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Meeting of the Three

Cody Seb

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Straßburg, Elsass-Lothringen, die Rheinmark

Invitations had been sent to the Friestaat Preußen and Bayern, to discuss the current borders.

OOC: I can't post until tomorrow after this, so I'll skip the arrivals if you guys don't mind.


Markskanzler Volker sat at the head of the conference table, "Gentlemen, please make yourselves comfortable." Servants came around and fulfilled their drink orders, "I hope you will enjoy your stay in Straßburg. The city is finally under the jurisdiction it belongs: German. Now, the venerable Prussia was the one to suggest having an in person meeting, so we would give them the opportunity to make the first statement."

At this a large map of Germany appeared on the wall to the side of the table on a digital display.

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OOC: I know this is probably innapportiate to ask of the sorts, hence Im doing it OOCly; please excuse the comment on the private meeting. However I wish to know if theres some sort of land "Trade off" rules.. I really hate the fact I got stuck in spain, when I intended on modeling my country after Imperial Germany/Helghan Fiction series.. Im assuming if two partys agree they can trade chuncks of land?

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Albert Tanzband stood.

"In Prussia's capital city, there stands a great building, and the center of German and World politics for nearly two centuries. The Reichstag has stood in Berlin as the pinnacle of German unification and cooperation. Etched upon it's great face, the words ""Dem Deutschen Volke" (To the German People) stand with pride facing the city that the unity Bismarck fought for built.

Today, the leaders of the three significant and true German states meet together, not unlike the meetings Bismarck called for so many years ago. Today, we do not discuss the pure unification of our nations, but a unification of policy. For too long, the borders of Prußen, Bayern and Rheinmark have been obscured by Nordlandic policy, petty scuffles for land and poor cartographic survey. Today, let us unify in our policy in the south-west of Germany where our three nations meet and realize the historical and political value of our border regions.

May our policies be guided everyday by the words on the Reichstag...Dem Deutschen Volke..."

He sat and awaited for the address from the Bavarian and the Rheinmarker.

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OOC: Sorry this reply took so long in coming.


"Agreed. We are willing to take steps towards a unified policy. What then, who you propose, Herr Tanzband?" inquired Reichsmarschall Wareheim, the second in command.

Markskanzler Volker then spoke up, "Prussia has done a lot of good for Germany and the German people. We will trust you again to take the next steps forward and pave the path that Germany will tread."

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"I...believe I may have a better map."

Vetinari, sitting in a very dark, almost black chair, took out the following map.


"I am not entirely sure about the status of Thuringia and Saxony, so they've been left blank. Are they prussian possessions or do they belong to the...Commonwealth?"

From the sound of it, Havelock quite clearly didn't like the polish-czech commonwealth a lot.

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The Commonwealth holds no German areas, no. They are most certainly under Prussian domain.

"Then a mapmaker or two may have gotten their map wrong.

Well, just imagine the two regions in questions as yellow on my map..."

Vetinari took a marker out - it hapened to be yellow - and marked Thuringia and Saxony as such.

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OOC: Saxony and Thuringia were never a part of the Czech Kingdom or Poland. I said repeatedly in the map thread that they weren't, but no one bothered fixing it. They were a CEU protectorate for most of the time.

OOC: Well, I'll from now on make sure they'll be marked as prussian.

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OOC: Rheinmark's a tad off in that picture. I have all of the historical Alsace-Lorraine.


"As for Prussia's map, we have actually been administrating in the Southern areas of Hesse and the Rhineland-Palatinate. They are an important part of the Rheinmark, but for the sake of German unity, if you can convince us otherwise, we might be willing to transfer control. Otherwise, we should perhaps establish a line at which our border would be or change our borders slightly to reflect state boundaries."

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