perhaps the reason it is not frowned upon so much on one's own continent is it's actually easier to administer a territory not seperate from the main nation... :P

Second, the Americas may not be the same continent...however, they have always been grouped together, ever since the Monroe Doctrine, and they are for all intents and purposes one solid landmass from the northern tip of the Alaskan mainland to the southern tip of Chile.

As a side note, that doctrine is one of the reasons Mexico is still a sovereign nation...

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Louis XX sat quietly during the whole meeting, in fact he was so quite nobody really noticed he was there. He leans forward in his seat, and with his usual calm, charming voice says, “As much as I would like to sign this for France, I think I need to address the issue of ‘French colonialism’ since it was brought up earlier in the discussion.” he gradually rises from his chair and continues, “France has no such thing as a ‘colony’ all our Overseas Departments like French Guainía, French Polynesia, New Caledonia and so on, are all full incorporated into the Kingdom of France. They have all the same rights as the French Metropolitan Departments, and in some cases more autonomy. This isn’t a new situation--it‘s the way things have been since the end of the Third Empire.” Louis steps away from his seat at the table and walks toward the treaty, taking a pen out of his pocket and goes on, “If everyone here can live with that and will accept my solemn word that France‘s overseas holdings will not grow then I’ll go ahead and sigh this document.” Louis waits patiently for a reply.

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Louis XX sat quietly during the whole meeting, in fact he was so quite nobody really noticed he was there. He leans forward in his seat, and with his usual calm, charming voice says, “As much as I would like to sign this for France, I think I need to address the issue of ‘French colonialism’ since it was brought up earlier in the discussion.” he gradually rises from his chair and continues, “France has no such thing as a ‘colony’ all our Overseas Departments like French Guainía, French Polynesia, New Caledonia and so on, are all full incorporated into the Kingdom of France. They have all the same rights as the French Metropolitan Departments, and in some cases more autonomy. This isn’t a new situation--it‘s the way things have been since the end of the Third Empire.” Louis steps away from his seat at the table and walks toward the treaty, taking a pen out of his pocket and goes on, “If everyone here can live with that and will accept my solemn word that France‘s overseas holdings will not grow then I’ll go ahead and sigh this document.” Louis waits patiently for a reply.

No one is accusing you of such things, and in Canada's view, such overseas holdings are grandfathered into any policy, hence our lack of opposition to French Guiana.

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Louis XX sat quietly during the whole meeting, in fact he was so quite nobody really noticed he was there. He leans forward in his seat, and with his usual calm, charming voice says, "As much as I would like to sign this for France, I think I need to address the issue of 'French colonialism' since it was brought up earlier in the discussion." he gradually rises from his chair and continues, "France has no such thing as a 'colony' all our Overseas Departments like French Guainía, French Polynesia, New Caledonia and so on, are all full incorporated into the Kingdom of France. They have all the same rights as the French Metropolitan Departments, and in some cases more autonomy. This isn't a new situation--it's the way things have been since the end of the Third Empire." Louis steps away from his seat at the table and walks toward the treaty, taking a pen out of his pocket and goes on, "If everyone here can live with that and will accept my solemn word that France's overseas holdings will not grow then I'll go ahead and sigh this document." Louis waits patiently for a reply.
No one is accusing you of such things, and in Canada's view, such overseas holdings are grandfathered into any policy, hence our lack of opposition to French Guiana.

"A given. You are not abusing your territories there in any way. We wouldn't dream of taking those people away from the government they know."

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"Well, certainly Emperor Napoleon and I will take Brasil's opposition into consideration, but I can't make any promises. Such are the drawbacks of a co-regency I’m afraid."

Louis XX draws his pen and places it against the paper, "If there are no other objections then my signature will serve as a pledge from the French government to responsibly uphold ourselves to the parameters of this treaty."


Louis Alphonse of Bourbon, Co-Regent of the Kingdom of France

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