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The Top 30


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Thought this would be an interesting topic - even though it would be ever changing. Listing the top 30 nations and the alliances dominating the top 30. I really don't know why I picked the number 30.

The Top 30 Nations

1. Coinneach Odhar - The Phoenix Federation

2. Zooland - Lafayette Escadrille

3. Burning Empire - The Phoenix Federation

4. Bear Island - Lafayette Escadrille

5. Space Monkeys 8 - LE Cadet

6. Lemming Gardners - Rodentia Dominatus

7. I Hate Andrew - SWAT

8. Afonmuriel - Fark

9. Championies - We Are Perth Army

10. West Norway - UJA


11. Raidon - The Phoenix Federation

12. Punisherville - The Phoenix Hatchery

13. nuclear anarchy - M*A*S*H*

14. Sturmriech - Purple Unity

15. Klick - Spartan Defence Force

16. Ping Timeout - The Phoenix Federation

17. Islandtime - Real FAN

18. California - Roman Empire

19. Matthew - Real FAN

20. Vamp Country - Priapism


21. Patron - SWAT

22. Smokehaven - The Phoenix Federation

23. Akealistan - Fark

24. Ruler of the world - Common Defense Treaty

25. Conviction - Mostly Harmful Alliance

26. Chemistry - Mostly Harmful Alliance

27. Wizzards - SWAT

28. Power Metal - The Phoenix Hatchery

29. Tripod - The Phoenix Federation

30. Macedonia - Hellas


Alliances Dominating the Top 30

1. [6] The Phoenix Federation

2. [3] SWAT

3. -- TIE --

[2] Lafayette Escadrille

[2] Fark

[2] The Phoenix Hatchery

[2] Real FAN

[2] Mostly Harmful Alliance

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I'm not sure if this has any real meaning. The top 30 nations fluctuates greatly.

The Top 30 Nations

1. nuclear anarchy - M*A*S*H*

2. West Norway - UJA

3. Bear Island - Lafayette Escadrille

4. Ping Timeout - The Phoenix Federation

5. Islandtime - Real FAN

6. Lost Tribe - We Are Perth Army

7. Death Star - The Black Hand

8. Macedonia - Hellas

9. Family - M*A*S*H*

10. Lemming Gardners - Rodentia Dominatus


11. Sopwith Aviation Co - Lafayette Escadrille

12. Iron Squirrels - Rodentia Dominatus

13. de Havilland D H 2 - Lafayette Escadrille

14. Afonmuriel - Fark

15. Space Monkeys 8 - LE Cadet

16. Sturmriech - Purple Unity

17. Whumpire - We Are Perth Army

18. Punisherville - The Phoenix Hatchery

19. The Oz - The Phoenix Federation

20. riksu - Mostly Harmful Alliance


21. Vamp Country - Priapism

22. Hypertechnologies - Mostly Harmful Alliance

23. Burning Empire - The Phoenix Federation

24. Matthew - Real FAN

25. Muspellheim - Rodentia Dominatus Applicant

26. USMC Nation - UJA

27. yogiland - We Are Perth Army

28. I Hate Andrew - SWAT

29. Zooland - Lafayette Escadrille

30. Sicily - The Black Hand


Alliances Dominating the Top 30

1. Lafayette Escadrille: [4]

2. –TIE--

The Phoenix Federation: [3]

We Are Perth Army: [3]

3. –TIE—

M*A*S*H*: [2]

UJA: [2]

Real FAN: [2]

The Black Hand: [2]

Rodentia Dominatus: [2]

Mostly Harmful Alliance: [2]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here it is again. I’ve noticed that a few of the same people have stayed in the top 30. Nations such as “nuclear anarchy” of M*A*S*H*, “Lemming Gardners” of Rodentia Dominatus, and “West Norway” of UJA have remained in the top 10 for a few weeks.

The alliance "Mostly Harmful Alliance" has rose to the #1 alliance dominating the top 30.

