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A small mater of 533 dead men and women is resolved..


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Waiting in the conference room is Major General Thomas Johns, the newly made Military Governor of the Republic of Free Somal, and in front of him is a pile of notebooks, video tapes, and other documents. He waits for the representatives from Promised Land and Dragon Empire to arrive while he stares at a small photograph. With a sigh he slips the photo back into his pocket and he nudges a small black box sitting next to his right hand. It carries a very special surprise and one he's not keen on having to be the bearer of.

However, settling the blood debt for the deaths of 533 Somal citizens must be done.

Revenge is in Major General Thomas's heart and it is in the hearts of 2.3 million furious Somal citizens.

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The Dragonisian Rep noted, "The Chairman's spoken already to Promised Land's government about this personally. Trust me when I say.. it is definitely being handled. You do not want to know how angry the Chairman was and still is.." He waited for Promised Lands' representative to arrive. "Do us a favor. Don't shoot the messenger. We're after who ordered this crime."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"My daughter, 18 months old, was murdered by Promised Land. I'm willing to put aside calling for the utter ruining of their nation in favor of allowing the diplomatic process to work its course. The messenger will not be shot, however, the same can not be said for the man who ordered the attack and those who perpetuated it. The Republic will be the executor of justice in this matter," replies Major General Thomas Johns.

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***Message to Somal***

President Landry: "We send our deepest condolenses, may your daughter rest in peace. While we are having difficulties in Southeast Asia, we want you to know that the Empire always supports our allies. If Dragonisia wasn't so qualified to assist you in this matter, you can be sure the Melvin Republic would be here for you."

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OOC: It would have been nice if someone could have PM'd me about this...

Trust me, when I actually deal with the man responsible, justice will be done. I just need to finish one RP and then he's going to find himself trapped...and I'll actually try to make an interesting RP out of that, too.

IC: General Gogol had been woken in a hurry, meaning he hadn't had time to get dressed in formal clothes. He'd only had time to hurriedly put on his military fatgues before he was rushed onto the plane.

When he arrived at the conference room, he gave no notice to any hostile stares that were directed his way.

Taking in the Somal representative at a glance, he immediately knew what the issue was without having to be told, but he waited for the man to speak, knowing that anything he said without first letting the man vent his anger wold only serve to worsen the situation.

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"I want the man who ordered the attack and the men who carried it out. I want them immediately, and I also want it in writing that Promised Land will stay out of Africa in the matter between Mechodamia, NOD, Aether and Somal which brought about the biological attack perpetuated by your underlings," replies Major General Thomas Johns.

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"I want the man who ordered the attack and the men who carried it out. I want them immediately, and I also want it in writing that Promised Land will stay out of Africa in the matter between Mechodamia, NOD, Aether and Somal which brought about the biological attack perpetuated by your underlings," replies Major General Thomas Johns.

"Immediately? That will prove to be a problem. We are on the trail, but so far we've only managed to (successfully) apprehend one of the agents involved, and we need to hold her for the moment to find the rest. Of those who are alive anyway. The person or persons behind the attack have so far managed to kill any we've been close to capturing, except for this one. You will see justice done, but not if you're impatient. And we have every motivation to find the perpetrators ourselves--we have reason to believe the same set of people were behind the attack that killed three quarters of our parliament." One reason Gogol had been picked for this job was his honesty. If he said something, you could believe that it was true. At least if you were in your right mind, and thinking logically.

"As for the matter in Africa...what, you don't want us at the conference? That's easy. I was pulled away from there to come here. UMS and NOD seem to be at an impasse right now anyway." That last finally cracked his calm appearance, as he betrayed the slightest hint of his own impatience. He took a deep breat to calm himself. "But why would you believe us any more than you already do if it were put into writing? You already don't trust us."

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"He trusts you because we trust you.. and that is the only reason. You have to realize that if it weren't for the Empire and the Bloc.. this would likely be all over the world news and Promised Land would have been at a state of war with Somal because of this event. Fortunately since PL is a friend of the Empire and Somal is a friend of the Empire we can bridge the distrust. We're glad that you have made progress on isolating the persons behind this event. Even one person is a start. You will keep us updated as you make progress yes?" The Dragonisian rep inquired.

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"He trusts you because we trust you.. and that is the only reason. You have to realize that if it weren't for the Empire and the Bloc.. this would likely be all over the world news and Promised Land would have been at a state of war with Somal because of this event. Fortunately since PL is a friend of the Empire and Somal is a friend of the Empire we can bridge the distrust. We're glad that you have made progress on isolating the persons behind this event. Even one person is a start. You will keep us updated as you make progress yes?" The Dragonisian rep inquired.

Gogol ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Yes, if we make any more progress, Dragonisia will know, and we trust them to in turn inform Somal in a manner that is best for everyone. And yes, I realize we largely have you to thank for keeping this under wraps. We appreciate that you are willing to co-operate, but we really doubt that your goodwill toward us is enough for them to trust us. They've already made their opinion quite clear in public. Which hasn't been helping the investigation, by the way," he said, directing that last comment at Johns.

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Gogol wanted to make a comment about how if Somal attacked, it would incur only the destruction of whatever forces they sent. However, that hardly seemed diplomatic, and he simply taised an eyebrow at the precise moment the Dragonisian representative used the word 'benevolence.'

"Yes, they do. But our people have died too, and they should take note of that. Even if it happened during our isolation, we have not hidden that fact."

He sat back in his chair, waiting to see what his Somalian opposite would respond with.

