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Frigate van Amstel leaves for Italy

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De Standaard

English online edition

Wednesday July 29, 2009


Frigate Van Amstel embarks for Italy.

's Lands Schip Van Amstel has left the naval base at Den Helder for a mission to the Mediterranean. Her duty will be to monitor the CEU-blockade which has been installed by Croatia and Euzkadi.

The legality of this blockade has been contested by the United Netherlands, Finland and several other countries and the Admirality today passed the order that clearly marked convoys will be formed for all ships sailing to the Mediterranean and all other ships that normally use the Mediterranean have been requested to use the Atlantic route around Cape the Good Hope. A schedule has been handed over by the Admiralty which can be downloaded:
August 1:

- leaving at 10AM and guarded by ships of the Navy. Inspection will follow in San Sebastian, Euzkadi by
Navy so it will be mandatory for all ships to stop there. The official gathering point for the convoy will be Valletta. NOTE: no inspection pass from our navy means that the ship owner will not be legally protected and subject to searches from the CEU so docking at San Sebastian is mandatory.

August 4:

- leaving at 10AM and guarded by ships of the Navy. Inspection will follow in San Sebastian, Euzkadi by
Navy so it will be mandatory for all ships to stop there. The official gathering point for the convoy will be Valletta. NOTE: no inspection pass from our navy means that the ship owner will not be legally protected and subject to searches from the CEU so docking at San Sebastian is mandatory.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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OOC: I used to play with those frigates even though they didn't exist in this game and I think I will continue to do so since I want to become a naval power in game too.

OOC: Can be but it is a rule you need to have a navy in-game before you can roleplay a navy.

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OOC: I used to play with those frigates even though they didn't exist in this game and I think I will continue to do so since I want to become a naval power in game too.

OOC: As soon as you get them IG, you can have them here. The hard and fast rule is that no blue water navy unless you have one in game. There aren't any exceptions.

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OOC: As soon as you get them IG, you can have them here. The hard and fast rule is that no blue water navy unless you have one in game. There aren't any exceptions.

OOC: where is that rule ? Then someone might just as well stop playing because you can't even rp here.

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OOC: where is that rule ? Then someone might just as well stop playing because you can't even rp here.

Check the post above you and don't pull the "can't rp here" bawwing card. You can certainly RP. Relating an IG blue water navy to your RP blue water navy is realistic. If you can't afford to have one IG, and your RP nation is based off your IG nation, why would your RP nation have one? I don't have a blue water navy either, and you don't see me bawwing about it and threatening to quit.

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OOC: so even rp is controlled by a couple of big nations (I think that that is also the real reason why you blockade Italy- just because you can). Makes the game stale.

OOC: Those rules have been put there because navies in the past have been heavily abused, regarding the believe being big means having power I wish to refer you to Nordland arguably the biggest nation in the RP, it collapsed.

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OOC: so even rp is controlled by a couple of big nations (I think that that is also the real reason why you blockade Italy- just because you can). Makes the game stale.

Yeah, because smaller nations can't do anything. Because a small nation like Xaristan didn't take down the entire USA. Because Generalissimo's RPs are sooooo boring. Because Uberstein hasn't affected the course of history in Europe. Because Sarah hasn't been a leader for world peace and other things.

Small nations can do things, tons of things. It doesn't make the RP stale. It's only stale if you're uncreative enough to think of ways to make yourself relevant in the world.

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OOC: so even rp is controlled by a couple of big nations (I think that that is also the real reason why you blockade Italy- just because you can). Makes the game stale.

ooc: Why does anyone do anything? Because they can, or for the lulz. Anyway I just started buying a navy a few days ago, and for a long time before that I never had a problem finding things to rp about.

edit: Me forgetting ooc tags = failsauce.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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OOC: Just make the vessel a brown water vessel and you can do the same stuff as you are. It just wouldn't be effective as a fighting force, though I don't think that's what you're trying to do anyways. Seriously...think creatively, if you just tweak a few things up a bit you can be just as effective without a "real" navy than you are with one.

Trust me...I'm a nation of islands...no navy...its fun.

EDIT...okay...well you can use it on your coast and rivers, but in the sea it would be devastating...sorry about that...like I never use ships so...

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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OOC: so even rp is controlled by a couple of big nations (I think that that is also the real reason why you blockade Italy- just because you can). Makes the game stale.

OOC: Well, i strictly follow the rules "rp what you got ingame" :P and gives me many many advantages. You can obviously roleplay cargo ships and everything not related to the military (as you got an harbor)

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