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Justinian the Mighty

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[u][b]Food Shortages Cause National Panic![/b][/u]

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture dropped a bombshell at a routine press conference this morning. According to the statement made by the speaker the nation’s food supply is being rapidly depleted and will not last until the next harvest. Farmers attribute the cause of the shortage to the low crop yield last year, which ultimately arose from the nuclear war, and constant foreign invasions of 2009‘s Patriotic Wars. The Minister of Agriculture, Elena Skrynnik, has been unavailable for comment, but her spokesperson confirmed the story.

News of the shortage has the entire country in a panic. People fearing imminent starvation have begun to ransack supermarkets and food storage warehouses. The situation is especially grave in St. Petersburg where tensions are already high over labor issues. In light of the national outcry imperial troops are deploying to major cities and large farming communities to maintain order.

The Prime Minister attempted to ease the country’s troubled nerves at his own press conference just before noon. “Even though we are suffering from a food shortage, with a little conservation and a lot of cooperation we can make what we have last. I assure you there is no immediate danger.”

Unfortunately the Prime Minister’s words have not achieved the desired effect. Sasha Nikitin, General Secretary of the Socialist Vanguard Party, a group with growing political power, blames the shortage solely on the Royal Family, which owns stock in one of the country’s growing food distribution services. Nikitin said to a crowd of his supporters, “They‘re creating a panic so that they can raise their prices and bleed the working class dry.”

Palace officials denied the accusations claiming the Royal Family’s owns stock in the railroad companies that transport agricultural products to urban centers. Additionally according to palace officials the Royal Family has donated 100 million rubles toward the purchase of foreign food exports.

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[u][b]Citizens of St. Petersburg are Outraged[/b][/u]

Citizens of a St. Petersburg suburb are accusing soldiers of attacking and smashing up a coffeehouse. Witnesses claim that an officer and at least a dozen soldiers entered the shop and accused the 72 year old owner and his wife of being a foreign agent sent to corrupt the nation‘s agriculture industry. The man was informed of his rights and when he resisted witnesses say the soldiers pulled the man and his wife outside the building and into the street.

“They grabbed the woman by her hair and took her outside and threw her on the floor. Her husband shouted for them to stop, but they threw him down as well. We weren‘t sure what was really happening.” says one witness.

Another witness who attempted to help the business owner and his wife was also assaulted. He says he was hit in the face by the butt of a rifle. “I stood up and said something to one of the nearby soldiers. I asked them to stop, and the next thing I know I was on the ground with a bloody nose.”

Army officials have completely denied the accusations claiming that Imperial troops aren’t responsible for arresting suspected foreign agents, that responsibility falls under the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ jurisdiction, not the Ministry of Defense. Outraged citizens demanded for an investigation to uncover the perpetrators of the attack.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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[quote name='Karl Martin' date='22 March 2010 - 12:05 AM' timestamp='1269230696' post='2232840']
Burgundy has a little wheat surplus. Would Slavorussia like to receive it?

A generous offer that the people are glad to accept. We'd be willing to purchase it at markate value plus transport costs.

[quote name='comrade nikonov' date='29 March 2010 - 09:13 PM' timestamp='1269911569' post='2240608']
The Federal Union of Slavic Republics expresses concerns over allegations of police brutality in Slavorussia.

At the moment these allegations are unsubstantiated. Despite several denials from both the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior we have started an investigation into the incident. The findings will be released upon completion of our investigation.

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[u][b]Imperial Troops Spark Riot in Kursk Oblast.[/b][/u]

Rioting throughout the Kursk Oblast has effectively brought the local government to it’s knees. 23 people are dead as a result of the violence and many more injured. The Governor and his family have fled to Moscow where he has asked the Prime Minister for 50,000 Imperial troops to bring the situation back under control.

Rioting began Thursday morning after local newspapers reported several stories concerning the military’s overly aggressive actions throughout the country. Although the military’s chain of command is denying any involvement in the recent wave of violence against innocent citizens, video evidence posted on the internet shows a different story.

One video shows a colonel in the Volgograd Oblast charge 12 farmers with crimes against the state, declare them guilty then carry out their executions. Despite visual evidence against the armed forces the army refuses to accept responsibility. Officials within the military say the videos are proof that it’s not any branch of Slavorussia’s armed forces or internal security agencies, based on the type of weapons the perpetrators were using.