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"Your people have not died by our hand and such is the case your people dying is not our concern. I'm of the opinion that your country is stalling for time and that you know full well who perpetuated the attack," replies Major General Thomas Johns.

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"No one is saying you are responsible for the deaths of our people." He leaned forward. "But if we are hasty, justice will never be seen for anyone who has died by the perpetrator's hands, Somalian or Promised Lander. And no doubt others, if our suspicions are correct."

He leaned forward in his chair. "What happened to you, Major General? Who did you lose to make you so bitter? I've lost both a brother and a father. Believe me when I say I want to see justice done as much as you. We are not stalling...but we do need more time to ensure that the killer or killers do not escape. We've already lost good men and women trying to find them, and I don't want to see their sacrifice be in vain."

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The Major General stands up, takes out the picture of his 18 month old daughter, slaps it down on the desk, and snarls at Gogol as he says, "My daughter to your damn plague. Despite my belief that you as the leader of your nation are personally responsible for the attack we are willing to accept one of your underlings. We want the man in charge of your intelligence organization and we want the men you sent to Somal. I'm finished with your pretty and very empty words, deliver us those person sooner rather than later."

He turns and then promptly departs as he takes the time to open his cell phone, push autodial, and says to the person on the other end of the line, "We are go for Operation Malovence."

Edited by Firestorm
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Gogol sighed, not needing to see the picture. He'd already seen the photos Vortex had provided. but something the man had said penetrated. He seemed to think Gogol was the one ultimately in charge.

Finally deciding, he stood up and followed the Major General out of the room. Thankfully the man hadn't gone far, and he was just closing his cell phone when Gogol opened the door.

The time for pretty speeches was over, and his set jaw showed this. He stood directly in front of the man and looked him square in the eye so he could not be ignored. He wanted to jab a finger into the man's chest to make his point, but they were both trained soldiers, so he knew that was not something he should do. "Look. I am trying to tell you that the people we sent here have disappeared. It is not simply a matter of going to their residences and apprehending them. Believe me, if that was possible, we would have done that already, and we would be handing them over now. We wouldn't even have needed this talk if it were that simple. But I guarantee you, if you try to go public with any of this, justice will be beyond anyone's grasp. That is not a threat, but a simple statement of fact. You do anything like that, and the people responsible will build up a smokescreen so inpenetrable that they will never be found. Now, did you get that, or was I speaking in language to pretty for your taste?"

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"You are directly responsible for your subordinates, we've dropped any claims against you personally, but believe me the international reprecrussions against you if this came out would be far satisfying as far as justice goes. You think Hansa would ally itself with a nation like yours knowing you used a biological weapon? I doubt it and I bet you don't want to find out either. Loosing Hansa would only be the first in a long chain of possible diplomatic reversals. We offer you a convient way out. Take it, find those men who did the attack, get the leader of your intelligence service, deliver them to us, and be happy that despite our losses we are willing to be semi-reasonable," responds Major General Thomas Johns as he boards his plane and departs.

With a very large drink in hand he calls his aid and says, "You will personally prepare to execute Malovence by readying the appropriate reports and video documentation for delivery. All major world leaders on the list will be hand delivered the information along with a personal letter from myself detailing the situation."

"We'll be going with Malovence then sir?"

"Not yet, I'll give them a litte more time, but not much more."

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"Dammit!" he screamed at the back of the departing man. "I am not the one in charge! I am head of diplomatic affairs! you never specified you wanted to meet with Davies! this is not justice you're after, but revenge!"

After taking a breath to calm himself, and the Somalian had departed, he remembered a phone in his pocket. Taking it out, he dialed Davies. "We'll have to go with plan B. He is refusing to see reason."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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The representative from Dragonisia quietly walked out behind Promised Land. "When one commits a crime. It is up to the victim.. whether or not vengeance or mercy is given when one seeks forgiveness. For most crimes, mercy is not hard to come by. But sometimes vengeance is the only way to obtain justice. Would you like to tell this man how he can get his daughter back so that he can forgive your state or the criminals? If you can answer that one.. then we would like you to come teach our medical professionals more about the arts of healing. He is seeking justice.. in seeking vengeance against those who have taken away from him a child, a life time of work and effort, something and someone he can never recover. Because of this he couldn't possibly in his right mind hope to forgive them for killing his daughter. Do you not understand that?"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The representative from Dragonisia quietly walked out behind Promised Land. "When one commits a crime. It is up to the victim.. whether or not vengeance or mercy is given when one seeks forgiveness. For most crimes, mercy is not hard to come by. But sometimes vengeance is the only way to obtain justice. Would you like to tell this man how he can get his daughter back so that he can forgive your state or the criminals? If you can answer that one.. then we would like you to come teach our medical professionals more about the arts of healing. He is seeking justice.. in seeking vengeance against those who have taken away from him a child, a life time of work and effort, something and someone he can never recover. Because of this he couldn't possibly in his right mind hope to forgive them for killing his daughter. Do you not understand that?"

He wirled, facing the representative. "I understand it perfectly. What YOU and he fail to understand is that my brother DIED to apprehend the one agent we've captured. Because of that man's impatience, his sacrifice might come to NOTHING!" Not fearing retribution, he stabbed a finger into the representative's chest to emphasize his point.

OOC: He jabbed your rep. once on each of the emphasized words.

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"Then direct your anger at those responsible. Not this man. This man is in agony and lament just as you are.. and you share a common enemy. We'll be more careful with our statements." He looks at Major Thomas Johns, "Right?" He raised an eyebrow.

OOC: It's to late. The Major General has already left--unless he ret-cons.

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