The Top 30 Nations

1. SSJ7Gogeta777 – AZTEC

2. nuclear anarchy - M*A*S*H*

3. Lemming Gardners - Rodentia Dominatus

4. Hypertechnologies - Mostly Harmful Alliance

5. Molbrew – Random Insanity Alliance

6. yogiland - We Are Perth Army

7. West Norway - UJA

8. Levont - Frostbite

9. Taspir III - Priapism

10. Sulol - The Phoenix Hatchery


11. Muspellheim - Rodentia Dominatus Applicant

12. Conviction - Mostly Harmful Alliance

13. Avismal - The Fightin Division

14. Sopwith Aviation Co - Lafayette Escadrille

15. Ping Timeout - The Phoenix Federation

16. Burning Empire - The Phoenix Federation

17. Reverie - Priapism

18. Vamp Country - Priapism

19. Land of Infection - The Fightin Division

20. Thraxrovia - Lafayette Escadrille


21. Matthew - Real FAN

22. Afonmuriel - Fark

23. Bubbles - Mostly Harmful Alliance

24. Dilbobagginese - We Are Perth Army

25. Bear Island - Lafayette Escadrille

26. Iron Squirrels - Rodentia Dominatus

27. Misshapen Nation - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas

28. she said she was 18 - We Are Perth Army

29. Rakis - Fark

30. The Koala - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas


Alliances Dominating the Top 30

(placement based on nations combined rank in the top 30)

1. Mostly Harmful Alliance: [3] {39}

2. Priapism: [3] {44}

3. We Are Perth Army: [3] {58}

4. Lafayette Escadrille: [3] {59}

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I’ll be able to update this a few more times --- maybe. I’m getting awfully busy in real life this round. At any rate – I wish everyone the best of luck this round of CNTE!

I’m amazed at a few people who have remained in the top 10-15 since the beginning of this tournament round. Those nations are: “nuclear anarchy” and “Lemming Gardners”. Good job guys!

A newcomer to the top 10 and top 30 is “Dassault”. This shows that it is never too late to make it to the top 10.

The alliance Rodentia Dominatus has rose to the #1 alliance dominating the top 30.

The Top 30 Nations

1. Hypertechnologies - Mostly Harmful Alliance

2. Levont - Frostbite

3. nuclear anarchy - Rodentia Dominatus

4. Lemming Gardners - Rodentia Dominatus

5. Afonmuriel - Fark

6. Muspellheim - Rodentia Dominatus

7. Land of Infection - The Fightin Division

8. Dassault - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas

9. Rakis - Fark

10. Avismal - The Fightin Division


11. Sulol - The Phoenix Hatchery

12. Fulham FC - Common Defense Treaty

13. Land of Jelly - M*A*S*H*

14. LastDitchEffort - The Phoenix Federation

15. The Koala - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas

16. Freecloud - Priapism

17. Alejotopia - UJA

18. Vacuum Valley - Black

19. Kashmired - Global Democratic Alliance

20. Molbrew – Random Insanity Alliance


21. she said she was 18 - We Are Perth Army

22. West Norway - UJA

23. Chana – MFO

24. Great Falls – Roman Empire Protectorate

25. Reverie - Priapism

26. toasty toast - UJA

27. Taspir III - Priapism

28. Punisherville - The Phoenix Federation

29. Ping Timeout - The Phoenix Federation

30. Cold Steel - Frostbite


Alliances Dominating the Top 30

(placement based on nations combined rank in the top 30)

1. Rodentia Dominatus: [3] {13}

1. UJA: [3] {65}

2. Priapism: [3] {68}

3. The Phoenix Federation: [3] {71}

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nuclear anarchy is in Rodentia Dominatus. They have the third, fourth, and sixth ranked nations.

Hmmm... I didn't check if people switched alliances. I'll fix it.

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Thank you, though we seem to be slipping a bit in the infra race... B)

Rodents seem to be suited to take over in the event of war and destruction, and the early war helped us do just that -_-

now if we can just avoid the rat traps.... <_<

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You don't necessary need to be in a big alliance to make it into the top 30. There are a few 12-30 person alliances in the top 30. "Great Falls" is in a 2 person alliance and "Same Old Nation" is in an alliance all to himself. :ehm:

The alliance Rodentia Dominatus has rose to the #1 alliance dominating the top 30.

