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[u][b]War Memorial in Moscow Completed![/b][/u]

Tomorrow at noon Premier Medvedev, Defense Minister Chernenko and several other members of the government will gather in Moscow’s Izmaylovo District to unveil a long awaited war memorial that’s dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the 2009 Patriotic Wars against the Nordic Reich. The dedication ceremony will feature speeches by the Prime Minister and Defense Minister as well as General of the Army Menshikov and Moscow’s Mayor Sasha Voronov. The Imperial Family will attend, but are not expected to speak.

The monument is the culmination of over a year of planning and construction. Planning began almost immediately after the Germans evacuated Moscow. City and government planners spent months determining the place to erect the monument to commemorate the thousands of people killed during several intense conflicts between Slavorussia and her former western neighbor. Named “The Motherland Morns” the monument depicts a golden statue of the Motherland cradling a fallen soldier on her lap during his last moments. The two figures are surrounded by red stone arches with the Izmailovsky Park providing the backdrop.

A relatively simple piece of modern engineering the monument is supposed to symbolize refined feelings of triumph over foreign invaders and also to express a deep feeling of sadness the country has battled with since the last years events concluded. The Motherland Morns is only the first completed of a dozen monuments currently under construction in cities throughout the empire.

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[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88455"][b]Empress Gives Birth to First Child![/b][/url]

The Palace has confirmed the rumors that shortly after nightfall last night Empress Khristina gave birth to a healthy 3.5 kg baby boy in the presence of the Emperor, the Imperial Family and close friends of the Imperial court. The Imperial Family says they were blessed with their first child and son last night. The Doctors who delivered Tsesarevich Justinian Justinianovich said he was strong, healthy and had a powerful set of lungs.

To mark the momentous occasion the Tsar officially pardoned 10,000 non-violent for first time prisoners from prison and labor institutions around the country. According to His Majesty’s spokesperson final preparations are being made for the Tsesarevich’s baptism next week. The guest list hasn’t been released, but many are speculating the usual suspects, Finnish, German, French, Slavic Malvinan and Vauleo-Buryatian delegations are high on the list.

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[u][b]Bigtime Bust![/b][/u]

In a surprising public display of force the Imperial Security Service interrupted today’s parliamentary proceedings to arrest 37 members of parliament on charges of corruption, and quickly hauled them off for arraignment.

According to a statement released by the Interior Ministry today’s arrests were the next step in a long investigation with the sole purpose of “discovering and weeding out a ring of corrupt politicians within the national legislature.” The Ministry chose not to release any incriminating information because of the sensitivity of the investigation, but an anonymous source inside the Ministry indicated that the charges of corruption included embezzlement, accepting bribes and rigging provincial elections.

Also arrested were three cabinet members, including Ivan Bank, Maria Fomin, and George Popov, Ministers of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Transportation respectively. A spokesperson from the palace also stated the Emperor Justinian intends to dismiss 18 of his parliamentary appointees in connection with the others.

The majority of the officials who were arrested today were members of the Conservative Party, which has prompted criticism from the party’s chairman, who fired off accusations at the Medvedev/Putin team for initiating another round of Stalin era purges, and accused Deputy PM Putin of being the mastermind behind the “vicious assault on democracy.” The Deputy PM hasn’t responded yet.

ISB agents also arrested six male members of a Paulist terror cell operating in St. Petersburg. According to the director of the ISB the men were members of the same cell that carried out the car bombing at the municipal Duma that killed the city’s mayor last week. The ISB hasn’t released the names of the men in custody.

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[u][b]18 More Legislators Arrested[/b][/u]

Today was meant to be a day off for the members of parliament, but for many it may be the beginning of a nightmare. After days of rigorous interrogation and intelligence gathering 18 more members of parliament, all members of the Prime Minister’s own party, have been arrested and charged in national courts on allegations of corruption. Ripples of outrage are spreading through the political arena as the Constitutional Democrats threaten to withdraw their support for the Prime Minister’s bid for reelection in 2012.

If the threat of loosing his office in two years was enough to worry about, the Prime Minister who is already down three cabinet members will loose two more. Internal Affairs Minister Pytor Zinoviev and Defense Minister Stanislav Chernenko submitted their resignations effective immediately. Their reasons for resigning have not been made public, but an anonymous source inside the Kremlin indicated that it could be related to the Prime Minister’s new internal policies.

With five open seats in the cabinet, Deputy PM Putin will have to increase his workload as he has become the acting Minister of Internal Affairs, Defense, Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Transportation all in one in addition to his regular duties as head of the both foreign and domestic intelligence agencies. While Mr. Putin is acquiring so many hats, some observers say he’s basking under the new spotlight being shined on him.

“He‘s always been a power hungry fiend.” said the former Defense Minister Chernenko about Mr. Putin as he was leaving his office in the Kremlin compound today. “Say goodbye to democracy.”

