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Another GATO DoW

Ryan Greenberg

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Declaration of War on MHA

As you know GATO's protectors, the Roman Empire have declared war on MHA because they felt like it and also because they were forming a bloc with NOIR who threatened RE. GATO and RE decided, why not go to war with these two fortunate alliances. We than created a coalition between GATO, RE, and TPF to stop this bloc before they could form and attack RE and TPF. We decided to help are allies in RE by helping them with MHA. Though we aren't on the front lines, we still have a few nice wars against the Most Harmless Alliance. Without further ado, GATO Declares War on MHA. We also support TPF in their war against NOIR and we declare peace with Wolverines.



Ryan Greenberg


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Unfortunately I have two inactives in my war slots, so I only could declare on one MHA nation immediately, but oh well.

However, MHA has already personally contributed about 4.5 tech to the "Help GATO Grow" program that we're holding here in the Holy Missouri Empire. MHA nations are more than welcome to attack me if they'd like to make some personal donations.

- Sir Sci

Most Powerful GATO nation and Brown Team Senator (just had to throw that in, because I can't say anything like that in SE)

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"We than created a coalition between GATO, RE, and TPF"

RE and TPF are pretty lucky they had a 20k alliance to mastermind this coalition. Boy, they sure would have been in trouble without Gato!

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"We than created a coalition between GATO, RE, and TPF"

RE and TPF are pretty lucky they had a 20k alliance to mastermind this coalition. Boy, they sure would have been in trouble without Gato!

We just wanted some fun. It's no big deal, so calm down. It's just a game.

Edit: You take the game too seriously if you need to troll TE alliances.

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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Hey, we know we're small. And, what's more, we're gonna stay that way. We have never tried any sort of organized recruiting or anything. We're just in it for fun and we like the Roman Empire.

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Ruler: Ryan Greenberg

Nation Name: Megamerica

Last Activity: 7/19/2009 12:07:27 AM

National Flag:

Alliance Affiliation: Roman Empire

Alliance Seniority: 7/19/2009 1:34:00 PM (0 Days)

About Megamerica:

Area 51 is #1. RE - TE Hegemony

You don't even have the RE code in your bio. YOU ARE A GHOST!

You're lucky your a cute penguin or else I would attack > : [

Edited by rtellez06
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Whats funny is MHA wasn't going to form a block with NOIR, after the way they were flaming alliances, and the only reason we had of forming a block was for defensive purposes. RE, you really need to get some spies on our forum, or better ones.

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Whats funny is MHA wasn't going to form a block with NOIR, after the way they were flaming alliances, and the only reason we had of forming a block was for defensive purposes. RE, you really need to get some spies on our forum, or better ones.

:P They can use ours :ph34r:

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Yet another potential great one on one war that has to be ruined by the bottom feeders of the game. Instead of going and finding a slightly bigger alliance and fighting your own war, you have to go and ride the coat tails of your sugar daddy. Good show GATO, you exemplify what this game is becoming.

This is the type of thing that several of you larger alliances in that 'bloc' criticized LE for last round (even though we never asked for assistance). Good to see that many of you have changed your positions and support it now. Guess RE knew MHA would be too much to handle.

Good luck Thai. I'm pulling for MHA now.

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Yet another potential great one on one war that has to be ruined by the bottom feeders of the game. Instead of going and finding a slightly bigger alliance and fighting your own war, you have to go and ride the coat tails of your sugar daddy. Good show GATO, you exemplify what this game is becoming.

This is the type of thing that several of you larger alliances in that 'bloc' criticized LE for last round (even though we never asked for assistance). Good to see that many of you have changed your positions and support it now. Guess RE knew MHA would be too much to handle.

Good luck Thai. I'm pulling for MHA now.

I'm quite sure RE didn't ask for GATO's help, but even if they had its still different than what happened last round with LE and TPF.

TPF was the under dog with less average NS, less active nations, and all around less everything.

Then we had 2 AA's jump on us on an already up hill DOW ;)

However i'm not saying i agree with the GATO DOW, just that its not the same.


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Anarchied my guy. The "Help GATO Grow" Program is going great! Thanks MHA for trying to form a bloc with NOIR against RE, TPF, and TF. :)

Must have missed this one a long time ago. If you'd like to get your facts straight, I suggest talking to your spies again, because you clearly have been getting false information.

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