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CNRPH(Heroes) Rise of a new threat


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Kevin snapped his fingers. The swirling vortex next to him disappeared and a second unseen formed within the underground redoubt. "There. I trust you will weather the storm...?"

"They will never notice there is a bunker under this room. Moving a sheet of concrete and some rubble over the hole and they will think that we had fled. Besides, the bunnies had just opened another hole into the sewer system." replied Conor as some of the bunnies jumped out of the hole and begin to pull a sheet of concrete over it.

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"So long as you give me my shipments, I care not for what happens to the people of Detroit." With that, Kevin gave the magician a crisp military salute before disappearing into one of the Dark Corridors.

By then, the bunnies had started piling rubble over the sheet of concrete and made it look like if it was simply caused by the building partially collapsing. After finishing their task, they all ran into the small holes to hide as dozens of soldiers poured into the room.

"Aw darn it, I forgot to ask him if it is possible for him to send me a steady supply of artificial adrenaline and steroids for my bunnies. I only have enough for 50 bunnies." said Conor as he facepalmed.

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During the experimenting...


Emergency message from Department of Disaster Relief to New England:

We are asking for financial, rescue, and repairing help. The entire city of Detriot has been flatten by two monsters, see the global or our local news report if you don't know anything about the situation.


This is an unfortunate situation, indeed. And the monsters in such proximity to our borders is a cause for extreme alarm. We will send you millions in aid, and tens of thousands of repair workers, Army troopers, and rescue workers will be sent over there.

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This is an unfortunate situation, indeed. And the monsters in such proximity to our borders is a cause for extreme alarm. We will send you millions in aid, and tens of thousands of repair workers, Army troopers, and rescue workers will be sent over there.


We thank you for your help.


Meanwhile, in Detriot:

The bunnies continued to expand their bunker system as a raid party was set up, to find artificial adrenaline and steroids. Plus, they were ordered to search for machine parts and supplies to enable them to produce their own artificial adrenaline and steroids. However, with the increased amount of people in the destroyed Detriot, the bunnies and Conor had to be careful.

"This should be my last experiment..." mumbled Conor as he prepares to summon another bunny for testing, not realizing that some of the cooked mushroom he had for lunch were in the pile of items he was planning on using.

A happy looking mushroom monster is summoned...


"What the heck?" Conor asked himself.

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After additional experiments, Conor noticed that the mushroom monsters were hardly any threat, but they were decent meat-shields. They could absorb some projectile weapons, such as bullets, and fire them back as long as the projectile isn't too heavy, large, or fast. At the same time, the raiding parties managed to find the needed parts and supplies to build the adrenaline and steroid producing machines...

A few days later...

"You hear that rumbling noise?" asked a GLS soldier.

"Its your stomach, dip." replied the second soldier.

"How polite." replied the first soldier.

The concrete ground in front of them blasted open as hundreds of bunnies, squirrels, and mushrooms spilled out of the hole.

"OH CRAP! HOSTILES!" screamed both of them shortly before they get blasted to bits. For no apparent reason, some of the mushrooms jumped on top of the other GLS soldiers' heads that did not have their helmets on, and took control of the soldiers.


OOC: Meh, I don't feel like RPing out Conor's experiments lately. JEDCJT, you can RP your armed forces in Detriot responding to the invasion of the bunny/squirrel/mushroom army. By the way, the mushroom monsters can take large amount of damages before being shredded and can control humans as long as the mushroom monsters remain attached to their hosts' heads and if the person is not wearing anything on their head. The mushroom monsters lack the ability to knock off hats, helmets, etc.

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Conor's summons that attacked:

Infantry bunnies' weapons:

Machine guns

Anti tank rocket launchers

High area damage rocket launchers





Flying bunnies' weapons:

Laser guns

Bombs (kamikaze)

Bombs (bombers)

Ninja bunnies' weapons:


Steel stars

Fast acting poison needles

Cattle prods


Dual knives


Steel poles

Sawed off shotguns

Armored meat-shield bunnies' weapons

Laser guns (built into their shields)

Flying armored meat-shield bunnies' weapons

Laser guns (built into their shields)

Drum bunnies' weapons

Shockwave drums

Infantry squirrels' weapons

Explosive acorn rapid launchers

Acorn grenades


Mushrooms' weapons

Mind control


The Great Lakes State military stationed in Detriot were completely caught off guard by the hordes of bunnies, squirrels, and mushrooms. They lacked an airforce (completely destroyed by the Drum Bunny monster) and had no defenses against the hordes.

