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King Kevz

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OOC: Indeed seeing as the Illuminati are after world domination rather than just over throwing a single government or a terrorist group out to make chaos nope they are out to make a new world order. Deus Ex style :).

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OOC: Indeed seeing as the Illuminati are after world domination rather than just over throwing a single government or a terrorist group out to make chaos nope they are out to make a new world order. Deus Ex style :) .

OOC: I see...well, they'll have a time of it trying to infiltrate Promised Land--at least if the infiltration occurs after I clean everything up... ;)

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OOC: I see...well, they'll have a time of it trying to infiltrate Promised Land--at least if the infiltration occurs after I clean everything up... ;)

OOC: Infiltration is easy. That bum on the street who hasn't moved from the government building area in ten years, yep he is an agent, that new business woman who has just joined your nation's leading industry company as its CEO's assistant yeah she is also an agent. Their agents look and work like normal citizens even using common forms of communication like mail etc. Its a lot easier to inflitrate when you arn't sneaking in weapons and such :).

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She had expected to be called to a castle perched on a hill surronded by a forest of haunting trees or to a tomb buried under a doom laden hill for her first Illuminati meeting. What she hadn't expected was to be taken to a an old temple located a few miles from the capital city. As she was instructed to leave the jeep that had brought her to the location she noticed a pair of cloaked figures who were dressed in such a way that she was unable to see their faces. Her fellow Illuminati members touched her gently on the arm and led her over to the cloaked pair who didn't react apart from to speak as they stepped up. "So she is the one then? Are you sure this time we can can ill afford to waste our time...again" spoke the one on the left with a harsh foreign tone. The other figure shook its head and the first one bowed slightly in response before turning and walking towards the temple. The other figure raised a gloved hand and pointed towards the temple clearly showing Valerie where she was meant to go. Knowing she had little choice in the matter she began to take short steps towards the temple trying to remain confident. It seemed like it took hours but in reality it was mere seconds before she arrived at the huge double doors that were the entrance to the building.

"Welcome to the temple of Ares, the God of War" spoke the first cloaked figure as Valerie looked up at the figure of the diving vulture imprinted above the double doors.

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The temple's interior was in pretty bad shape, actually that was if you were being nice to describing its state of repair. The statues inside were either broken into pieces or had their features destroyed through age, of course this confused Valerie as she was led through the temple and her confusion continued when they came to the rear of the temple where an electronic keypad was hidden behind a tattered piece of cloth which had also faded with age. She was unable to see the code that was entered as the cloaked man typing it in clearly didn't want her to know it. As he finished typing in the code a section of the wall which had cleverly been disguised slid across on a set of rails to reveal a short corridor leading to a steel blast with an accompanying camera in a corner of the corridor. It must have seen them and recognised them as the blast door opened to reveal a sight that caused Valerie to gasp.

Inside was a fully functiong building it seemed or at the very least a reception room was before her with a strange statue of a fist enclosed around the globe. Seeing her confusion one of her escorts spoke up. "It is our symbol, it represents one protective fist from one world order. Now come let us show you what will be at your command". The cloaked pair of men led her past the receptionist who ignored her and carried on with whatever work she was doing. The first door the small group entered led to a small passage which opened into a barracks of some kind, inside were tables, seats, a television and other common items. There was also about twelve men inside wearing black uniforms with the same strange symbol as the statue outside on their helmets, as the group entered the room they all stood to attention before one of her guides waved them back to whatever they were doing before. "They are your spear to be used to destroy those who threaten the new world order" said the man on her left who then guided her down another passage into another barracks which was full of soldiers dressed in some sort of black stealth suit and who all seemed to regard her with a sight that chilled her bones.