“we don’t use ‘em” commented General Orlov, when questioned about the type of gun seen in the video.

Nevertheless opponents of the government, like The Socialist Vanguard Party are gaining momentum against the current Kadet majority government. Statements from the SVP on the situation are inflammatory, calling on the people to rise up and resume the revolution.

“We are seeing in our time the oppressive nature of the last of Europe’s absolutist regimes. The Slavorussian government has shown it‘s true colors recently, and the very same government that caters to that inbred reactionist tyrant in Moscow has seen it‘s final days. We are witnessing the death rattle of the last vestige of imperialist oppression in the world. God save the Tsar indeed, or he will certainly rot in hell otherwise.” -General Secretary Nikitin of the SVP.

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[u][b]Army Revolt in Petrograd Oblast![/b][/u]

Soldiers in the St. Petersburg Special Military Administrative District in the Petrograd Oblast have revolted against the Tsar’s government. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79351&st=0&gopid=2247799&#entry2247799"]Acting on orders from the district’s commander Vladislav Yuryevich Navitski soldiers attacked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s convoy as it left the airbase and occupied the city of St. Petersburg.[/url]

The government in Moscow is demanding the Prime Minister’s release and the surrender of the rogue forces. Acting Premier Putin is now blaming this rogue element for committing acts of terror throughout the country, including inciting riots in Kursk Oblast.

Rogue army elements in the Petrograd Oblast are refusing to negotiate with the government accusing Slavorussian officials of a conspiracy that reaches as high up as the monarchy. Commander Navitski has demanded that the Tsar abdicate and make his cousin, Grand Duke Paul Denisovich, Tsar of Slavorussia. Palace officials have given a statement that the accusations against the crown are entirely unfounded and that the Tsar will not abdicate. So far no reply has come from St. Petersburg.

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[u][b]Kremlin Ultimatum[/b][/u]

The Kremlin has just issued an ultimatum to the rogue forces responsible for abducting Premier Medvedev. It came as a response to the Commander Navitski’s earlier demands for the Tsar to abdicate in favor of his cousin.

Acting Premier Vladimir Putin delivered the televised ultimatum, calling for “Premier Medvedev‘s immediate release, the release of his personal staff and the demilitarization of St. Petersburg.” The acting Premier warned the rogue military commanders that failure to comply would result in armed conflict. Mr. Putin also informed bordering countries like Finland and Deutschland to be weary of their national borders, fearing the rogues will attempt to provoke a war.

So far no communication has come from St. Petersburg, but the government is giving Commander Navitski 24 hours to comply before Imperial troops are brought in to liberate the region, and the Prime Minister.

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[b]News Anchor:[/b] Politicians in Moscow are scrambling to avert a civil war as we are just hours away from the deadline given by the Kremlin to rogue military forces in Petrograd. Slavorussian soldiers who were under the command of Major General Vladislav Yuryevich Navitski abducted Prime Minister Medvedev two days ago, prompting a swift and stern ultimatum from Deputy Prime Minister Putin. The deadline was set to expire at midnight last night, but was extended another 24 hours so the rest of the army could mobilize. Military officials say they are ready to enforce the ultimatum tonight but… It appears as if Deputy Prime Minister Putin is addressing both houses of Parliament, where we have live coverage.

[b]DPM Putin:[/b] Ladies and Gentlemen of Parliament, fellow citizens, friends and allies around the world:


I am here with you tonight to publicly address the current situation. In recent weeks we have been a country sharply divided. Divided by political and social issues and torn apart by our inability to cooperate together as one nation. We’ve let our differences get the best of us, and we are suffering as a result. While we bickered and argued amongst ourselves a dangerous parasite was burrowing deep into our society trying to kill us from within. I speak of course of the Tsarist opposition led by Grand Duke Paul Denisovich and Major General Vladislav Yuryevich.

It is no coincidence that on the anniversary of the Nordic Confederacy’s invasion of Slavorussia that the dark forces have aligned again in hopes of crippling our peaceful way of life. I will spare you all the details, but recent evidence has proven that the Grand Duke and his followers had sold lies to the west to provoke a devastating war to usurp the current monarch and take the throne for himself.