"Frick! Where did those goddamn bunnies, squirrels, and mushrooms came from!? I want all of our troops to pull back and dig in the downtown area, now!" shouted General Robinson as the 37th armored division, tanks and APCs, were blasted to pieces by the bunnies' AT rocket launchers in front of him.

"How the (insert inappropriate word) does those bunnies manage to carry rocket launchers that are five times of their size while firing?" General Robinson asked himself as ninja stars barely missed him, shattering a wreaked APC's window.

"HIYA!" shouted one of the ninja bunnies armed with a nun-chuck as it rushes toward General Robinson.

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Somewhere in Detroit...

Get your weapons!” General Howard Greene shouted as he saw the monsters approach. The soldiers did the same.

Aim!” The soldiers aimed their weapons at the monsters. The artillery crews calibrated their aims toward the monsters, and the missiles were ready in their silos, to be launched at a moment’s notice.

FIRE!” The soldiers let off a barrage as their weapons roared to life, spewing millions of ammunition in hopes of cutting these monsters down. Artillery shells were flying into the air, roaring as they flew toward the monsters.

Snipers were having the time of their lives, bursting the heads of various bunnies and squirrels with their accurateness, determination, and firepower. So far, it was going well…hopefully.

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Somewhere in Detroit...

Get your weapons!” General Howard Greene shouted as he saw the monsters approach. The soldiers did the same.

Aim!” The soldiers aimed their weapons at the monsters. The artillery crews calibrated their aims toward the monsters, and the missiles were ready in their silos, to be launched at a moment’s notice.

FIRE!” The soldiers let off a barrage as their weapons roared to life, spewing millions of ammunition in hopes of cutting these monsters down. Artillery shells were flying into the air, roaring as they flew toward the monsters.

Snipers were having the time of their lives, bursting the heads of various bunnies and squirrels with their accurateness, determination, and firepower. So far, it was going well…hopefully.

"So, they brought in the heavy artillery? Let them have fun with the drum bunnies, and..." mumbled Conor as he prepares to summon something that would devastate the New England military.

Hordes of drum bunnies emerged from the hole. The drum bunnies were slow, but immune against most projectile weapons (only super armor piercing missiles, such as large AT missiles, can destroy them, if they get hit directly.) and they can destroy almost anything if it is in their radius of damage (shock waves). Only non-projectile weapons can bypass the drum bunnies' defensive/destructive shock waves, such as laser, heating, freezing, electricity, etc. How are the bunnies immune against most projectile weapons? Their shock waves either ignite (missiles, bombs, artillery shells, etc) or deflect them (bullets, kinetic energy missiles, kinetic energy shells, etc).

Plus, something new also appeared from the hole:

Air force squirrels' vehicles


Tupolev Tu-160

B-2 Spirit

AH-64 Apache

P-51 Mustang (used to directly assault enemy soldiers)

Armored squirrels' weapons



Artillery squirrels' equipments

Stationary missile launchers

Artillery guns


The air force bunnies roared out of the hole as the P-51 Mustang airplanes engaged New England soldiers. Meanwhile, the artillery squirrels set up their positions in several area, protected by the armored squirrel units.

(OOC: Keep in mind that all of the vehicles and equipments are miniature.)


The Great Lakes State military was already shattering from the unexpected assault and was rapidly retreating, hoping to find a place to dig in. Meanwhile, General Robinson fired his pistol at the ninja bunny, missing 15 times before running out of ammo. The ninja bunny smashed it's nun-chuck into General Robinson's face, leaving a massive bruise.

"(insert inappropriate word) you!" screamed General Robinson as he grabs a knife and stabs the bunny in the leg as it attempted another attack. He then picked up his radio while running, shouting, "New England military, we need air support and reinforcement for Great Lakes State military as soon as possible! We are getting shredded!"


Conor's army noticed the sheer amount of firepower their enemy had, so they sent in their meat-shield troops in first. The ninja bunnies attempted to doge the bullets as they rush toward the New England's machine gunner and sniper nests.

