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Spies Discovered in Communist Diadochoi

Nagato the Great

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Two spies were found in Communist Diadochoi today. They were infiltrating a military base but were found out. Having captured some smallarms they engaged in a shootout before running dangerously low on ammo. as military forces approached to apprehend them, one of them commited suicide with a pistol and the other attempted to flee but was shot in the leg and captured. the spy would not reveal where he had come from and his intentions. Finally, our interrogators resorted to mild forms of torture, but the spy would still not talk. after a 3 hour long break, the interrogators returned to discover the spy had hung himself, our last chance to discover who had sent the spies and why. investigations are ongoing but have turned up as fruitless as the interrogations. stand by for further information--as soon as the perpetrator is found Diadochoi will be preparing for war.

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Diadochoi commends Buryatia for its actions and promises its neighbors (if any of the other ones are not the spies) that the perpetrator will be found and dealt with accordingly (assuming they aren't a superpowerhouse, in which case we might need some help. :D )

OOC: congratulations ^_^

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We condemn who ever sent these spies. It is a violation of someones sovereignty and it is something only scum bags like facists would ever consider doing.

OOC:I never though I'd have to say that about commies :(


OOC:Fixed after misread.

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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Or who the spies were from?

Also, we like to engage in talks with our neighbor to the southwest. We will support you in whatever endeavor you may need.

We condemn which ever nation sent the communist spies. Communists are the scum of the earth, how ever they remain slightly above the Fascists of the world.

OOC:I never though I'd have to say that about commies

OOC: You must really hate communism.....slightly less than fascism but still.....

and one more thing, the spies aren't communist, the country is :P

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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at the moment we do not know their intentions or who sent them. we have reason to suspect they were planning to bomb Groznj Grad, the vital fortress near their location, because c4 and other explosives were discovered near the fortress, dropped by the fleeing spy. we don't even have an accent lead because the spy we captured refused to say absolutely anything.

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Or who the spies were from?

Also, we like to engage in talks with our neighbor to the southwest. We will support you in whatever endeavor you may need.

OOC: You must really hate communism.....slightly less than fascism but still.....

and one more thing, the spies aren't communist, the country is :P

OOC:/Facedesks. I'll go reword that then lol

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The government of Kitex commends Diadchoi on finding the spies, but condemns them also for "mild torture."

we do not endorse torture, however our interrogators got somewhat irritated by the spy and so resorted to mild torture. nothing that could permanently damage the spy physically or mentally.

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