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Operation Chernorussia

Imperator Azenquor

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OOC: hey, IC we thought the diplomat gave the order for her soldiers to attack when we threatened to put her in custody for refusing to hand over a suspicious object. <_< is that not reason enough?

OOC: My personal opinion is that both you and IA mishandled this whole thing to a degree. However, IC, I support him.

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"The meeting will be held in Novaya Sobor." Big Brother said as he left. "In Victory Square Government Building. Bring no more than 4 guards each. And you." he looked at Sakuya. "Unless you bring back my Foreign Minister, you will not be allowed to join these talks."

OOC: The sentence highlighted in bold was not their previously. You edited that in yesterday.

OOC: hey, IC we thought the diplomat gave the order for her soldiers to attack when we threatened to put her in custody for refusing to hand over a suspicious object. <_< is that not reason enough?

OOC: No. Stop twisting reality. The soldiers only fired when you attempted to disarm them and not before. Could you adjust your casualty figures so that I can RP damages and the war can continue?

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Operation Wrath of the Viper

[space reserved for Buryatian Battle Damage from first round]

***Troop Movements***

The Buryatian Rocketry Corps launches 10 V-09 Vishnu missiles towards military bases and usable runways in Chernorussia. The Rocketry Corps took full advantage of Chernorussia’s non-existent anti-missile systems to devastating effect. The second phase of the battle would take place in the skies.

The Buryatian Air Force deployed 360 aircraft into combat against Chernorussia. The Air Force was given the simple orders to establish utter and total air superiority over the territory. Buryatian Su-35s and MiG 35s are placed on hot standby at bases inside Buryatia. Once the Vishnu missiles are launched at their targets the Air Force moves into action. The first wave was lead by 48 MiG 35s.


-MiG 35s

The MiGs engaged with any Chernorussian fighters they encountered during their lightning fast push into Chernorussian airspace. They took advantage of altitude, and the long range of their R-77 air to air missiles to attack enemy aircraft at a distance.

Once the initial wave engaged the enemy, the secondary wave moved in. 100 Buryatian Su-35s, escorted by additional 212 MiG 35s, crossed into Chernorussian airspace and resumed bombarding military targets. The aircraft targeted military bases, runways, enemy armor columns, radar stations, AA defenses and grounded aircraft.

Once the bombers moved in, the third wave was activated. 50 Buryatian Mi-28 attack helicopters cross the northern border into Chernorussian airspace to track down and attack any remaining enemy troop or armor columns that had managed to survive the bombardment.



As the Mi-28s advanced, Artillery positions along the border (primarily made up of BA-774s) resumed shelling Chernorussian territory. The BA-774s remain on the Buryatian side of the border and in range of Buryatian S-400s and S-300 systems. Unlike with the previous bombardment, 1000 T-90 tanks and 80,000 troops (in two separate divisions) push across the border into Chernorussia. As they advance, 40,000 additional soldiers and 700 T-90s, move into Buryatia’s protectorate next to Chernorussia and prepare to attack from the west, and 20,000 additional troops and 200 T-90s move to the northern border.

OOC: @Nagato: Here is my second battle move. When you have adjusted your casualties to reflect the damage from the first attack, then I will RP my damages from that attack.

@Biohazard: Whenever you are ready, feel free to post your first battle move, while we wait for Nagato to reply

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<\Classified\Military Movements>

"Roger that," said the pilot of the C-5 Galaxy. The pilot initiated the sequences to get the plane off the runway, as well as making sure he was clear to fly, before leaving the runway. To his right and left, two other C-5As left their respective runways. The trio was heading north, towards the Buryatian Military Base, within Chernorussia. They were to drop off neccessary cargo and other precious things the Furion soldiers would need in action.


C-5A Galaxy

Meanwhile, the Furion merchant fleet was preparing to ship over 15,000 Furion soldiers, as well as an accompanying 300 Type 90 MBTs, in order to assist in the fighting.


Japanese Type 90 MBT


In Buryatia

The 7 F-22 Raptor Squadrons and 4 Tupolev Tu-160 Bomber Squadrons were given the green light in order to engage the Chernorussians. They left their respective airbases and split off into various groups, targeting military installations, and any visible defenses they could find.

The 1,000 Soldiers that were present in the Buryatian Military Bases, however, were ordered to be on guard, in the event of a Chernorussian attack, as they awaited the deployment of the 15,000 Soldiers and 300 MBTs from Furon.

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If the invading forces had continued to push into Chernorussia, they would have discovered that strangely, almost all the major cities had been abandoned. a few determined soldiers had remained behind and continued to fight, but the rest of the population had for some reason left completely.

OOC: surrendering only because i hardly have any time left to RP

OOC: Quit stalling Nagato, and post. It's not that hard.

OOC: it's not called stalling. it's called i have a life outside of CNRP that i need to tend to. and it is that hard.

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If the invading forces had continued to push into Chernorussia, they would have discovered that strangely, almost all the major cities had been abandoned. a few determined soldiers had remained behind and continued to fight, but the rest of the population had for some reason left completely.

OOC: surrendering only because i hardly have any time left to RP

OOC: it's not called stalling. it's called i have a life outside of CNRP that i need to tend to. and it is that hard.

OOC: You have no where to abandon your cities to. You have Buryatian soldiers along almost all of your land borders, and the Buryatian Navy blocking sea routes, so your citizens are stuck there unless they all sneak into Yuktobania. Your surrender is accepted and will be RPed accordingly.

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With Chernorussia's surrender, Buryatian forces advanced rapidly deeper and deeper into Chernorussian territory. Soldiers from the Chernorussian Army who obeyed the surrender were simply disarmed and confined to their bases, those that fired on Buryatian forces despite the ceasefire were met with a similar response.

The Buryatian Air Force maintained patrols over Chernorussian airspace, and dropped fliers in major towns and cities requesting information on the whereabouts of Chernorussia's senior government officials. Border restrictions remained as tight as ever and Navy ships continued to block Chernorussian routes to open sea.

In areas that had were now fully under the control of the Buryatian Army, peacekeepers who withdrew to the military base redeployed to provide humanitarian assistance to Chernorussian citizens.

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With the recent, and albeit surprising, massive surrender of the Chernorussian forces, we will be withdrawing our troops, tanks, and aircraft from the region. Hopefully, we'll be able to help each other in battle again. We wish you luck in stabilizing the rest of the Chernorussian region.

Edited by Biohazard
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