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Quick Announcement from Ordo Verde


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From this essential truth, we can deduce that not every one of your decisions has 100% support , that certain of your actions as a leader leaves some in your alliance less than pleased.The Law also states that it is those who contribute least, which is the majority of nations on planet Bob.There are not enough government positions to give each nation in a mid-sized alliance a position.Therefore, I will conclude that there is dissent in every alliance to actions taken by leaders and due to inertia most stay for those freindships developed while members.If these members post here in the OWF and it is in variance to alliance actions committed while they were members, it isn't a double standard.

I abhor tech raiding,yet the alliance I am in permits it under controlled conditions.If I speak out against this practice yet my alliance allows it this is not a double standard.Unless you are saying that a minority opinion within an alliance cannot be expressed.

Your deductions from my law are incorrect. It does not state whether anyone in my alliance disagrees with me or complains. It merely states that those that complain the most in any alliance are usually the ones unwilling to contribute or offer suggested improvements. Instead they prefer to complain. It is a law that pre-dates the STA.

As for your tech raiding example, I'm sure you'd state that "although my alliance allows tech raiding..." before expressing your personal opinion. Now, had Jimmy2e said "I know my alliance has done this in the past but..." before criticising another alliance for doing what his alliance has done recently, then that would be a different story as he expressed and acknowledged his alliance's past rather then expecting people to ignore it.

Regardless, even if Jimmy2e personally did not agree with demanding reps, his alliance did demand the reps so members of that alliance who refuse to acknowledge that and decide to criticise other alliances for doing similar things are displaying a double standard.

Edited by Tygaland
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C'mon Tyga. Alliances can change, both for better and for worse; insisting that just because they have the same name they are exactly the same isn't logical.

Indeed they can, but its takes more than a "Honest we ain't like that no more" for anyone to believe it, And if the change is genuine, it does not erase history. An alliance wishing to change its pubic image takes a long and hard path to do so, and even if successful still has their past following them.

Alliance identity is a collective image, a shuffling of names at the top is not enough to prove anything. New actions are required.

I eagerly await the next large war so I may compare actions with talking points. It should be very instructive to see who meant what they said and who was just going for the positive PR.

Edit: gah the hazards of a spell check, chance=\=change

Edited by TypoNinja
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