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Out of the Ashes comes something a-new.

Madame Unicorn

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As people sit down to enjoy their evening meal, television sets across the country of Annihilation flicker into life, as they tune into the official news network. A well dressed woman with long blonde hair sits behind a desk made of polished wood and stainless steel. She looks up, gravely, to inform the nation of it's news.

"My fellow citizens. Today we must bow our heads in sorrow, and believe me, there is no way to tell you this. Madame Unicorn, our dearly beloved leader and icon, passed away. Actually... She committed suicide."

The blonde woman looks down, and the viewers see a single black tear run down her face.

"Madame Unicorn was not available to us for many months, and people in our fair country did not like this. Civil unrest, we believe, caused her to go insane. This, coupled with the sudden loss of her son, made her life empty and void, people believe."

"However, we must remember Madame Unicorn for the better parts of her life. We must remember her as a great leader. Infrastructure and social security was among her big projects, and her government carried these out smoothly and efficiently. The government has fled as a result of the civil unrest and protests, and a new government is soon to be announced."

"Rest In Peace, Madame Unicorn. You will be loved, and missed by all. Forever."

The news stops, as the TV set goes black. The announcement is over.

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OOC: Guys, I'll be RPing a new leader.. Haven't figured out who yet. MU was boring me :P

Thanks, in the form of bottles of wine are being sent to the leaders of the world who have expressed their condolences at the death of the previous leader.

May she rest in peace.

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OOC: Guys, I'll be RPing a new leader.. Haven't figured out who yet. MU was boring me :P

Thanks, in the form of bottles of wine are being sent to the leaders of the world who have expressed their condolences at the death of the previous leader.

May she rest in peace.

OOC: :3

IC: In return, a barrel of the finest bavarian Helles would be sent, to either be put into the grave of Miss Unicorn, or to be drunk after the ceremony to commemorate her deeds and leadership.

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OOC: werent you pregnant? Siblings :(


Acca Dacca is holding a day of prayer for this loss. It is a loss to Annihilation, Acca Dacca, and the world. We hope that Annihilation can get back on thier feet, and if they need help, Acca Dacca is there.

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We thank everyone for their condolences. A government has been formed, but needs a strong and courageous leader. We have intercepted reports that the leader of the former Glorious Aotearoa, LeVentNoir, is hiding out somewhere in Annihilation. The Ilamese Guard has been sent to find him.

We will update the world with news as it comes to hand.

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