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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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"If they want to make that mistake, let them. Since when are we to be bullied in our actions and with whom we have diplomatic or military ties? The Empire nor any other Asian state has participated in such oppressive acts against our neighbor states and that pattern of behavior needs to end in North America also. Texas is free. If they want to trade with us.. if they want to host our military.. it is their choice; not the choice of any of their neighbors. I'm willing to fight that war, because it is a very just war."

"I was willing to fight it for the CFNA when they were being bullied.. and now I'm willing to fight for Texas when they are being bullied by the CFNA, now Mexico. I didn't realize the Mexians would stoop to such.. hypocrisy. One day they beg for help, the next day they're killing someone else.. very sad really."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"The problem is...they will declare against you if there is the slightest hint of 'interference' from any of us."

"After all, we simply deployed a fleet to patrol the Atlantic, and they misconstrued it as sending help to Texas."

"Which is exactly why we shouldn't interfere. The CNFA are actively looking for traces of Asian participation in the Texan War. By not giving them these signs to parade around with and grinding it through the propaganda mill, they will find nothing, and hurt their own credibility. While we can and will not stop Dragonisia from doing what they feel is necessary, we wish to request that if they decide to actively participate they do so with extreme caution, as that would only generate support for the CNFA in their 'fight against the invaders'. There should be no problem with trading however, as well as diplomatic aid."

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Tracy Roland sighed, her head falling into her hands. This was why she had been wary of letting the Dragon Empire into the AUP in the first place. They meant well, but the road to hell was paved with good intentions.

She would wait to see others' thoughts before voicing her own.

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Kagami continued to observe the situation with scrutiny.

"I do believe he is right, in some ways, that this invokes the character. Is their active proof of this, however?

Regardless, the only problem i see with helping out your nation with this outer continent business, is that my state lacks a real navy."

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"The event was broadcast to the world via HAM radio.. multiple independent broadcasts recorded the events. A black box feed from the fighters and bombers indicated they were in open pacific waters outside the normal 200 NM buffer zone when intercepted and fired upon in peaceful transit towards Texas. No airspace violations had yet occurred."

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"While we recognise the MDP aspect of the AUP, Zargathia is unable to enter the conflict at this time. Our nation has one aircraft, and with its naval bases still under construction, no navy whatsoever. Add to that that our troops are currently occupied in keeping the peace in Inner Mongolia until it can be fully converted to Zargathian standards and the amount of troops and material we have available for this conflict would be considered... symbolic at best. We hope the Dragon Empire understands the position we are in, and should it come to a full war we will use our national fuel reserves to assume a supportive role, should diplomacy fail."

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Kagami sighed after thinking some stuff over.

"I've thought stuff over, and here's what i think. We shouldn't attack Tahoe at all, or initiate aggressive war, because that's pointless. However, shall Tahoe enter AUP waters, he will be declared upon, and the like. Is this acceptable?"

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"I do not think it is advisable to leave an open state of conflict in the world with our alliance. To many bad things have come as a result of this."

"This could have been a simple misunderstanding. What I don't understand is, why didn't you request to fly through the airspace of your ally the Holy Imperium to get there, at the time when Tahoe confronted you? I realize an open state of conflict is not good, but are there diplomatic options?"

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"There are always diplomatic options. Tahoe could have just let our planes pass. Our planes were no threat to them. They could have also talked more. Unfortunately, they chose to shoot. We responded once with our complaint and then they shot at us."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Point A to Point B is the straightest point of travel, so the flight refueled mid-pacific.. and approached Mexico. We expected Tahoe may intercept us, but not to be shot at. The flight's chosen an alternate transit route south to use Holy Imperium crossing zones. Tahoe just wants blood."

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"That sounds like a good idea. All I would want would be reparations for the lost aircraft and a transit grant to Texas.. our pilots lived, one of our merchant subs is being sent to recover them." Tidus noted. "Anyone care to see if Tahoe's willing to make those accommodations? I'd do it myself, but I'm a bit angry at the moment."

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OOC: Finally got my internet back at my house after 12+ days so i could actually read whats going on...

IC: Sgt. Vitya listened to what Tidus said, "It appears that you are right Tahoe is out for blood, with very limited warning your men were attacked over international airspace. Regardless of what you were doing interfering in American affairs, you are a AUP member, so you have our individual support. Kivortistan finds this whole ordeal very disturbing and happening at a very bad time for us. So we will not declare any wars until our project finishes, unless however if they challenge your nation on Asian ground or waters" stated Sgt Vitya.

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OOC: I also have to ask something of the AUP, due to reality's sake I can not have my ships residing in my country and make it out to international waters. So I am asking of the AUP that my entire current navy and future naval ships be allowed to reside at the AUP naval base in Indonesia as well as the sailors of course. I do not think that this will be a problem with you guys, but I at least need something stating where my ships reside. Wasn't sure exactly how to put this into IC though.

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OOC: That's actually very possible. As for the AUP's golden age, it's never really arrived. There just hasn't been much to talk about, as of late.

IC: Kagami rolled her head to the side a bit, and then began to speak.

"What has been spoken before is true, any ship passing the American Pacific, and entering the Asian is violating the sovereignty of all Asiatic states, especially those in the AUP. Such an act by Tahoe, would be subject to war."

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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"I'm giving them every chance to solve their own problems. Simply read my recent peace offerings." Tidus noted. "I'm going to make it very clear here who is the one wanting to tear nations assunder, to conquer, to draw blood. It is not my Empire. We simply want to see Free Texas defended from those that would wipe it from the map."

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Amyante nodded as Tidus spoke up, having read the peace terms when they were announced already.

- "Either way, my position and allegiance in the Dragon - Tahoean conflict is well known. Speaking of conflicts... How has the situation in former Golgotha been recently? Has the People's Republic agreed to enter diplomatic negotiations with Minilla yet? Should the situation in North America escalate, we would prefer this matter to be dealt with before it can become a distraction."

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