Her guides quickly ushered her out of the room as if even they were slightly afraid of them. "They are your dagger, ready to slice the throats of any who dare to stand against you and the world order. Now let us meet your anvil" said one of the two men who led her along into what was both a small barracks and an armoury. The brracks had a number of well built, muscled men who were clearly meant to wield the heavy weapons mounted in the armoury. The weapons ranged from flame throwers to rocket launchers and just looking at them Valerie knew he wouldn't be able to even lift one let alone fire one. With her inspection over of her soldiers she was teken to a nearby elevator which took her down a fair few levels into what was clearly a laboratory of some kind. Her guide turned to her and leaned in close as if he didn't wish to disturb the scientists at work. "This is where we store and produce biological and chemical weapons, don't be too shocked agent using a chemical weapon can killed hundred even millions but it can also save that many if not more if used right. For now these scientists are working on a plague called Gray Death with it we hope to start our new world order. Now it is time for you to recieve your mark".

Valerie had no clue to what the man meant but she complied with his command and followed him through a nearby passage way into a room where an operating table lay and he took her arm and took her across to it. She was scared that was for sure but she couldn't stop him from helping her to lie down and watch as they restrained her body in place. It was then that a doctor walked in and looked her over before calling in a nurse and a tray of cutting instruments and her panic worsened but they took no notice of her and with a few short commands she was screaming in pain as they sliced open a section of her head and placed what they said was a small tracking chip underneath the skin which they then sealed back together attempting to leave as little sign of scaring as they could. Next she was given a few minutes to catch her breath before a man was brought in and she was told he would burn a tatoo of the symbol into the side of her face whilst a woman assistant dyed her hair jet black and tied it into a long ponytail behind her back. It was a short but painful procedure and after it was done the symbol was burned into the left side of her face, it wasn't hidden from sight so anyone looking at her would see it.

After the procedue was finished she was taken back to the surface and told to head back to her office as her absence might start to raise concern and worry with her subjects. She agreed both becuase the men were right and because she wanted get away from their presence and so a few minutes later she was being driven back to her office, once there she went straight up the stairs ignoring the glances she got as her guards and employees stared at her new hairstyle and colour as well as more attentively at her new tatoo. Arriving at her office her two guards there opened the doors to allow her antry and on her command closed them after she had sat down allowing her some time alone to think of all the choices and events that had affected her today. Of course Mr Clarence might have been to seen her and he would have been told she wasn't avaliable which wasn't good for relations so she instructed her staff to have him see her as soon as he felt he wanted to. Leaving her instructions at that she realised she had made a massive choice that would affect the world. Whether for the better or the worse she didn't know.

Only time would tell.

OOC: Phew finally done with this part. Not bad I think?

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The temple's interior was in pretty bad shape, actually that was if you were being nice to describing its state of repair. The statues inside were either broken into pieces or had their features destroyed through age, of course this confused Valerie as she was led through the temple and her confusion continued when they came to the rear of the temple where an electronic keypad was hidden behind a tattered piece of cloth which had also faded with age. She was unable to see the code that was entered as the cloaked man typing it in clearly didn't want her to know it. As he finished typing in the code a section of the wall which had cleverly been disguised slid across on a set of rails to reveal a short corridor leading to a steel blast with an accompanying camera in a corner of the corridor. It must have seen them and recognised them as the blast door opened to reveal a sight that caused Valerie to gasp.

Inside was a fully functiong building it seemed or at the very least a reception room was before her with a strange statue of a fist enclosed around the globe. Seeing her confusion one of her escorts spoke up. "It is our symbol, it represents one protective fist from one world order. Now come let us show you what will be at your command". The cloaked pair of men led her past the receptionist who ignored her and carried on with whatever work she was doing. The first door the small group entered led to a small passage which opened into a barracks of some kind, inside were tables, seats, a television and other common items. There was also about twelve men inside wearing black uniforms with the same strange symbol as the statue outside on their helmets, as the group entered the room they all stood to attention before one of her guides waved them back to whatever they were doing before. "They are your spear to be used to destroy those who threaten the new world order" said the man on her left who then guided her down another passage into another barracks which was full of soldiers dressed in some sort of black stealth suit and who all seemed to regard her with a sight that chilled her bones.