Two days ago, after our Prime Minister had been taken hostage by rogue military forces in St. Petersburg I gave Major General Navitski a choice; release the Prime Minister and the city of St. Petersburg or face disastrous consequences. As of this moment, less than four hours before the end of the 48 hour extended deadline, they have failed to comply. Therefore acting in my authority as Acting Prime Minister of the Slavorussian Empire and with the consent of the His Majesty, the full might of our northern armies are mobilized and ready to attack. As I speak thousands of our best men and women are converging on the St. Petersburg Special Military Administrative District, where General Navitski is holding command. All soldiers in the district, loyal or not, are to lay down their arms and step aside.

Our army is still strong. Our soldiers are still dedicated to their duty. The brave men and women in the armed forces must perform their individual duties and bring this country back in line. Failure of this mission is not an option. The very fabric of our society depends on you. Go forward and bring justice to those who have betrayed the people of that nation.

We cannot, and will not sit by while order and rule of law are disturbed within this country’s borders. I have a message for our enemies. Beware. The time for action is now. Those responsible for disturbing the peace will be arrested and face the consequences of their treasonous acts. You cannot run and you cannot hide. We will hunt you and we will fund you. The Slavorussian people demand justice and justice will be served.

Thank you and good night.

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' date='06 April 2010 - 04:40 PM' timestamp='1270600800' post='2250963']
[snip] We will hunt you and we will fund you. [snip]

"Fund? Do that mean you support treason?"
- [i]New York Times[/i] reporter

OOC: Sorry, couldn't resist. :awesome:

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]Socialists Cause Scores A Monolithic Victory[/b][/u]

Greetings comrades! Today the proponents of the Socialist Vanguard Movement scored a monumental victory over the Tsarist oppressors of the Russian people. Socialist fighters under the direction our own General Secretary have successfully occupied hundreds of the imperialist beast’s institutions, including the propaganda machine here at the former Moscow Star headquarters.

In addition to capturing the propaganda networks, our valorous fighters have also captured the instrument responsible for Tsarist army’s power, the war factories. Our cells operating in the north have captured partially assembled tanks, APC’s, military jets and bombers as well as assault rifles, bombs, scrap metal and stockpiles of military rations.

The false communists, the Bukharinites in Parliament denounced the cause accusing the Socialist Vanguard Party of creating an atmosphere of violence. The General Secretary of the so called Communist Party stood in solidarity with the weak willed Constitutional Democrats, and the reactionary right wing members of Parliament in attacking the cause and belittling its recent achievements.

Nevertheless the history of Great Russia is being reworked at this very moment. The vicious oppression of the Tsarist government is near its end and the world will see the marvelous revival of the Soviets once it has gone. It’s a glorious system comrades. Onward to victory!

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[u][b]Establishment of the Moscow Soviet[/b][/u]

Welcome to another edition of the Socialist Star Comrades. Today our glorious cause delivered many devastating blows to the warring imperialist armies. In Tver socialist revolutionaries permanently shut down another imperialist war factory. The witnesses who saw the explosion say it was an amazing sight. One witness said, “It was like watching the imperialist war machine self destruct.”

Indeed the shackles of Tsarist oppression are breaking away as we speak. Today from the steps of the Party Headquarters in Moscow, Comrade General Secretary Nikitin announced the reformation of the Moscow Soviet. Six more soviets were established throughout the country following the Moscow Party’s example. SVP members in Moscow confident change is near.

“In the face of the current imperialist wars across the globe it falls on the socialist parties of the world to rise up and crush their capitalist oppressors.” Comrade Nikitin said, at the first meeting of the Soviet. “The global revolution is more real now than ever before.”

In related news Comrade Nikitin requested that all the soviets send a representative to Moscow. The General Secretary says he wishes to discuss the course of the party and how to further it’s goals. So far four of the six soviets have named their representatives. The other two expect to have made a decision by tomorrow afternoon.

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[u][b]Grand Duke Furthers Plans to Seize Power[/b][/u]

Grand Duke Paul Denisovich finalized plans to have himself officially declared Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias palace officials said. The decision to revive the old title, last used by Emperor Nicholas II, has been widely discussed among Paulist government officials and is not being received well by those outside the Grand Duke’s inner circle. Many people have expressed their concern that reviving the Autocratic style of government will lead to even more problems.

