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O Horizonte Resplandecente

Sarah Tintagyl

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The Socalist Republic of Curristan officially recognizes Portugal. We are glad that Portugal has re-emerged to take its rightful place on the world stage. We would like to send an ambassdor.

Our thanks to Curristan and we look forward to receiving the ambassador from you country in Lisbon. Hopefully this will lead to strong relations between our countries.

-Joao VI

Tyran welcomes our new neighbour to the north.

Our thanks to Tyran we hope for strong relations in the future.

-Joao VI

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The Kingdom of Molakia and the Molakian Royal Family both extend nothing but good will to the Kingdom of Portugal. The Tsarina of Molakia, Anna Ivanova-Romanov, has not been able to calm down since hearing about your nation! Facism is a plague that must be removed, and we are very happy to hear someone who Is not defending them for once. Expect us to plan a meeting soon to discuss treaties and other assorted diplomatic stuff.

Garrus Vakarian, Commander of Molakian Armed Forces and Speaker for the Royal Family

Edited by Comrade
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The Kingdom of Molakia and the Molakian Royal Family both extend nothing but good will to the Kingdom of Portugal. The Tsarina of Molakia, Anna Ivanova-Romanov, has not been able to calm down since hearing about your nation! Facism is a plague that must be removed, and we are very happy to hear someone who Is not defending them for once. Expect us to plan a meeting soon to discuss treaties and other assorted diplomatic stuff.

Garrus Vakarian, Commander of Molakian Armed Forces and Speaker for the Royal Family

Between two royals then it is a pleasure to hear of Molakia's acceptance of Portugal as welcoming face in the European sphere of politics, in addition, the fact that your Tsarina is this happy about Portuguese independence, I will have to meet her one day, anyone that happy over our beautiful nation deserves to be met right away. However, I must tell you that while the Portuguese government and nation is adamantly opposed to fascism, we do not go around looking to start trouble and as to treaties, we will not commit to anything stronger than economic pacts as we have our defense and faith in the Iberian Pact. However, I hope that does not stop our will to become great friends and perhaps extend our hands beyond what is written on paper.

-Joao VI

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The Disparuean Government also welcomes Portugal back into the world, and we recognize your sovereignty. We wish you good fortune in your future endeavours.

We would also like to exchange embassies with Portugal."

On behalf of the Portuguese government at people, we accept Disparu's warm welcomes with a happy heart and wish you the same on your endeavors. As to the embassies, consider it done, and that our nations will be good friends in the future and forever on.

-Joao VI

OOC: Pikachurin...I don't really do the whole embassy thing so just say that we're exchanged and you can talk to me anytime you need in my news thread :)

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Minister of Foriegn Affairs, Karl Köingen sent a telegram to Portugal:

"The Emperor understands that your nation wishes to adapt to the Foreign policy of Scotland and its neighbors, therefore subjecting your nation to the same views on our country as theirs. However it is not our place to force you to recognize us or make contact with us, as we respect your right to refuse so, and your right to hold whatever views and feelings on our supposed "Fascist" Regime. However, many Spanish and Portuguese ethnics have requested Citizenship in the new Portuguese Kingdom. In retrospect, We have reports that some French and German ethnics wish to gain citizenship in Krieg, (The French for the mere fact that the French-Krieg border is littered with French and German settlements.) So we would like to offer a mutual deal to allow our ethnic's to cross and gain citizenship in Portugal. The Krieg Empire is heavily influenced by German culture, ever since the end of the Nordreich wars, and many Spanish and Portuguese wish to have a sense of belonging in their own land. Im sure you cannot deny your own people that right, as we wish to not deny your French and German ethnics the right to want to live in our nation.

The Main problem is the Border. No Krieg Citizens were allowed to cross for extended times and gain citizenship, as well as forcing German ethnics on the Scottish side to be contained in their lands. Perhaps we can work out something, and put our differences aside for the betterment of our people."