Mr. Putin’s fired back calling Mr. Cherenkov a “bitter old man, lashing out over loosing his job.” Mr. Putin went on to assure members of the press that his tenure as acting head of five government ministries was only temporary and that new appointees were being finalized and would be released soon.

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Justinian Romanov I, Emperor of Slavorussia.
Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister.

Alice Wesker, Archchancellor of the Las Malvinas Island Territories

Greetings Emperor Justinian and Prime Minister Medvedev, I am simply writing to enquire about the progress on our arms for oil agreement.
Hopefully your exploratory operations are complete and you have begun the next stages of your operation, which brings me to my next enquirey Sirs.

May I have a status report on my militaries hardware and when the shipments will be complete?, If the numbers we requested did not go through I shall send them again for your own convenience instead of having your clerks search your archives.

Advanced infantry equipment for 250,000 men.
Special operations equipment for 50,000 men.
Standard infantry equipment for 25,000 men.
MOPP uniforms for 250,000 men.

600 T-90's export model as per the agreement.
300 BTR-90 APC’s.
400 BMD-2 IFV’s.
500 SA-20 Gargoyle mobile AA missile launch vehicles (equipped with radar).

300 Su-35 multi-roll fighters.

If you have any problems with the scale of these orderes, please dont hesitate to get in touch.

Alice Wesker
Archchancellor of the Las Malvinas Island Territories[/quote]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]New and Old Faces In the Cabinet[/b][/u]

There’s a new cast of characters in the government according to today’s Kremlin press release that confirmed that three of the five open cabinet positions have been filled. The new Ministers of Economic Development, Internal Affairs and Defense were officially put on the government’s payroll Monday morning just before the weekly meeting of the cabinet.

The new Ministers, Franz Krabbe, Elena Petrovsky and Vladimir Putin were officially accepted by parliament as the Minister of Defense, Economic Development and Internal Affairs respectively and were before they ink was dry the verbal attacks from the opposition party began. Conservatives launched an all out attack against the Medvedev government and the new cabinet appointees and tossed around accusations of political repression and corruption.

The Minister taking the most flack, Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Putin was directly attacked by nearly every conservative member of Parliament for his heavy fisted, no nonsense approach as Chief of the Slavorussian intelligence community, both domestic and abroad. Although the former Prime Minister is used to coming under fire the latest assault from the right is already putting pressure on the new Interior Minister to prove his worth once and for all.

“We‘ve been aggressively combating corruption in the government and I intend to see that mission through to the end, regardless of what these reactionary elements think, say or do.” He told members of the press during his first press conference as a department head. However he did little to allay fears that the current police action by the government is little more than a power grab against the Parliament by the Prime Minister or himself and many of his opponents are pointing to that with growing concern.

“Vladimir Vladimirovich is reaching to grab a piece of a bygone era. He‘s searching for a soviet styled government rife with political repression and purges the likes of which this century has yet to see.” commented Vasily Ganchov, the newly elected head of the Conservative Party in response to Mr. Putin’s press conference. “I‘m truly beginning to wonder who is really running this government, the man with one title of the man with three?” a statement in reference to Mr. Putin’s two existing positions as Deputy PM and Chief of Intelligence.

Mr. Putin and his colleagues will have a tough time convincing their opponents to change their tune but the true battle won’t be fought in Parliament, it will be fought on the battlefield of public opinion where the Medvedev government is already fighting an uphill battle.

“Slavorussians are going to be very pleased with the new government‘s efficiency when the corruptive and weak elements have been expelled.” Mr. Putin asserted, but for the public results may come too soon, as the country gears up for the elections in September, when the Constitutional Democrats will have to fight for their supermajority or risk loosing it.

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[u][b]New Allegations Spark New Hostilities[/b][/u]

A brawl in Parliament has landed seven more Lower House members in jail tonight because of remarks made against the Prime Minister and his governing team. Count Yaroslav Dondukov and Deputy Vasily Ganchov both members of the Imperial Duma were attacked by a group of Kadets after they used their time on the floor to viciously attack PM Medvedev and DPM Putin’s recent initiative to purge the government of corruption.

The fight apparently resulted from Count Dondukov calling Premier Medvedev a Visarite puppet “This country is run by a man who was installed by the German Reich. Now that he shows his true color, by arresting the honorable members of this great nation‘s parliament we should not be surprised. Let us not forget this man was handpicked by Emperor Visari to keep the God fearing Russian people under the thumb of Nordic oppression.”

“When he said that everything just broke down” commented Deputy Gregory Sarvin of Petrograd’s eastern district. “Someone, just walked up to the podium, punched him and grabbed him from behind [Dondukov]. He never saw it coming.” Count Dondukov’s fellow party member, Deputy Ganchov and two others stepped in to aid him and were attacked themselves by a group of Kadets.