Her guides quickly ushered her out of the room as if even they were slightly afraid of them. "They are your dagger, ready to slice the throats of any who dare to stand against you and the world order. Now let us meet your anvil" said one of the two men who led her along into what was both a small barracks and an armoury. The brracks had a number of well built, muscled men who were clearly meant to wield the heavy weapons mounted in the armoury. The weapons ranged from flame throwers to rocket launchers and just looking at them Valerie knew he wouldn't be able to even lift one let alone fire one. With her inspection over of her soldiers she was teken to a nearby elevator which took her down a fair few levels into what was clearly a laboratory of some kind. Her guide turned to her and leaned in close as if he didn't wish to disturb the scientists at work. "This is where we store and produce biological and chemical weapons, don't be too shocked agent using a chemical weapon can killed hundred even millions but it can also save that many if not more if used right. For now these scientists are working on a plague called Gray Death with it we hope to start our new world order. Now it is time for you to recieve your mark".

Valerie had no clue to what the man meant but she complied with his command and followed him through a nearby passage way into a room where an operating table lay and he took her arm and took her across to it. She was scared that was for sure but she couldn't stop him from helping her to lie down and watch as they restrained her body in place. It was then that a doctor walked in and looked her over before calling in a nurse and a tray of cutting instruments and her panic worsened but they took no notice of her and with a few short commands she was screaming in pain as they sliced open a section of her head and placed what they said was a small tracking chip underneath the skin which they then sealed back together attempting to leave as little sign of scaring as they could. Next she was given a few minutes to catch her breath before a man was brought in and she was told he would burn a tatoo of the symbol into the side of her face whilst a woman assistant dyed her hair jet black and tied it into a long ponytail behind her back. It was a short but painful procedure and after it was done the symbol was burned into the left side of her face, it wasn't hidden from sight so anyone looking at her would see it.

After the procedue was finished she was taken back to the surface and told to head back to her office as her absence might start to raise concern and worry with her subjects. She agreed both becuase the men were right and because she wanted get away from their presence and so a few minutes later she was being driven back to her office, once there she went straight up the stairs ignoring the glances she got as her guards and employees stared at her new hairstyle and colour as well as more attentively at her new tatoo. Arriving at her office her two guards there opened the doors to allow her antry and on her command closed them after she had sat down allowing her some time alone to think of all the choices and events that had affected her today. Of course Mr Clarence might have been to seen her and he would have been told she wasn't avaliable which wasn't good for relations so she instructed her staff to have him see her as soon as he felt he wanted to. Leaving her instructions at that she realised she had made a massive choice that would affect the world. Whether for the better or the worse she didn't know.

Only time would tell.

OOC: Phew finally done with this part. Not bad I think?

OOC: Yeah, that was pretty good, all right. :D Should be interesting the next Time Davies sees her.

OOC: Yes, but mostly teasing. *returns to the peanut gallery*

OOC: Ah, I see. Well, time for Clarence to show up again. RP-wise it's been almost a full day. ;)

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Clarence came down the next day. He sat quietly in his usual place in Valerie's office.. waiting for anything important to happen. Little did Valerie know that Maelstrom of the Dragon Empire held his own ties to the Illuminati. In fact, he had brought about their vision of the New World Order.. already. The history of the Illuminati traces its history back to other socities.. such as the Order of the Dragon. Is there a coincidence in the heraldry? Maelstrom would never say publicly. Valerie may find this path leading in directions she never intended.

He was currently the Grand Master of the Order and conducted operations in Dragonisia with other members of the First Degree active in the membership of the Blue Dragon intelligence group which forms the core of Dragonisian Intelligence.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: <_< all I will say is <_<

IC: Valerie entered her office and walked across to her seat and desk and set herself down with a degree of caution. Her old injuries were still causing her problems though they were healing at a good rate and it was guessed that she would soon be at full health in maybe a week or two but regardless she intended to continue her duties to their full degree. So with that thought in mind she turned to Mr Clarence allowing him to see her new tatoo but didn't make any remarks on it. "Ah Mr Clarence it is good to see you this morning. How are you feeling?" she asked with a sincere smile on her face.

