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RA-MP Land Gift

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At the border between Mascurian Pakistan and Rebel Army, a great mass of people were assembled. It was a glorious day, as Rebel Army was graciously gifting Marscurian Pakistan with land located in the historic boundaries of Pakistan. In exchange, Rebel Army only wanted to receive a single goat. The goat was no ordinary goat. It was a magnificent goat, who's milk made some of the finest cheese in the world. When the exchange was finally completed, there was a great celebration and ice cream sundaes.

The 121st Army Division was ordered to make a detailed survey of the new region, which will take several months.


The land gifted towards Marscurian Pakistan (dark purple).


The goat gifted to Rebel Army (white)

Land-Goat Exchange

The glorious nations of Rebel Army and Marscurian Pakistan agree to this exchange of gifts.

1. Rebel Army shall relinquish from its protectorate, the North-West Frontier Province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas to Marscurian Pakistan.

2. Marscurian Pakistan shall relinquish the care of 1 goat to Rebel Army shepherds.

May this transaction serve as a bridge to friendship for all times!

Signed for Marscurian Pakistan,

Mikhail Stein, Sultan of Marscurian Pakistan

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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Signed for Rebel Army,

Lavo Shalam, Prime Minister

Mohamed Hazzan, Minister of Foreign Affairs

RA police and army units have begun to pull out of the region and to another part of the Protectorate. The goat has found it's way to the RA's finest dairy company, where it is expected to bare many years of wonderful milk.

OOC: You sure you don't want that bit to the left of Cochin's port? I'd throw in a small land path. :P

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Signed for Rebel Army,

Lavo Shalam, Prime Minister

Mohamed Hazzan, Minister of Foreign Affairs

RA police and army units have begun to pull out of the region and to another part of the Protectorate. The goat has found it's way to the RA's finest dairy company, where it is expected to bare many years of wonderful milk.

OOC: You sure you don't want that bit to the left of Cochin's port? I'd throw in a small land path. :P

OOC: Nah, I'll let you keep it. That part has the port of Gwadar. You can use it to lessen your need for the Straits of Hormuz.

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