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OOC: Sorry, there's just something inherently funny about a bunny with a machine gun. I keep imagining this little bunny with a helmet and a Browning. :awesome:

OOC: What about a squirrel flying a mini F-22 or operating a mini tank that is capable of knocking out a full size tank?

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The mini Tupolev Tu-160 and B-2 Spirit immediately started bombing New England's artillery positions as the AH-64 Apache and P-51 Mustang opened fire on New England's machine gun and sniper nests while ninja bunnies quickly moved toward the New England's machine gun and sniper nests that were still firing. The F-22 escorted the squirrel air force's bombers.

The bunny machine gunners set up their own nests, in the direction of the human machine gunner nests so the bunnies can fill the humans' faces with dozens of hot steel bullets.

Conor then moved out of his bunker while summoning dozens of his meat-shield bunnies and more drum bunnies. The meat shield bunnies clumped together quickly and formed a shape of a massive dome while quadruple layering. The drum bunnies lined behind the meat shield bunnies inside the dome so all of the humans' bombs, missiles, rockets, shells, bullets, land mines, and etc are repelled.

The dome then slowly moved around the destroyed city of Detriot, each time stopping on top of a large pile of rubble that is nowhere to be seen after hordes of bunnies, squirrels, and mushrooms are summoned and when the dome move again.


OOC: The only living things that are not affected by the drum bunnies is Conor and his summons.



The GLS military retreated into the destroyed downtown area of Detriot and set up their machine gunner, sniper, flamethrower, and close range rocket launcher nests. Remaining artillery guns, mortars, and stationary missile launchers were set up behind the wall of defense. Helicopters were launched as the makeshift shelters and hospitals in the downtown area were evacuated.

The bunnies attacked first, most of them were shredded or burnt, but the ninja bunnies got past the military's firepower and attacked the machine gunner nests. The soldiers tried to take back the nests, but the ninja bunnies turned the machine guns toward the GLS soldiers and opened fire. The ninja bunnies held out for several minutes before being kicked out, or blasted out of their machine gun positions with grenades.

The air force squirrel attacked, blowing out GLS's artillery and helicopter support.

"We are so screwed now..." one of the soldiers thought as the squirrels' mini P-51 Mustang shredded their machine gunner nests.

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The dome continued to rapidly expand, and something massive grew out of the dome...

"FALCON PUNCH!" roared the new 20 story tall bunny monster that Conor had spent half of his drug supplies on summoning. The punch from the bunny monster completely demolished a ruined building that several GLS military machine gun nests were located in, showering the rubble onto the New England military forces. Right after the monster ran off, the meat shield and the drum bunnies quickly closed the hole in the dome.

The monster had super armoring and was infused with the dark power, allowing it to be even more armoring, strength, speed, reaction time, and have limited regeneration (everything can regenerate except for the head). The Falcon Bunny ran toward a group of GLS heavy incendiary artillery unit that was located 5 miles away at the speed of mach 15, flatting any surviving buildings in it's path.

"FALCON STOMP!" it roared again as it stomped in the middle of the artillery unit, generating massive shock waves that destroyed/killed anything in it's 800 meter radius range. The Falcon Bunny noticed the majority of the GLS military was holding out in the downtown area of Detriot, so it ran, plowing through the seemly thin defense line of the GLS military while running at mach 15 again and started wreaking chaos.




etc, etc, etc...

"YES!" roared the bunny as it jumped toward and hugged a wreaked 30 story tall skyscraper where dozens of artillery guns were stationed in and then it jumped away as the building exploded violently.

"We are in some serious trouble..." mumbled General Robinson as the hordes of bunnies, squirrels, and mushrooms poured through the massive holes created by the Falcon Bunny and slaughtered the greatly confused, demoralized, and weaken remaining units.


Meanwhile, in the bunker...

Dozens of transport bunnies were busy trying to move all of the packages of blood through the dark portal they milked out of the GLS soldiers that were killed, injured, or surrendered. There was a problem though, a massive traffic jam.

Looks like somebody is going to need one massive refrigerator soon...

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The New Englanders began to face considerable opposition from the monsters. Despite the valiant efforts of the machine-gun soldiers and snipers (they had inflicted considerable casaulties, but still more rabbits kept on coming), the troops began taking casaulties and were steadily being forced back. The drum bunnies were something else, though – much of their bullets and artillery shells kept on bouncing off. Still, the New Englanders continued to put up fierce resistance as they poured out fire against the monster hordes.