The Grand Duke has been waiting for weeks to recover the Imperial Crown Jewels which were taken by Emperor Justinian to St. Petersburg when the government vacated Moscow a month ago. Paulist forces failed the capture the Emperor and the crown when they occupied St. Petersburg, but many Paulist supporters are now saying that the crown is not important, and that it’s presence at coronations is merely symbolic.

According to some sources the Grand Duke has commissioned a well known, but unidentified jeweler to create a new crown to replace the old Imperial Crown that is nearly 300 years old. Leaked sketches of the new crown depicts a something very reminiscent of it’s predecessor. Sources indicate that the new crown might be more plain than the former crown, but will be improved upon after the coronation ceremony. The Grand Duke has also commissioned a creation of a new orb and scepter.

Coronation ceremonies have not been scheduled yet, but a spokesperson for the Grand Duke says their plans to hold the ceremony in Moscow have been changed for obvious reasons. The Palace plans to release more information as it becomes available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]Coup d'etat Defeated![/b][/u]

German and Slavorussian forces occupied St. Petersburg, the seat of the Paulist government, after several days of intense fighting. Imperial and German troops reported capturing nearly 30 people in the Grand Duke’s inner circle. Former Grand Duke Paul Denisovich was among those who surrendered and were captured effectively ending the Paulist coup against the Imperial Government.

Soldiers of both armies were present when the disgraced Grand Duke was taken captive from a room in the Winter Palace in the early morning hours. Witnesses described the moment as “both chilling and pleasing.”

“We were face to face with the devil, yet the beast was more afraid of us than we were of him.” commented one soldier who helped storm the palace.

Medics were available to treat an accidental gunshot wound to the arm that the Grand Duke sustained when he resisted capture. Doctors say that the wound wasn’t serious and that he will make a full recovery. This is good news for military and government officials who are currently putting together a military tribunal for the Grand Duke and 22 of his fellow conspirators.

Authorities are still searching for the former Prime Minister Vladimir Belyakov, Also known by his alias Viktor Sevchenkov. Belyakov was the second in command of the army and head of the Paulist government. Prior to his alleged assassination in over a year ago, Belyakov had a successful career in Slavorussian business and politics. Now the former Prime Minister finds himself at the top of the FSB’s most wanted list.

The current Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, who’s kidnapping was the catalyst for the coup, spoke at a memorial service for soldiers and civilians who were victimized by the Paulist regime. The Prime Minister explained his plan for reconstruction and highlighted the largest threats to national security which include terrorism and reactionary movements like the Paulist Movement.

The government has declared a week of morning for 98,700 Slavorussians and an undisclosed number of Germans killed since the beginning of the conflict.

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[b][i]TO: Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
From: HIH Therese I of France[/i][/b]
Your Excellency,

I would like to be one of the first to congratulate the Slavorussian State for finally pulling out of your subsequent civil war, such a noble state of yours to be put through such turmoil and strife and more so to survive such tests truly shows the strength of Slavorussia. At the birth of Aquitaine, the French people have had their own turmoil to face, throwing out legions of pretenders to our north. It was during that time that I watched the first throws of your revolution begin and since that time France, both the Republic and now the Empire has yearned to begin discussions with your people in hopes of bridging the gap that exists between the West and the East. If possible, I would like to invite both yourself and the Tsar of Slavorussia to my palace at Versailles to begin discussions of a formal and informal alliance between the French and Russian states. We have already made pacts with Vaule and are hopefully beginning talks with the people of North Germany as well, who were your allies during the recent turmoil. France would like to be counted as one of those allies.

Please let me know with all haste your response. I hope to see you and the Tsar both soon and begin a friendship that is long overdue.


[i]Therese Zelle[/i]
[b]Empress of France[/b]

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[quote]To: HIH Therese I of France
From: Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Thank you for your friendly words and congratulations Your Majesty. These past few weeks have been extremely difficult, but knowing there is someone somewhere that can relate to our struggle and feel our pain makes a world of difference. His Majesty is scheduled to visit the German Chancellor in a few weeks and the leaders of the Slavic Federation after that. We both agree that visiting France during that time would be an excellent idea. We shall have all our transportation vehicles sent to France in preparation for the Emperor’s and my visit. I’m looking forward to creating a strong and fruitful relationship with France.

Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister.[/quote]

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"It is a relief to hear the turmoil engulfing the noble nation of Slavorussia has been ended. Congratulations to the rightful Tsar and his allies are in order, and expressions of deep regret for those who fell to ensure this success. At least their sacrifices were not in vain. Should Slavorussia require aid to help rebuild destroyed infrastructure, Australia is willing to provide what it can."

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[u][b]Transformation of White Ruthenia[/b][/u]

Many people have been wondering the fate of White Ruthenia since the first Slavorussian soldiers were spotted crossing the border last week. All rumors were put to rest when The Imperial Army announced this morning that it will be reactivating two divisions of His Majesty's Belorussian National Defense Army in the recently reformed Belorussian Military District.

Army General Menshikov says Slavorussia will be reestablishing it's permanent presence in northeastern Belarus and incorporating it into the empire. The Kremlin has confirmed General Menshikov's statement.

The army has issued it's bi-annual conscription call-up for able bodied men ages 18-27 to replace the manpower lost during the coup and war against the Paulist Army. 20,000-30,000 conscripts are expected to come from Belarus but should not expect to be stationed there during their 12 months of military service.

In related news the Emperor signed off on the formation of the Belorussian Governorate, which reestablishes the territory as an official sub-national entity with all provincial rights provided by the constitution. He also announced the formation of the Belorussian National Assembly, the legislative body of the province, which will be in Vitebsk. Belorussia currently has an all appointed provincial government but it is expected to hold elections in September.

In regards to the executive body the government has requested that Grand Duke Georgiy Mikhailovich Romanov-Gogenzollernov remain as acting governor until a permanent appointee can be selected.

The Emperor is set to visit Belorussia when he returns from his trans-European diplomatic tour.

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[u][b]Civil Rights Protest in Moscow[/b][/u]

The trial of 22 prisoners that were captured when the joint Slavorussian-German invasion occupied St. Petersburg are set to begin but Human Rights groups are protesting the idea of a military tribunal.

The Human Rights Coalition is up in arms over the decision to try Paul Denisovich Romanov and 21 people in his inner circle as military criminals. The HRC is claiming that on several occasions the government has chosen to push criminal trials through military courts simply because there are no laws against executions in military law as opposed to civilian law which has banned executions since the mid 1990’s.

Although the government has denied any and all accusations of the sort HRC has gone ahead and filed a lawsuit against the government for suppressing the civil rights of the 22 accused.

“We‘re likely to be branded traitors by the government, but someone has to speak out for these men.” said Mikhail Chertov, the spokesman for HRC’s public relations department. “There‘s no doubt that they committed serious crimes and should be punished, but killing them will not make things better.”

A Moscow high court has accepted the case and intends to hear the HRC’s case, but for the 22 accused Paulists the civil case may come too late since it could take months for the civil case to get moving and the government has no intention of postponing the tribunal. Nevertheless Kremlin officials said they would petition the tribunal to give serious thought the severity quantity of the charges against each individual during sentencing, if the prosecution obtains a conviction.

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[u][b]Verdict Reached Five Sentenced to Death![/b][/u]

Paul Denisovich and four of his cohorts were sentenced to death by hanging by the judges panel of the military’s tribunal.

After hours of deliberation the judges delivered their decision and the punishment for a list of crimes that included war crimes and crimes against humanity as defined by Slavorussian law. In addition to five death sentences the judges also handed out nine sentences of life imprisonment and a total of 85 years of imprisonment for the six remaining guilty members of the Paulist regime. The two remaining defendants who were acquitted because the prosecution lacked evidence to obtain a conviction.

The four people joining the former Grand Duke in death are his War Minister, Internal Minister and Chancellor Vladimir Belyakov who was convicted in absentia.

The defendants and a number of human rights groups are planning to appeal the decision in the high courts based on claims that the judges were carrying prejudiced against the defendants. The Human Rights Coalition are requesting that the case be thrown out and retried in civilian courts. The request has been outright dismissed by Kremlin officials who assert that all the defendants were military officers prior and during to the coup.

