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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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Per you do not honor the MDP aspect, we request that you aid the AUP both:

1) Through finance, and economic means

2) Through possible right-of-way, or possible passage through your lands, or territorial waters

3) Through intelligence, sharing what is important and vital to AUP Operations

4) Remain neutral otherwise, do not directly support either side.

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"That would be covered in Article II, actually."

If the signatories cannot effectively enter the conflict then they are required to help rebuild their attacked friend, and to make diplomatic efforts to restore peace.

"As you would be unable to attack other AUP signatories without breaching the treaty you would not be allowed to join the conflict militarily against the AUP. However, this section states that a diplomatic effort for peace is an allowable exception to not take offensive action. Note that you would not be able to send aid to your non-AUP ally until after peace is signed, and Articles I and IV require aid to be sent to the AUP member as well, if they were not the aggressors of the war."

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Per you do not honor the MDP aspect, we request that you aid the AUP both:

1) Through finance, and economic means

2) Through possible right-of-way, or possible passage through your lands, or territorial waters

3) Through intelligence, sharing what is important and vital to AUP Operations

4) Remain neutral otherwise, do not directly support either side.

"We consider the Eurasian Union and our personal treaties a priority over this one. If AUP goes to war with any of them, then our signature is to be wiped from this document, and the cancellation period waived."

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Every member is this bloc is entitled to their opinion, and we respect the opinion of the Caucasians for the moment.

However, we will abstain from the vote for now. A Chernorussian diplomat, however, may attend to observe the events for now.

"We will send a representative with a laptop which will allow for face-to-face communication between Big Brother and the memberes of the AUP." (OOC: ala Watari and L, if you've read/seen death note)

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"Zargathia seconds the Caucasian view, and wishes to freeze voting for Chernorussia's membership until after they have been acknowledged by Buryatia. At the moment they do not yet have an official territory, making their acceptance into the AUP legitimally impossible. As soon as Buryatia confirms giving part of its protectorate to Chernorussia their membership can be properly evaluated, and we would be more than willing to hold a vote among the AUP members on the topic."

Edited by Amyante
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The representative for the Transitional Chernorussia had arrived. After brief greetings with the leaders in the room, he placed a laptop on the table and opened it. For a moment the screen was black, and then the face of Big Brother alighted on it, his face hidden with shades. The room in the backgruond was dark, so you could barely make out any of his details.

"I apologize for not being able to make it in person."

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