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Minister of Foriegn Affairs, Karl Köingen sent a telegram to Portugal:

"The Emperor understands that your nation wishes to adapt to the Foreign policy of Scotland and its neighbors, therefore subjecting your nation to the same views on our country as theirs. However it is not our place to force you to recognize us or make contact with us, as we respect your right to refuse so, and your right to hold whatever views and feelings on our supposed "Fascist" Regime. However, many Spanish and Portuguese ethnics have requested Citizenship in the new Portuguese Kingdom. In retrospect, We have reports that some French and German ethnics wish to gain citizenship in Krieg, (The French for the mere fact that the French-Krieg border is littered with French and German settlements.) So we would like to offer a mutual deal to allow our ethnic's to cross and gain citizenship in Portugal. The Krieg Empire is heavily influenced by German culture, ever since the end of the Nordreich wars, and many Spanish and Portuguese wish to have a sense of belonging in their own land. Im sure you cannot deny your own people that right, as we wish to not deny your French and German ethnics the right to want to live in our nation.

The Main problem is the Border. No Krieg Citizens were allowed to cross for extended times and gain citizenship, as well as forcing German ethnics on the Scottish side to be contained in their lands. Perhaps we can work out something, and put our differences aside for the betterment of our people."

TO: Karl Köingen, Krieg Minister of Foreign Affairs

FROM: The desk of Faustino Malagria, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Kingdom of Portugal

Indeed Your Excellency, the plight of both our peoples is something that concerns the workings of the Portugese government daily. We do in fact share the same policies as Scotland, Eukzadi, and France, due to that these nations once protected us while we were unable to govern ourselves and that they exist friends that can keep Portugal safe if dire times strike our country. We are pleased to know that Portuguese nationals in Krieg desire to return to their homeland, yet as to your reports on our nation, we have no such knowledge of such reports being filed by our Ministry of the Interior, however if such reports do come up, we will debate this issue further. However, the maintaining of the Hibernian Wall is pivotal in our relations to Scotland and we have no intention of upsetting our bonds with the Scottish.

Yet, in the interest of diplomacy, if the Krieg government would be kind enough to set up talks between our nations, Scotland and France, we would be more than happy to attend to work out a deal. But since this wall is maintained by all nations in the Iberian Pact, this becomes a problem of much more than just Portugal and Krieg.

I am sure that if the right approach is taken by your nation, as it will be with ours, this crisis will pass easily and without harm.

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"The Krieg Government has sent out invitations to Euzkadi and Scotland, and they have been rejected multiple times. The Emperor maintains an Open policy on talks with both nations, and has never denied the opportunity (or lack there of) to meet with Scotland and Euzkadi. However Im sure you know that the Propaganda in both countries has spread lies of our government being an Evil fascist regime, which to its irony, our government has spent hours and countless resources fighting back the Fascists from taking over the country.

Our offer stands to Scotland, Euzkadi, France, and Portugal for talks. We will never decline this offer, and it shall remain open.

Also, we understand you may not be getting reports form German Ethnics, however our government receives thousands of letters from German Ethnics all over the world for application for citizenship. We will send out a memo to attempt to file a request with their respective residance countries, including Portugal.

However, all Spanish and Portuguese Ethnics in the Empire are welcomed to emigrate to Portugal, but it is ultimately up to you to accept them."

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Promised Land, though not a neighbor by a long shot, is still willing to recognize any nation that rises in such a peaceful manner. In addition to extending recognition, we wish the Kingdom of Portugal peace and prosperity.

OOC: Krieg, don't take it so badly, when I was the Ubersteinian Empire I was everyone's crazy scapegoat. Subtle claims that his people told horror stories about Uberstein snatching children and using them for slave labor or something.

Good times, good times. :awesome:

OOC: They still do, occasionally...:P But not so much now that he's not viewed as a 'crazy dictator.'

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Imperial Dispatch:

As per our agreement to not get entangled in European affairs, we understand and respect your neutral position as a neutral European country. We view your emergence as a nation as a view that peace in Europe, and brotherhood among neighbors can be made possible. Establishment of trade and economic treaties with your Kingdom would be most beneficial to both the Haruhiist Empire, and the Kingdom of Portugal. Also, we hereby proclaim recognition of the Kingdom of Portugal, and respect it's neutrality


Itsuki Koizumi

Imperial MoFA

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