The HRC is also appealing to the Emperor who retains the right to commuter death sentences handed down by military courts, to life sentences. Palace officials have not stated whether or not the Emperor plans to intervene on behalf of his cousin or any of the other defendants sentenced to death.

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[u][b]Palace Scandal Uncovered![/b][/u]

Olev Savisaar is among several well regarded genealogists who are calling into question the legitimacy of the Empress' lineage.

A report published by the Palace several months before the Emperor and Empress were married claimed that the Empress descended from Germanic Royalty and Polish-Lithuanian nobility on her father's side and Swedish and Germanic royalty on her mother's. The report satisfied many members of the Imperial Family who against the idea of a morganatic marriage which, according to House Law would prohibit any children born during the marriage from inheriting any dynastic titles.

However recent evidence has refuted claims made by the report siting that much of the evidence appears to have been forged.

The palace is claiming that the Empress's father is descended from the House of Mecklenburg, a Grand Ducal family native to northern Germany who hold a claim to the Swedish throne through King Albert of Sweden (1364 to 1389). Savisaar's evidence seems to refute this link instead asserting that the Empress's father really descends from from distant, possibly illegitimate relatives of the Grand Ducal house.

News of this discrepancy has stirred an uproar over the possibility of a scandal within the palace's walls. Palace officials say that Savisaar and others are mistaken, but Savisaar is sticking to his guns.

If Savisaar's claims are true it would mean that the marriage between the Emperor and Empress is one of unequal rank and that the possible heir the Empress is currently carrying wouldn't have any rights to the throne which could present a grave problem to the security of the Russian monarchy.

Despite this palace officials are adamant that the monarchy is safe either way since the Emperor's nephew and current Tsesaravich is perfectly able to succeed him. But those who want to preserve the current branch with a direct mail descendant of Emperor Justinian's are facing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle the Emperor has no intention to divorce his current wife.

Parliament is getting involved demanding that if the Empress is truly not descended from royalty that the two must divorce, to which the palace responded by threatening to dismiss all Members of Parliament and hold new elections.

Parliament plans to open it's own investigation into the issue.

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[u][b]Rebuilding a Shattered Military[/b][/u]

Army Navy and Air Force officials were delighted when Parliament released the size of their revised budget. The figure wasn’t made public and probably won’t be for some years, but the three main branches of the Empire’s military are preparing to implement some big changes.

General of the Army Menshikov’s office withdrew the previous call for 100,000 conscripts and increased that number to 300,000 to expand the size of the country’s available personnel. However the main news today was that the army placed an order for 50 T-90N tanks, also called Novgorod tanks. The new tanks feature a number of new improvements over it’s predecessor the T-90 including, stronger armor, hydropneumatic suspension an isolated hull and a larger higher caliber main gun.

Although most of the improvements are designed to facilitate crew survivability there are a significant number which will increase battle effectiveness, including new targeting, radar and communications systems as well as mine clearing capabilities.

Additionally according to anonymous sources in the Ministry of Defense the army is developing a new main assault rifle that they plan to introduce in 2011.

The IAF is also excited about a new piece of equipment that might be seen in the skies over Slavorussia in the near future. The Sukhoi T-50 has been in development for several years now, but Air Force officials think it might be ready to take to the skies as early as the fall. The T-50 is the next, or perhaps the first step in stealth fighter technology for the IAF. Although not completely through the testing phase the T-50 is a stellar advancement over the current MiG-35’s which rule Slavorussia’s skies.

Finally on the Navy front Slavorussian Admirals and St. Petersburgers alike will be glad to see the wreckage cleared out of Neva Bay. According to experts the Slavorussian Baltic Fleet, though severely damaged is still considered salvageable, if they can be surfaced from the shallow waters of the bay in the next few months.

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[u][b]Tensions Rise Over Court’s Decision[/b][/u]

Imperial troops quelled a disturbance near the St. Petersburg courthouse were several conspirators in the recent coup were tried and sentenced.

City officials confirmed rumors that Paulist sympathizers were attacked and brutally beaten by residents of the city while they were protesting the court’s decision in the recent trial. The police report says the Paulist sympathizers gathered around noon and began their demonstration despite having not even applied for a permit to do so. Authorities attempted to break up the crowd early on, but were unable to get the demonstrators to disperse. It wasn’t until an opposing group of loyalists arrived that things began to heat up.