The Top 30 Nations

1. Hypertechnologies - Mostly Harmful Alliance

2. Afonmuriel - Fark

3. Land of Infection - The Fightin Division

4. Dassault - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas

5. Muspellheim - Rodentia Dominatus

6. Sulol - The Phoenix Federation

7. Levont - Frostbite

8. LastDitchEffort - The Phoenix Federation

9. Avismal - The Fightin Division

10. Land of Jelly - M*A*S*H*


11. Rakis - Fark

12. nuclear anarchy - Rodentia Dominatus

13. Fulham FC - Common Defense Treaty

14. Vacuum Valley - Black

15. toasty toast - UJA

16. Kashmired - Global Democratic Alliance

17. Rajasthan - UJA

18. Freecloud - Priapism

19. Lemming Gardners - Rodentia Dominatus

20. Seawolf - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas


21. Alejotopia - UJA

22. Sterilizer of Dreams - Mostly Harmful Alliance

23. Temperamental - Mostly Harmful Alliance

24. Same Old Nation – The Guild of Calamitous Intent

25. Punisherville - The Phoenix Federation

26. SSJ7Gogeta777 – Roman Empire

27. Reverie - Priapism

28. Great Falls – Roman Empire Protectorate

29. The Koala - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas

30. Sparta – SWAT


Alliances Dominating the Top 30

(placement based on nations combined rank in the top 30)

1. Rodentia Dominatus: [3] {36}

2. The Phoenix Federation: [3] {39}

3. Mostly Harmful Alliance: [3] {46}

4. The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas : [3] {53} TIE

-- UJA: [3] {53} TIE

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The Top 30 list will probably matter more once we get closer to the end of the tournament. At this stage it is more for informational purposes only and maybe a target list for some.

The alliance The Phoenix Federation has rose to the #1 alliance dominating the top 30.

Not much change in the top 10. Hypertechnologies remains in the number one spot. Vacuum Valley moved 8 slots from #14 to #6. Same Old Nation has moved 13 slots from #24 to #11. Sterilizer of Dreams has moved 10 slots from #22 to #12. SSJ6GokuSephiroth666 has moved 7 slots from #26 to #19 and is a SWAT POW.

Levont has dropped 9 slots from #7 to #16. Nuclear anarchy has dropped 11 slots from #12 to #23. Freecloud has dropped 7 slots from #18 to #25. Seawolf has dropped 10 slots from #20 to #30.

The Top 30 Nations

1. Hypertechnologies - Mostly Harmful Alliance

2. Land of Infection - The Fightin Division

3. Muspellheim - Rodentia Dominatus

4. Afonmuriel - Fark

5. Dassault - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas

6. Vacuum Valley - Black

7. Rakis - Fark

8. Sulol - The Phoenix Federation

9. LastDitchEffort - The Phoenix Federation

10. Land of Jelly - M*A*S*H*


11. Same Old Nation – The Guild of Calamitous Intent

12. Sterilizer of Dreams - Mostly Harmful Alliance

13. Kashmired - Global Democratic Alliance

14. Avismal - The Fightin Division

15. Rajasthan - UJA

16. Levont - Frostbite

17. Fulham FC - Common Defense Treaty

18. Temperamental - Mostly Harmful Alliance

19. SSJ7Gogeta777 – SWAT POW

20. toasty toast - UJA


21. Lemming Gardners - Rodentia Dominatus

22. Chana - MFO

23. nuclear anarchy - Rodentia Dominatus

24. Punisherville - The Phoenix Federation

25. Freecloud - Priapism

26. sparta – SWAT

27. Alejotopia - UJA

28. Misshapen Nation - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas

29. Mentally Disturbed - The Phoenix Federation

30. Seawolf - The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas


Alliances Dominating the Top 30

(placement based on nations combined rank in the top 30)

1. The Phoenix Federation: [4]

2. Mostly Harmful Alliance: [3] {31}

3. Rodentia Dominatus: [3] {47}

4. UJA: [3] {62}

5. The 40 Sippen Panty Grippeh Gangstas : [3] {63}

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