The punch that was heard across the country is causing a stir among Kremlin officials who are demanding that the seven Duma Deputies be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Duma has already taken the lead by imposing several punitive actions against everyone involved including the seven deputies who are already behind bars. Count Dondukov, the only hereditary noble involved has been suspended from all Imperial Court functions for one month and fined 5,000 rubles by the Emperor. The Deputies will face a judge and be charged tomorrow morning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[b]Voice Over:[/b] the following is courtesy of the Ministry of War’s propaganda department. Welcome to another Addition of “The March of War”

[i][The Hymn of the Slavorussian Empire plays while images of the war in Europe roll on the screen. The scene opens, two boys, Timmy and Jimmy are playing outside with toy soldiers. Timmy a stout boy and Jimmy a lanky boy are both wearing junior cadet uniforms.][/i]

[b]Voice Over:[/b] Hello again Jimmy, hello Timmy. Remember me? How have you been since we last met?

[b]Timmy and Jimmy:[/b] Hi mister!

[b]Voice Over:[/b] as I recall, when we last met you boys were doing your part to bring down the evil Nordic Empire and free Europe from the evil grasp of the Visarists. Boy we really gave those crazy !@#$%^&* what for.

[b]Timmy:[/b] we sure did mister.

[b]VO:[/b] But now there’s a new threat to Mother Russia and her allies.

[b]Timmy and Jimmy:[/b] There is?

[b]VO:[/b] Yes indeed boys and this threat is just as dangerous and threatening as anything the Nordic Reich could have thought up, only this time they’re after our German allies and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] But I thought the Germans were our enemy?

[b]VO:[/b] No way boys. Sure we had a rocky past with Germany, but Europe is different now. All European nations are working together to for a brighter future. Europe is peaceful once again, at least while those silly Americans destroy themselves. Now our enemy are the backstabbing French and their backwards American allies in York and the HAE.

[b]Timmy:[/b] Those !@#$%^&*!

[b]VO:[/b] Haha, calm down Timmy. The Americans know now what they do. They’ve been hypnotized by the heathen French Empress Therese Zelle and her feminine wiles. They can’t help it if they have weak minds and think with their--well we’ll come back to that. Lets go to Imperial Palace shall we?

[i][cut to Winter Palace, Petersburg.][/i]

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Wow is that the Emperor.

[b]VO:[/b] Sure is Jimmy, our Father Tsar and Mother Tsaritsa are standing at the balcony of the Winter Palace informing the nation that Slavorussia would go to war with the French.

[b]Timmy:[/b] Mister, what did the French do?

[b]VO:[/b] Well boys it’s a long story, but in short the French believe that the German government shouldn’t be allowed to govern their western territories. They claim the people there are French and that the region rightfully belongs to France. So one day French soldiers started marching into German territory killing German citizens and resistance fighters without making a distinction between the two.

[i][cut to French soldier in Alsace. A German soldier stands over a French speaking German woman lying on the ground.][/i]

[b]Soldier:[/b] Parlez-vous français?

[b]German citizen:[/b] Oui.

[The soldier hit’s the woman with the butt of his gun several times]

[b]Soldier:[/b] Zen you belong to France! VIVE LA FRANCE!

[i][cut back to Timmy and Jimmy in Petersburg.][/i]

[b]VO:[/b] You see boys we were allied to French and the French were allied to the Germans. We all enjoyed a close relationship until the French broke their alliance and invaded Germany, that’s when our young, but wise Emperor decided to fight back against French expansionism in Europe. Do you boys remember what I said last time about how you can help?

[b]Timmy and Jimmy:[/b] we sure do!

[b]Timmy:[/b] we can go down to our local reservist base and help the reserves prepare to battle the French menace. Then when we turn 16 we can join our local Youth Defender’s group.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] And we can save our old soda cans, paperclips and any other metallic products and take them down to our local reservist base.

[b]VO:[/b] That’s right! You’ll be doing your empire a great service and you’ll be helping to stop the French army in their tracks and crush their allies. Don’t let the Empress’s spider web envelop all of Europe, do your part to fight back against Zelle and her harem of misled Americans. And don’t forget to buy war bonds!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] I’m going to get started right now!

[b]Timmy:[/b] me too!

[b]VO:[/b] Haha, that’s the spirit boys. You make our Father Tsar proud. Give em Hell boys!

[i][Fade to black as Slavorussian soldiers march, the imperial flag flutters in the wind behind them.][/i]

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[u][b]Legislators Hospitalize Two of Their Own[/b][/u]

Two Deputies of the Lower House of the Imperial Parliament have been hospitalized after another violent altercation between left and right politicians. It’s the second time in as many months that the nation’s legislative assembly has devolved into anarchy and physical conflict. This time Constitutional Democrats (Kadets) were the targets of the Conservative party’s ire, moments before the Kadets were about to vote down a proposal to end the war with France and it’s allies.