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Mr. Clarence had noticed the new marking, but said nothing. It'd be a note in his report back home. Maelstrom would almost certainly know what the heraldry is. "I'm doing alright. Any important issues today that my Congress isn't already working upon?"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Not to my knowledge, we have the land exchange point which is currently being worked out between the two of us which seems to be progressing along very well and thats about it. Oh wait I forgot to mention that I wish to ask for your countries assistance on planning ,with us, a quick response program for dealing with military conflicts. You see when I started Pax Pacis it was meant to be a place of refuge and still will be but I can do so much more for world peace. However, it will require military force. You see I intend to have Pax Pacis become the first international peace keeping nation on this planet. When a war brews up this nation's forces will move to the area of said war and end the fighting one way or another regardless of what the nations fighting the war wish".

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"We do that to a limited degree, but not in a dedicated role. If you continue to with the progressive reforms we could definitely assist you in these peacekeeping missions with deployment and other logistics. But lets do one step at a time. Relations are on a road to recovery, but there are some in our Empire with whom you still need to build trust. Notably, Melvin Republic's people who were on the receiving end of your old regimes initial assault is going to be sore for a little while. However, I'm from Dragonisia, we weren't hurt as badly or as directly affected. We realize your good intent, but the time must be there for the wounds to heal."

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A look of pure anger and disgust crossed Valerie's face turning her beautiful if damaged face into a mask of anger. "Mr Clarence if the Melvin Republic continues to act with so much anger at looding their soldiers then they should lock themselves away behind steel walls and never leave them. If you remember Pax Pacis lost almost 80% of its soldiers to a combined attack by the Dragon Empire. We were angry, hell I was angry but I have put aside such feelings to work towards peace. Now if the Melvin Republic can't do that then I suggest you have them stay away from us and any dealing with us until they grwo up".

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"See Valerie? Even your wound's haven't healed yet. They feel the same way you do. 1 man.., 10,000.. quantity doesn't matter. Lives were lost and the value of each life immeasurable. You're both still healing. I realize you've put aside much for peace. They are as well. They voted in favor of your land transaction. I'm just saying.. keep it steady. A step at a time, not large leaps are in order."

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Valerie shook her head and placed her head in the palm of her hand before taking it away and replying. "Mr Clarence my wounds have healed except for this one" she said removing the cloth covering her now empty eye socket "I no longer hold even one shred of hate for you or the Dragon Empire. I just do not wish to have to work with people who can't deal with the fact that they lost soldiers in a war. If they get angry over that fact then they need to step down and allow someone who can handle the fact to rule instead".

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"It looks like they're getting past that. But unlike where you have absolute rule it is the people of the Melvin Republic who rule in their state. Their leaders must reflect sentiment or they don't get re-elected. These are the same people who lost loved ones in the conflict, not just soldiers."

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"It looks like they're getting past that. But unlike where you have absolute rule it is the people of the Melvin Republic who rule in their state. Their leaders must reflect sentiment or they don't get re-elected. These are the same people who lost loved ones in the conflict, not just soldiers."

"Then their government needs to sort itself out. Either they get a control over their people and act properlly or they stop interacting with us in Pax Pacis. The choice I leave up to them and the Dragon Empire".

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"You can't isolate one state of the Empire. Others have tried. Just doesn't work that way. And democracies don't work that way either. You don't control the people, they control you."

"A person is smart and intelligent whereas, people are stupid and prone to panic and other emotions. A nation run by the people is a set up for failureand yes we can isolate the Melvin Republic by refusing to recognise any of their votes and comments. If they put aside these stupid feelings of anger then we could work with them with no problem".

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"They are.. gradually. They just approved your land claim in the south. In my eyes that's a lot of progress."

"No thats just accepting what the rest of the Dragon Empire had already agreed with. If they really want to show progress they can just quit with the anger".

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