General Greene contacted the Department of Defense in New England, who now authorized more reinforcements and the usage of ‘lethal’ means. All over New England, missile silos were activated and cruise missiles (such as Starstreak, THAAD, and other type of missile launchers) were cruising through the air, toward the monsters. While tens of thousands of New England reinforcement troops were being ferried across Lake Erie into Detroit, squadrons of F-50s, F-40s, F/A-47s, and U-8s filled the skies above Detroit, where they unleashed everything. The monsters would face the unrelenting fury of the New England Air Force.

If the monsters continued on, and there were no options, then more drastic measures will have to be taken…

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The New Englanders began to face considerable opposition from the monsters. Despite the valiant efforts of the machine-gun soldiers and snipers (they had inflicted considerable casaulties, but still more rabbits kept on coming), the troops began taking casaulties and were steadily being forced back. The drum bunnies were something else, though – much of their bullets and artillery shells kept on bouncing off. Still, the New Englanders continued to put up fierce resistance as they poured out fire against the monster hordes.

General Greene contacted the Department of Defense in New England, who now authorized more reinforcements and the usage of ‘lethal’ means. All over New England, missile silos were activated and cruise missiles (such as Starstreak, THAAD, and other type of missile launchers) were cruising through the air, toward the monsters. While tens of thousands of New England reinforcement troops were being ferried across Lake Erie into Detroit, squadrons of F-50s, F-40s, F/A-47s, and U-8s filled the skies above Detroit, where they unleashed everything. The monsters would face the unrelenting fury of the New England Air Force.

If the monsters continued on, and there were no options, then more drastic measures will have to be taken…

The mini F-22 airplanes being flown by the squirrels immediately engaged the New England's air force. The massive amount of missiles blown much of the Conor's army to pieces, but the summons kept on coming in. The dome also took some damages but the drum bunnies deflected most of the missiles fired at them. If the New England military was watching closely, they would notice that all of the monsters were coming out of the dome and that all of the rubble seem to disappear after being covered by the dome.

Meanwhile, the GLS forces retreated only a few meters being completely stomped flat by Bunny Falcon. The Bunny Falcon then ran toward New England military's position.

"This is Great Lakes State army, we have been destroyed by this massive 20 story tall monster, completely." General Robinson spoke into the radio as dozens of ninja bunnies smash into his tent...

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The Bunny Falcon charged toward the New England's military position while flattening any GLS military units in the path that were too stubborn to retreat, and it's plan?

Charge through their defense line, wreak chaos, and create as many holes as possible in the defense line.

Meanwhile, the flying robotic laser bunnies opened fire at the New England's position as the artillery squirrels countered the humans' artillery fire with their own artillery fire.

"Hm, those pesky New Englanders had brought in their air force, well, good luck to them." said Conor as he summoned more air force squirrels, including over a hundred mini F-22 with the squirrel pilots.

What about the Great Lakes State military in Detriot?...

All gone, completely flatten by Conor's army or retreating.

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***Message broadcast to GLS, origin of message unknown***

Contain the chaos, or it will be contained with nuclear fire.


Who is this?


Department of Homeland Security, in a meeting:

"Jesus Christ, first the freaking two bunny monsters, then this army of monsters and a Bunny Falcon, and now someone is threatening us with nuclear weapons!" yelled Superior director Frank

"So, what should we do?" replied one of the directors

"Trace the source of the message, go, go, go!" replied Frank

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So long as the threat is nuetralized, nothing else matters.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

We will not miss.

Classified Reply:

Well, if we can't tell anyone about this, how are we going to pursue the New England military to evacuate?

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Classified Reply:

Well, if we can't tell anyone about this, how are we going to pursue the New England military to evacuate?


That is not our concern. If we launch, it will be because containment is near to being breached. no more excuses. Contain it, or we will.

***End Transmission***

No more replies would be heard after this.

OOC: HHAYD, do you ALWAYS sign in as invisible? :huh:

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That is not our concern. If we launch, it will be because containment is near to being breached. no more excuses. Contain it, or we will.

***End Transmission***

No more replies would be heard after this.

OOC: HHAYD, do you ALWAYS sign in as invisible? :huh:

OOC: Yeah, I am too lazy to sign in as not invisible. :awesome:

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