Deputies Sergey Ivanko and Pyotr Yurovksy are in critical condition at Pyotr Stolypin Memorial Hospital after being assaulted by the opposition party as they approached the podium during today’s session. According to footage taken from a security camera it was Count Dondukov, one of the main participants in the last fight, that threw the first hit, lobbing a coffee cup across the Duma that hit Deputy Ivanko in the head. Several other conservatives joined the fight which prompted the Kadets to fight back with chairs and microphones.

According to the police report Count Dondukov leapt across a crowd and began mercilessly beating Deputy Ivanko with a microphone he had pulled off of the speaker’s podium. Deputy Yurovsky, age 70 tried to pull Dondukov off but was knocked down by a barrage of conservatives. Both Deputies are in critical condition.

Now Dondukov and several others face assault charges which and have been forced to resign their seats, leaving the Conservative Party with more empty seats to fill. Despite recent speculation, a press statement from the Palace says the Emperor isn’t going to dissolve the Duma and call for elections ahead of schedule, citing that moving up elections during a wartime mobilization would is would only complicate matters.

His recent refusal aside the situation in the legislature has not been ignored by other parties of the executive branch. An hour after the fight Prime Minister Medvedev ordered armed soldiers to occupy both houses of the Parliament, an operation which he says will last indefinitely. The Duma is expected to vote tomorrow officially sanctioning the war against France, and withdrawing the legislature from the debate entirely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]The War With France Ends![/b][/u]

Soldiers, tanks and planes occupied Red Square and the skies over Moscow today as Slavorussia celebrated the end of the bloody war between France and Germany and their respective allies. In accordance with Germany’s wishes Slavorussia recognized the decision reached between German and French officials and offered its own peace to France and allies the following day.

The Prime Minister said in his speech commemorating the occasion “Our victory in the war should not be shared by Germany, Cochin and Slavorussia alone. We have accomplished something larger. As we speak the nations of Europe, Asia and America are quickly finding ways to reconnect and repair the shattered bonds. I suspect that we are one step closer to truly finding peace.”

The irony of the Prime Minister Medvedev’s words have not gone unnoticed by his opponents who do not share his same optimistic view. Conservatives in Parliament have gone back to attacking the Medvedev government for suppressing their political rights and waging war against democracy in Russia. “We helped preserve freedom in the west, but at home we‘re facing another era of totalitarian oppression.” said one MP who was involved in the recent brawl in the Duma weeks ago.

Count Dondukov, related the recent situation to the one in 1917 when tensions were high. “This isn’t the first time armed troops have occupied the Duma, and as I recall it didn’t end very well for the government back then.”

But Prime Minister Medvedev and his cabinet aren’t paying any attention to the opposition citing that once those people supposedly being repressed by the government are the ones hindering the economic process, by engaging in illegal activities. Perhaps the main reason for the Medvedev government to be so emboldened is the fact that, thanks to the war, the Prime Minister’s approval rating has skyrocketed past its post-election numbers from May 2009, a rare feat for any elected official.

During his speech the Prime Minister eulogized the Empress of France, who lost her life in the final moments of the war, apparently sacrificing herself for a peaceful solution. “The world should count itself lucky to have leaders like Empress Therese, who would so boldly gave her life for her country.” Though the exact details of her death remain unclear, it is known that at the time of her death she had taken steps reach an accord with the Germans and end the war.

Moscow now turns it’s focus north to Finland where another conflict is taking place over the destructive policies the new government is imposing and murder of Slavorussian diplomats. The General Staff claims that victory in Finland is not far away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]Finnish Elections Will Coincide With Slavorussian Elections[/b][/u]

Finland’s interim-President Magnus Forsström has agreed to go ahead with scheduled elections in early September. The President allegedly decided to schedule the elections after urging from Moscow and the Imperial Military occupying Finland based on reports that Finnish communists were gaining strength among the population and could dominate the Parliament if elections were not held soon. The report allegedly came directly from the Kremlin’s post-war assessment report.

“Given the sensitive political situation in Finland we advised them to move on with elections as quickly and as sensibly as possible.” Prime Minister Medvedev said to reporters who questioned the validity of the claims.

Premier Medvedev says he was not aware that any of the post-war assessment report had been shared with the Finnish government yet, as it has not fully reviewed by his office nor the General Staff.

“I haven‘t heard of any such report, though my decision to schedule elections was supported by Russian as well as Finnish advisors.” Forsström said confirming the Kremlin’s earlier assertion.

Finnish Elections are scheduled for early September, the same time as the Slavorussian Duma Elections take place. The coincidence has drew criticism about the president’s intentions. There have been increase of prominent Finns making claims that he is merely Moscow’s puppet, an attack he strongly denies.

So far the Finnish voters can expect to see two prominent candidates for president join the incumbent in the Presidential race. Eva Vatanen a Christian Democrat and notable political activist and Charles Ofdensen of the Center Party who is a prominent businessman and ardent capitalist. Both candidates have a strong voting support base and are more than enough competition for the incumbent.

Early Polling results the Finnish Parliament seem to favor two main parties, the Center Party and the Social Democratic Party. Both parties have put forward candidates for every voting district throughout Finland and are putting forward a record amount of resources to see their candidates elected.

