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The Coronation of Darkness

Elrich von Richt

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Devereaux sighed as he stepped off his jet. He was... melancholy; so much lost, so much he would never get back. That old logo of his defunct company still sat emblazoned on the rear fin "Solex". Following the attendant he climbed into the limousine awaiting his arrival. Once inside they continued on to the coronation.

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It took a little longer than forty minutes, but Amyante eventually stepped into Haruhi's office, wearing the dress the God-Empress had given her to wear. Her hair had been tied up in two symmetrical braids, a style which had been well known in historical China as well.

- "Heh, sorry for the wait. Took forever to get my hair like this. It likes to be kept loose too much i suppose..."

She smiled apologetically, wondering faintly if Haruhi would know the secondary meaning of having two braids as opposed to one, but made a mental note not to bring it up in case she'd end up giving her any ideas.

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Haruhi looked down the corridor of the room, and felt as if she saw a specter creep across the darkness. She shook it off, it must be her imagination running wild. She believed in the eccentric, but the chances of one popping up easily was slim. She rubbed her eyes, and saw that Mayoi was just now waking up. That was good. She would be here to see this. The embassy was due to finish in three days. So much had happened, it all had led to the coronation. This moment was one of both brilliance, and beauty. Now that the representative arrived from The Citadel, things could commence shortly. She yelled down the hall, "Sakuya! It's almost time!". She hoped her cousin heard, so she could prepare accordingly. Haruhigrad Animation was working with the government to established the animated series of the SOS Brigade's existant history.

"Amy, the dress looks great on you, really."

She sighed, and knew she was telling the truth. It honestly did look stunning. She motioned for her to follow her down the corridor, back to the main room. The coronation was to start, almost as shortly as it had been prepared. Of course, don't unhappy intrusions usually happen when the happiest of things occur? What said this occasion was shy of that?

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"Hello Uncle.... What?... When?...... Okay, I shall convey the message and leave immediately." Vikram cut the call on his mobile and looked around for a Haruhiist Empire official. He had just received the bad news.

The wrote down a message on a piece of paper and handed it the official, "We have to leave now. I am sorry, but something has come up. Please do give this message to your God Empress."

He then walked out where the King's Guard troopers had already summoned the limousine for a hasty drive back to the airport.

The message read,

"Respected God Empress,

I regret to inform you that due to the passing away of Chairman Maelstrom Vortex of Dragonisia, I have been summoned by my uncle His Highness Rama Varma to Cochin immediately. I am deeply sorry that I would be unable to attend the Coronation ceremony of your Crown Princess. We wish you best of luck.


Vikram Kerala Varma,

Crown Prince of Cochin."

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It was... odd, for lack of a better word, to be wearing a dress again. It occurred to her that she hadn't worn one ever since she had first gathered her little army to head on to Taeunas, and she was feeling a bit out of practice. Decidedly ignoring how her legs were feeling, she smirked at Haruhi's compliments, knowing full well that the God-Empress had been the one to choose the dress in the first place. Still, this was Haruhi's day, she supposed, and a little concession or two on her behalf really wouldn't have been too much to ask.

She was ready. Now all she needed to do was wait for the Coronation to start.

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OOC: Sorry I'm late.

IC: Anthony Harlem glared at Theodore Jameson, but the man, one, being twice his size, and two, being unaware of his real identity, brushed it off.

"Hey, this order to send you as our representative came down from above me."

So Anderson was playing games, now, was he? Fine. He'd go--and talk to the man later.

Promised Land will send the high-ranking diplomat Anthony Harlem to represent our nation in this affair.

And as the letter indicated...so it was. Almost before he knew it, his plane was landing in the Empire.

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Harlem was quickly driven to the Imperial Palace. The time had begun, the dawn had arrived. The Coronation was to start in 15 minutes.

Sakuya was anxious, and ready to begin. Haruhi couldn't wait to see these events take place. Her cousin was taking her rightful place. Everyone was gathered in the main room, and Amyante and Harlem were both directed there. How unfortunate that Vikram could not see the splendid event about to take place. Everything in the main room was set up, the Imperial Coat of Arms was hung off the ceiling, along with the Imperial Flag. A podium was placed nearby, black as night. Sakuya was planned to stand there, ready to give her speech. She'd prepared it thoroughly, and was ready to make such a momentous speech. This speech wasn't momountous the world, or the continent, maybe. But to the Empire, it was going to bring about a whole new era, a change of entirety. Haruhi had worked hard to achieve what was currently going on, and she'd make sure it was preserved for eternity.

Haruhiist civilians had begun packing into the room, with the dignitaries given their own seats to the side. An unknown evil was creeping among the crowd, unnoticed by the spectators, guards, or even the royal family. Of course, this evil was seeping like a shadow. The shadows, and the visible oddities in the Palace that had been sighted all day, even by Haruhi's eye were going to eventually make themselves known.

Sakuya rose to the podium, and prepared to deliver her speech.

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He noticed Amyante's presence with a little amusement. So they had managed to bump into each other again. But he remained quiet as the ceramony looked like it was about to begin...

OOC: Are they sitting or standing for this? I'm guessing standing, but I want to make sure.