“We were trying to get them to move on when we noticed another crowd approaching. I just assumed they were more Paulist supporters and I was completely surprised when out of nowhere a barrage of rocks and sticks came flying through the air right at the demonstrators.” said one St. Petersburg police officer who was injured during the scuffle.

A nearby hospital reported to have received 59 people in the emergency room most of whom suffered from injuries as small as a few cuts and bruises to broken bones and even a punctured lung.

Court officials intent do press charges against he demonstrators for failing to obtain a permit for the gathering and for disturbing the peace. They also intend to charge the leaders of the other group with assault and at least one count of attempt of murder. The city’s mayor who must now deal with the pressures of rebuilding his ruined city has taken a hardliner stance against public offenders.

“This city has laws for a reason. Break them, and you will face the consequences.” he told the press warning potential offenders not to break the law. “There’s no room for compromise when lives are at risk” he added.

This is the latest in what appears to be a resurgence of the Paulist movement an although the government is doing it’s best to maintain order street fighting continues to break out across the northwest and central provinces. The Ministry of Defense claims to be working on a solution, but has not given anymore details at the moment.

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[u][b]Deadly Attack In St. Petersburg[/b][/u]

Three people are dead and seven more are injured from a car bomb that exploded near St. Petersburg’s municipal Duma earlier today. Among those killed are the city’s mayor, Alexander Sudayev, police commander Grisha Illsopova and the unnamed attacker

The attack occurred just around lunchtime just as traffic in and out of the municipal building was at it’s peak. Witnesses reported seeing a strange looking man sitting at a light suddenly accelerate his vehicle and drive directly towards the building’s barriers. The car then ran up on the sidewalk running over several pedestrians and exploding seconds later. The authorities are not releasing the name of the attacker, or whether he was part of a conspiracy.

In the wake of today’s attack there’s been an outpouring of emotions from the residents of St. Petersburg over the loss of their beloved mayor. They held a memorial vigil for the victims during which religions leaders led prayers for those people who died and were injured.

“We‘ve had very hard times lately and Mayor Sudayev guided us through them.” noted one long time resident at the memorial service.

Tonight the commander of the security force currently stationed in St. Petersburg has been recalled to Moscow by the Prime Minister to answer questions in front of both houses of Parliament tomorrow morning. General of the Army Nikolai Menshikov is also expected to attend.

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[u][b]Belorussian Independence Rally in Moscow[/b][/u]

Two privately funded organizations the Committee for the Reunification of Belarus and the Belorussian Independence Initiative, a remnant from the Soviet period held a rally in Moscow in hopes of securing the government’s consent and support for renewed Belorussian independence and unification.

The BII which has has existed in some form since the the February revolution in 1917 has advocated Belorussian independence for nearly a century first from the provisional government, then from the Soviets and now from Slavorussia, Germany and the Slavic Federation, the three main powers which occupy it.

The Slavorussian government is no stranger to the BII which has for almost two decades worked against Moscow’s ambitions in the small landlocked country. One Notable clash between the BII and the Slavorussian government occurred in January 2009 when protesters in Minsk viciously attacked the governor’s convoy as it left the governor’s palace. This event occurred only months before the province served as the main thoroughfare for the Nordlandic invasion in April last year.

Now teamed up with the more conservative CRB the independence movement had hoped to take out two birds with one stone, but sources in Moscow claim that the CBR and BII’s goals won’t be easy if even possible to accomplish and that Moscow doesn't’t appear to be up to the task.

“It’s sad” noted president of the Belorussian Independence Initiative, “there was a time when all of eastern Europe was under the thumb of Moscow. Entire governments were put in power by those in Moscow but now things have shifted. Perhaps we’d see better results in Tbilisi or Berlin.”

Independence advocates say they may have to reach out to Slavorussia’s closest allies to put pressure on the government to do what is right, but in order to do that they will first have to convince Slavorussia’s allies to do what is right first.

“we’re looking forward to the future. Belarus’ independence means a lot to us and we will jump any hurdle or climb any mountain to see that an independent Belarus becomes a reality.” Commented a spokesperson from the BII. “Of course it won’t come easy, but anything worth having never does.”

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