In the meantime the military will continue to occupy the country as they commence counter-insurgency operations from Helsinki and as far north as Utsjoki, Finland’s northern most municipality.

“We remain dedicated to rounding up the criminals that were set free from Finnish prisons and arresting the criminals that set them free.” General Menshikov said.

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[u][b]Big Wins for the Conservatives[/b][/u]

Tonight the Conservative Coalition is celebrating a series of big wins yesterday which came with overwhelmingly positive results for the conservative’s in the legislature. In a major upset for the Constitutional Democrats, the conservatives managed to gain a grand total of 50 seats in the Duma, as well as several hundred seats in provincial legislatures, mostly in the eastern provinces.

The communist party also gained several seats from the Kadets, primarily in the southern agricultural voting districts were the communists have routinely been a strong party.

Although to say the Kadets are hurting would be something of an overstatement. Despite huge gains by conservatives the Kadets still command over 59% of the seats in the Duma, but supporters of the right leaning coalition claim yesterday’s victories are just another step closer to freeing the Parliament from the Kadet’s stranglehold.

The Prime Minister called to congratulate the minority party’s chairman, Duke Roman Zhukovsky. When asked what he thought of the conservative’s coalition’s fortune the Prime Minister said, “Our two parties may not always get along but we are two sides of the same coin. Our job is to work together and govern His Majesty‘s realm to the best of our ability.”

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[u][b]Showdown in Helsinki[/b][/u]

Tensions are on the rise between the Kingdom of Finland and Slavorussia over Slavorussia’s continuing occupation of Helsinki, the onetime capital of the Republic of Finland. Finland’s increased military presence around the city has sparked a wave of dissent as the residents demand that the Kremlin fulfill it’s promise to defend the city. The military responded by beefing up security measures and proceeding with an unplanned exercise between the three main branches of the military.

“We made these people a promise in the name of the Tsar and his government and until such time that a referendum is held, I intend to keep that promise.” said General Nikolai Menshikov, Chief of the General Staff General of the Army.

The stir up comes just days after a mass exodus of the city’s residents emigrated out of the city based on claims that they’d been victimized by a minority of Hansa nationals that want to reestablish and independent Hansa, which Slavorussian military authorities say are based on truth.

“We did receive reports that there were groups in the city that were using political and non political tactics to intimidate and repress the Finnish Nationals.” replied General Menshikov when asked to comment about the disputes his office had personally mediated. He added that the military quickly responded to any disputes that arose and arrested those who broke the municipal laws. However he declined to comment on what groups were involved.

In the midst of the larger international the military is now taking a stand on Lauttasaari Island, a residential district of Helsinki, which the Finnish government wants to demilitarize. The ground forces occupying the island say that if Finland want’s to create a demilitarized zone they can do it in their own territory, where they have the power to enforce one.

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[b]Statement from Finland in regards to the escalating tensions between Slavorussia and the Kingdom.[/b]

Finnish military forces, including the Grand Fleet have been stood down from an agressive stance. Forces numbering over sixty thousand personel which were entrenching the land around Helsinki in the event hostilities broke out have ceased all such activies.

Engineers from the civilian sector, aswell as military engineers have begun preparing the land border between the Kingdom of Finland, and Russian held Helsinki, for the construction of a large wall. The wall will be used to moniter civilian traffic moving to and from the disputed land.

Lauttasaari Island, presently under Slavorussian control, will be used as the one and only checkpoint in and out of the city by land. The Bridge leading into Espoo from Lauttasaari will be closed until the wall is complete, and then a fortified checkpoint will be constructed to prevent any incidents. The checkpoint will have a minimal military presence, and will be manned 24/7 by border agents.
The Grand Navy is currently involved in live fire training exercises in the Gulf of Finland after being moved away from Helsinki.

King Christian wishes to express to the Tsar and Prime Minister that the Baltic Army will be redeployed to another location when the current project is complete, and the manning of the wall at observation posts will be undertaken by the Army of the South.

If Slavorussia has any issues with the actions being taken by the Finnish Government, complaints can be directed straight to the Palace.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[u][b]Slavorussian Begins Troop Withdrawal From Finland[/b][/u]

A column of Slavorussian armored vehicles abandoned positions near Oulu, traveling east back home to Slavorussian Karelia. Slavorussian soldiers occupying bases in the southern regions began packing their transports preparing for the full and imminent withdrawal from the Kingdom of Finland, just days after Slavorussia’s occupation of Helsinki caused a rift in relations between Espoo and Moscow.

For the first time since the military invaded to depose the republican government Slavorussian ground forces are in full retreat, ceding massive swaths of land to Finnish forces as they go.

Ground forces will now be going to one of three places, either Aland Islands or Helsinki, which will stay occupied by Slavorussia for an indeterminate amount of time. However the bulk of the force will likely be coming home to their bases for well some deserved rest after Moscow finally wraps up what it sees as two successful wars, one against France and the other against Finnish Rebels.