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Sakuya stood up carefully at the podium, with a mixture of anxiety, nervousness, and overwhelming happiness. This was the time that her influence was going to spread across the Empire. She was curious to wonder if she'd ever reach such a status outside the Empire? Only time would tell, Haruhi would certainly eventually reach that status. She viewed her true statements in her mind, as she prepared to make the speech. She wasn't Haruhi's lapdog, she was more than that. She was a voice of reason, a giver of advice, and her co-ruler. The speech that layed in front of her wasn't exceptionally long, meant to accomplish it's goal. The goal was clear, announce the HoK, and the crowning of her as vice-ruler.

Haruhi approached the podium, and she moved over to the right of her. It was time for this to begin, as Haruhi had placed Sakuya's intricate black tiara in the podium, and she was already wearing her obsidian blade.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the crowd. Haruhiist civilians, and foreign delegates, I hereby present to you Crown-Princess Sakuya Hayashi, my cousin."

Upon doing so, Sakuya kneeled. Haruhi was handed Sakuya's sword, and she placed it upon her forehead.

"Sakuya, my cousin, do you forever swear your loyalty to the crown, and do what is in the best interests of the people?"

Sakuya nodded, and was handed back her sword. She stood up, and Haruhi placed the tiara on her head.

"I now pronounce you, Sakuya Hayashi, Vice-Empress of the Haruhiist Empire."

Applauds rose up from the room, and were quickly silenced, as Sakuya moved up to the podium to make her speech. As she rose up to the podium, her sleek black hair was visible. This woman was just a symbol of the Empire, but a symbol of beauty in some eyes.

"Delegates, Foreign Leaders, Civilians, Friends. I welcome you here today, to see the birth of a new era. Today, we build upon the past, and give rise to the future. The Empire shall remain integral, regardless of all eventual events, and we shall never collapse. This act, that shall be announced, will do so indefinitely. In doing what we're about to do today, and what has already been done, we've ensured the survival of our royal line, and made sure our nation has a voice of reason, alongside the God-Empress. We've ensured should our divinity's mortal body ever fall unto the earth, and lay there eternally, that someone shall succeed her. There will never be another God-Empress if this happens, but there will always be someone to represent her on earth. I finally bring forth to you, the House of Karafuto. We have recently found it neccessary. With this, an Imperial Family now exists with this land."

She motioned for Katsumi and Ichiro to approach.

"I behold to you, my other two cousins who are to become part of this House, and ensure our future. Crown-Prince's Katsumi, and Ichiro, respectively. I wish to thank all of you who support this, and those of you who see this as the dawn of change. These events do not come lightly, and they don't effect as much as you'd expect on the inside, but they make a great deal of change to us outside. Let us hope fo-"

At that moment, the shadows that had been known to be lurking, the ones that had seemed suspicious took their choice of action. They had planned this from the beginning. The shadow, itself, moved through the crowd like a cloud of mist. A slightly visible white armband on his left arm read the "Fists of Harmony", and he wasn't alone. He reached within his pocket, and gradually revealed a .357 Magnum. He took aim quickly, and fired a shot, which was followed by two shots outside the palace, killing the two Imperial Guards guarding the entrance. The remainder of the guards took action to ensure what the situation was, and to eliminate all of these "Fists of Harmony". The shadows were to be silenced, immediately.

As the bullet made it's way towards Sakuya, she stared at it in fear. She couldn't believe it, this change was all positive. Who would want to assassinate her this early on? Why? What was their reasoning?!? As the bullet continued to approach, Katsumi and Ichiro both ducked. Haruhi took action and moved Sakuya out the way, as fast as possible. Crying to her that she shouldn't stand so blankly and stare at death. The bullet barely strafed a lock of her hair, missing her ear. Sakuya was alive, with only a fragment of hair lost.

Chaos was erupting, and everyone in the crowd probably wondered why. Things, however, were kept orderly, and the Fists were mopped up, at least those in the building. Panic was not to exist, and all took the action to not completely freak out, although the civilians that did made their way out and went home.

Was this the beginning of something grander? Sakuya and Haruhi could only wonder.

[OOC: Coronation is hereby finished, although you may each post your final remarks, and such. One Stray Bullet, the followup, will come shortly]

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Amyante gave Anthony a friendly nod as she noticed him looking at her, and a small shrug as she brushed a hand past her dress as if apologising for being seen in something so elaborate. The smirk would tell him she was joking however, but before she could start a conversation the coronation ceremony started and she focused her attention on the stage accordingly.

Her impression of Sakuya was a positive one. The girl was obviously a good orator, and given that Haruhi honestly was a little too impatient to deal with diplomacy at times she believed the Vice Empress to compensate in that area. The Haruhiist Empire would only improve by this change, she was sure of it.

And then, shots were fired.

She didn't understand how, or why, but every fiber in her body screamed out 'assassination attempt'. Immediately, she reached down to her ankle, pulling out a small dagger that her Chief of Security had managed to talk her into carrying around. Though originally it should have been a gun, her aim was still too horrible to make it a feasable defensive weapon, and so the dagger would have to do in terms of personal defense. Looking around to detect where the shots were coming from, she noticed Haruhi and her family duck away while she prepared for the worst...

