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Fall of the State

Sarah Tintagyl

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For months the nation lay in a state of perpetual chaos and disorder, the rumors of course had been true, the Aviz Dynasty being as weak as it was could not hold off the pains of nation building properly. Prosperity had decreased since the push for independence, the local militia run by the patriarchs had gained power and the Royal Family found itself in a state of constant conflict between the powers that truly ran the state of Portugal, the Old Families.

Joao sat alone in his study. A glass of red wine in his hand with a pen and paper staring back at him. "The country wasn't ready for independence I guess. Perhaps, someone wiser, someone more in tune with the world."

Dabbing the pen into an ink pot he began to write.

To His Excellency, Douglas of Scotland

My Lord,

As I should become used to calling you again, I write as your loyal subject that desires help in a time of disaster and darkness. It grieves me to say this, but I nor the Portuguese people were truly ready for independence. I request, as head of state and government, along with my Council that Scotland take control of the region known as Portugal and bring back prosperity to the region.


Joao Aviz VI

It was time to find a new destiny, on another road.

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