According to sources in the Kremlin, Moscow’s focus will be shifting from war to matters of national concern, namely the illegal, but growing Paulist separatist movement.

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The Germanic Union, now unconcerned by foreign threats, offers any assistance that may be needed to quell the Paulist Problem for the second time around.

"We haven't forgotten what those enemies were capable of doing, and so we will, if Moscow Allows it, do our best to prevent them from arising again. Russia is one of our closest, if not THE closest ally we have and mantaining the brotherhood will be a priority for us."

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[u][b]Kremlin Responds to Renewed Tension[/b][/u]

The Ministry of Defense commented on a number of recent satellite reconnaissance photos gathered by military intelligence earlier today. The photos showed evidence that the Finnish army was amassing a formidable military force on it’s border with Slavorussia, a force which the Imperial Army has quickly moved to counter.

Prime Minister Medvedev called for the Finnish government to explain several recent military buildups that the Fins have used to strain the Russo-Finnish relationship. “When the government new royal government of Finland was formed it was under the provision that Helsinki and Aland would possibly form their own independent governments. Now unsatisfied with that condition Finland is frantically pushing Slavorussia to throw the first punch.”

Deputy PM Putin asserted that Slavorussia would not stand down, and that military exercises on land, air and sea would commence immediately. “We are taking steps in discovering their intentions and in the meantime we‘re organizing for the worst.” he said.

Sources in the military have stated that Slavorussia will halt it’s withdrawal of troops and equipment until the Finnish government makes it’s intentions clear.

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[b]Statement from Espoo[/b]

Slavorussia will remove its Imperial Forces from Finland proper immediately.
Helsinki and Aaland are under Imperial control and so feel free to move them into those two locations if you fear our army on your border, an army, which your satellites will show is digging in around the border towns, not massing for an agressive action.

The Grand Fleet in the Baltic was deliberately moved away from Aaland and Helsinki to reduce tensions and fears over an escalation.
The forces on the border pose no threat to Slavorussia and are nothing but a precaution should everything go south as the saying goes.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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  • 4 weeks later...

[u][b]Military to Test Defensive Readiness[/b][/u]

It’s only been days since the Prime Minister provided support to the unofficial coalition of European states that deposed the J Andresian regime in Great Britain, but the military seems to be preparing for another conflict. Information leaked from the Ministry of Defense shed light on a massive military mobilization throughout the country. The government is claiming that the military is staging a test of it’s defensive capabilities, but some critics are not so sure.

“We haven‘t conducted a proper test of our defensive capabilities since shortly after expelling the communist ‘Ukrainians’ from the southern steppes.” said Defense Minister Franz Krebbe. “We need to identify our where our weaknesses are and fix them before our enemies can exploit them.”

“Our military and our presence throughout the world is growing. We need to know the full capabilities of our military and where our limits are or we could be in serious trouble.” said Prime Minister Medvedev during his address to parliament.

The military is asking citizens not to worry over the next week as all of the branches of the armed forces are will be testing their defensive measures during the week. It has stated that aircraft will be flying periodic mission simulations over cities and towns but that there is not any real threat to the residents. During one of these simulators the air force and Sukhoi plan to test the second phase prototype for the T-50 stealth fighter. No further comments were made by either party.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]Military Completes Withdrawal from Finland[/b][/u]

The last Slavorussian troops stationed in Finland left today bringing an end the four month long occupation. Soldiers of the legendary Preobrazhensky regiment who were the first troops sent into Finland are now officially the last to leave.

Prime Minister Medvedev ordered the last troops to leave earlier this month saying, “We‘ve accomplished our objectives. The corrupt regime that usurped the republican government has been destroyed and Finland is in the hands of a capable new government.”

The final withdrawal was the end result of a treaty struck between Slavorussian and Hanseatic officials which turned over control of the county in return for trade and economic benefits. The treaty did not include any of the Aaland Islands, where over 25,000 imperial troops continues to occupy. Kremlin officials have remained tight lipped over Aaland, but anonymous sources indicate that the government has entered negotiations with the German government to recover Belarus in return for Aaland. The Kremlin refused to comment.

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[u][b]Emperor Delivers the Government's Speech to Parliament[/b][/u]

Emotions among the Members of Parliament have been roused by His Majesty speech from the throne at this year’s opening of Parliament. Flanked by Their Excellencies the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister the Emperor outlined his government’s new doctrine for domestic and foreign policy. He called on the government and nobility to “live up to their expectations and act as the moral standard for all Slavorussians.” as well as making it their personal responsibility to “earn the titles and offices which the people have appointed them to by displaying their unflagging service to the state.” Members of the Conservative Coalition, the Constitutional Democrats and even the Communist Party were challenged in the speech to find lasting solutions to the troubles plaguing every level of the country’s society.