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[OOC: My last post, after the attempt]

Sakuya was so grateful. She'd almost been killed by a stray bullet, but managed to survive thanks to Haruhi. She wouldn't forget that. Normally, under these conditions you'd expect one to act like a frightened kitten and hide in a corner. However, Sakuya's fear now swallowed itself into vengeance. The initial assassin had not yet been located, but was rumored to be in one of the guest rooms, simply waiting for fate, probably laughing all the way. He hadn't succeeded, he was probably sure of that, but he knew this wasn't beginning. That man was a liability.

Sakuya reached for her obsidian sword, and walked slowly down the corridor. Suspicions were right, and laughter was heard in one of the rooms.

This man had attempted her life, mercy wasn't a quality he deserved. Sakuya was a brutal individual when needed, and for the moment, she didn't care how much anger she let fuel into her sword, and this man. As she approached him, he continued to smirk. Sakuya grabbed the sword tightly, and shoved it down his throat while he was still laughing. Although the man was still alive, he began to cry for mercy. The pain was rather intense. She didn't care. Attempting her life, wasn't something you got away with. She then continually slashed across his face, eventually deciding to slash both his Achille's tendons and arms to hell. Once she felt satisfied, she slit his throat. He'd suffered enough, and it was enjoyable to see someone who tried to make her and the Empire suffer, suffer so greatly as a result.

Criminals weren't delt with in that way, normally, but an assassination attempt on a royal member was serious. This occasion was special. She let go, and allowed herself to fuel her rage for this exact reason. Afterwards, she calmed herself, accepted what had occured, and walked back out.

The screams could've been heard, more than likely, by anyone in the Palace. Sakuya continued to carry her blade by her side, as she came back. The blade itself, was coated in layers of crimson blood, anyone could see what she'd done. But she didn't care, he paid, and it hurt him.

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Deputy PM Petrenko was awed at the Good Oratorship of the new Vice-Empress, Sakuya. She would prove to be just as good a leader as her cousin Haruhi.

When the shot rang out, Petrenko did not freak out like many of the other people. Instead, he rushed over to Sakuya and Haruhi and asked, "Are you two ok?" Whoever is responsible for this has aught to be very much like the the Eagles of Dawn paramilitary group.

After she was helped up she picked up a sword and headed to the back with it. A few minutes later a person was screaming out of pain, for Petrenko, it was out of fear. He understood how brutal humans were, he saw it at the Civil War, and as a mercenary before politics, something he didn't want to be reminded of. He left the palace in a calm manner, as if the howls of the guilty were like music to his ears.....

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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Anthony returned Amyante's nod, and grinned at the expression she displayed. She looked like she wanted to say something, but then the ceremony started.

He listened quietly, his arms folded with hands hidden in his sleeves, right up until the shot was fired. The man's reaction was near-instantaneous, as his hands appeared once again, each with a small knife. Like Amayante's dagger, they were for personal protection, though he knew considerably more about using them.

But the situation was over quickly, and the knives returned to where they had come from before many had a chance to see them.

Anthony watched Sakura's transformation from a dear caught in a headlights to anger, and a desire for vengeance, so he suspected he knew exactly what was happening when he heard the screams, and the bloodied sword in Sakura's hand only confirmed his suspicions. Where others might have shuddered once they realized the implications, he showed no emotion at all.

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Devereaux hardly had time to process the events. The coronation had gone off without a hitch, and then suddenly he was being dragged down the hall at a near sprint by his four man Royal Marine detail. Suddenly the events flashed before his eyes... had she died, was someone assassinated?

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Though the initial threat had passed, the blade remained in Amyante's hands until the last of the (male) screams died down, and Sakuya returned with her sword. There were traces of red obsidian amongst the black, she now noticed, most likely another nod to the two Haruhiist colors, though admittedly a more morbid one. Sighing in relief, she crouched down again to place the blade at her ankle again, hopefully not for later use. Glancing to the sides, she walked towards Sakuya.

- "I heard the screams just now... Did the guards make him talk? Who's behind this?"

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Sakuya snickered a little bit, feeling relieved that the events were more or less unknown. She sheathed her sword, letting the blood sink into the holster that she kept it in. She made sure her other sword sturdily remained on her back. She enjoyed the two swords, both had their purpose. They were exceptionally grandiose when crossed into an X form on her lower back. She could tell Amyante, and the others were a little concerned. Some might be suspicious, some might have guessed the truth, others might have made other assumptions. She passed by Devereaux on the way down the corridor, towards Amyante. She simply nodded and told him it was dealt with. The body was already removed by the Imperial Guard, and disposed of in a proper manner. She still held his white armband in her palm, although it was soaked in blood.

She held it up to Amy, making the "Fists of Harmony" show up clearly.

"This fool tried to assassinate me. Let's just say he paid the price. The guards took care of him adequately. As for who is behind this, an organization known as the Fists of Harmony. All we know for now, is that they obviously dislike me and the House of Karafuto. As for their size, strength, location, and otherwise? We don't know."

All would of course, be revealed in time.

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