The following is an outline of the speech:

[u][b]Foreign Policy:[/b][/u]
[u]On Imperialism[/u]

[*]The Slavorussian Empire is not opposed to imperialism in all of it's forms. In order for the global and regional powers to remain in their seats of power it is necessary for them to exercise "limited imperialist doctrines" in other nations. This included foreign and domestic imperial expansion in Europe where Slavorussia’s and its allies are not threatened.
[*]Many countries, including Slavorussia and it's allies practice some form of "limited imperialism" in which larger nations seek to integrate smaller ones that have similar historic and cultural backgrounds or unified social, political and economic goals and aim for a common purpose.
[*]The Empire does oppose using imperialist growth that exceeded the parameters of limited imperialist doctrines. Unhindered imperialism is a threat to all nations and peoples. The exploitation of racial and ethnic minorities for the primary gains of the mother country is an inherently destructive practice and only leads to social strife. The so called mother country and the so called colony should work together for mutual gains.

[u]On North America[/u]

[*]Slavorussia will cease further intervention in the war on the North American continent. The cost arising from the Slavorussian intervention is mounting and can no longer be sustained. The United States of America has been conquered and Slavorussia recognizes the gains made during the course of the war.
[*]It should be the responsibility of His Majesty’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to connect with the governments of North America for the purpose of mutual cooperation in economic, environmental and social affairs. The countries of J Andres and the Empire of Pravus Ingruo should be countries of primary concern in achieving this goal.

[u]On Europe[/u]

[*]Creating military and economic alliances with all European nations should be the primary concern of the Slavorussian Empire in Europe.
[*]His Majesty’s government is deeply dedicated to stronger ties with Germany. Joint economic and military ventures between the Empire and the Union are necessary for a healthy relationship between the German and Russian peoples. In future months the government will approach the German government in engaging in joint military and space operations.
[*]With the reemergence of Ireland, Scotland and England Slavorussia’s presence in western Europe will begin to grow as the government will seek close relations with the British Isles.

[u]On Finland[/u]

[*]Slavorussian forces have achieved their goals in Finland. Imperial forces have apprehended numerous Finnish convicts and placed them back in the safety of Finnish jails. The Armed Forces have also removed the corrupt government that set the war in motion and restored order to the country. The invasion and withdrawal have been successfully completed ahead of schedule.
[*]The agreement reached between Hanseatic and Slavorussian officials, referred to as the Treaty of Moscow-Helsinki and ratified by the Parliament of the Slavorussian Empire has gone into effect and shall be respected by all ministries, committees and agencies of His Imperial Majesty’s government.

[u]On Reclaiming the Russian Empire[/u]


[*]The boundaries of Russia prior to 1914, including but not limited to: Great Russia, White Russia, Ukraine, the Grand Duchy of Finland, the Kingdom of Poland, the Tsardoms of Siberia, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Courland and the other Baltic possessions and Bessarabia have been lost to the crown thanks to the Great Disruption. The government recognizes that these territories now belong to separate countries or are independent in their own right and will not use violent action to have them returned to the Empire, but may look for peaceful methods to see them returned if possible.
[*]The government is actively working with the Committee for the Reunification of Belorussia, CBR, towards achieving unification of the Belorussian territories. The Prime Minister has created the Extraordinary Governmental Committee for the Investigation and Coordination for the Peaceful Unification of Belorussia. To work with the CRB toward realizing their goal.

[u]On National Security and Defense[/u]

[*]The Slavorussian Empire takes an extreme stance against acts of war on its interests or the interests of its friends and allies. The government of Slavorussia reserves the right to use the Armed Forces of the Slavorussian Empire to aid its friends and allies if they are attacked, regardless of geographic location and treaty status. Acts of aggression will not be tolerated.
[*]An act of aggression is defined as any act occurring in the course of declared war; armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or armed conflict between military forces of any origin.
[*]Slavorussia may declare war on another country if:
[*]A foreign country declares war on Slavorussia or its friends and allies.
[*]A foreign country invades Slavorussia or its friends and allies with our without a declaration of war.
[*]A foreign country sponsors terrorism or attacks on Slavorussian nationals at home or abroad, including but not limited to government officials.
[*]A foreign country attacks Slavorussian property at home or abroad.
[*]A foreign country attempts a naval blockade of Slavorussia or it’s friends and allies.
[*]A foreign country funds or any aids armed groups and rebel organizations with the purpose of disrupting or overthrowing the Slavorussian government.
[*]A friend or ally requests aid from Slavorussia.

[u][b]Domestic Policy[/u][/b]
[u]On Government Spending and Taxes[/u]

[*]His Imperial Majesty’s Government intends to propose to Parliament new initiatives that focus on health and social welfare reforms, educational reforms and defense spending.
[*]The Ministry of Education plans a total overhaul of the educational system at every level. If Parliament permits thousands of financially strained schools will receive an infusion of funds for making repairs to school properties, to buy updated textbooks and supplies for students and to purchase technology for the purpose of educating the nation’s school students. In addition teachers and college professors will be required to attend regular training sessions and take regular proficiency tests. Employment and salaries will be based on test scores.

[u]On Administrative Reform[/u]

[*]Civil servants at the national, provincial and municipal levels will be required to take the civil servant’s exam’s to demonstrate their proficiency in a given field. Failure to achieve proficiency may result in termination or pay reduction.
[*]All employees of the government be they elected or appointed will be required to demonstrate service to the state. Members of the nobility will be required to serve the state through military or civil service. Nobles not displaying their service will forfeit their titles. Titles of the Nobility may be revoked only at the discursion of the Emperor.

[u]On the Military and Defense[/u]

[*]The Armed Force of the Slavorussian Empire will continue to be expanded over the course of the next few years. Terms of service for conscripts and volunteer soldiers will be reduced from three years of service to two. Draft exemptions may be issued on the basis of religious opposition, occupations, health issues or on the basis of dependency.
[*]A portion of the Ministry of Defense’s budget, once approved by the Parlaiment will go toward the research and development of modern technological advancements for use in any branch of the armed forces. Another portion will go toward the purchase or refitting of military equipment especially planes, ships and tanks. Additional funds will go toward improving advanced warning techniques, radar, sonar, spy satellites and weather indicators.
[*]The military is actively working towards rearming Slavorussia’s mobile nuclear deterrent. The army has purchased uranium for enriching. Twenty Mobile Launch Platforms have been removed from mothball and put back into the service of the Strategic Rocket Forces.
[*]Finally the size of the Northern Fleet will be increased by the end of this year. The emperor class aircraft carriers, Alexander Nevsky and Justinian I, are expected to be completed sometime next month and will join the Pytor Veliky and Ekaterina Velikaya in the fleet.

[u]On Health and Social Welfare[/u]

[*]Slavorussian males are suffering from the disease of alcoholism. We are seeing the divorce rate climb and families are crumbling because of it. It has become necessary for the government to step in and take the initiative to cure the alcoholism epidemic. The courts will require all people convicted of alcohol related crimes to attend regular periodic support groups and medical treatment.
[*]Alcohol distributors are prohibited from selling alcohol to persons under the age of 18. This law has gone unenforced, however local authorities are required to begin strict enforcement of the law. Offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
[*]The Prime Minister stresses the importance of welfare reform. Parliament is encouraged to take up this task and reform the outdated Welfare Act of 1993. Jobs and government training programs have stagnated. New infusion of funds may be required to revive the program. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Economic Development have proposed several new programs that would create more jobs in both the government and private sectors as well as providing state sponsored daycares for single parents.

[u]On the Paulist Rebellion and Its Participants[/u]

[*]The Grand Duke Paul Denisovich has escaped from the labor camp and the country is experiencing a resurgence rebellious activity. Involvement in the Paulist Movement is considered an act of treason and amnesty will not be granted to those who go align with this destructive movement. Anyone found consorting with the insurrectionists will be arrested and put on trial. The military and police must act proactively in resisting the advances of Paulist insurgents and bring their reign of terror to its end.
[*]The five top conspirators in the Paulist insurrection earlier this year who were tried on numerous counts of murder, extortion, treason, embezzlement and corruption will have their sentences carried out no later than December 31, 2011.
[*]Paul Denisovich Romanov is considered a danger to society. His speedy apprehension and imprisonment is necessary to maintaining the safety of the country. A bounty of ten-million Imperial Slavorussian rubles will be given to anyone who can provide police with information leading to the arrest of the former Grand Duke.

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1288071959' post='2493413']

[u]On Reclaiming the Russian Empire[/u]

The boundaries of Russia prior to 1914, including but not limited to: Great Russia, White Russia, Ukraine, the Grand Duchy of Finland, the Kingdom of Poland, the Tsardoms of Siberia, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Courland and the other Baltic possessions and Bessarabia have been lost to the crown thanks to the Great Disruption. The government recognizes that these territories now belong to separate countries or are independent in their own right and will not use violent action to have them returned to the Empire, but may look for peaceful methods to see them returned if possible.

Koryo asks if Slavorussia is delusional. The Russians never had any legitaimate claims to Siberia, and Koryo will make sure that they never set their foot east of the Yenisei River.

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And Koryo would be wise to take a back seat. It was made clear force of arms would not be used and peaceful methods would be employed in attempts to achieve their goals.

Back on topic, England hopes these reforms can be achieved by the Slavorussian Government.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1288076684' post='2493445']
Koryo asks if Slavorussia is delusional. The Russians never had any legitaimate claims to Siberia, and Koryo will make sure that they never set their foot east of the Yenisei River.

Delusional? No, we just have history books that were published after the 17th century. While your insignificant threats are quite amusing we feel sorry for your school children. The Prime Minister will ask Parliament to allocate monetary aid for Koryo, so that they can purchase modern history books.

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