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Playing God is never right and always deadly....

King Kevz

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OOC: Some stuff you should know first. This can either be accepted as canon or not it doesn't really matter. There will be some strange stuff that occurs in this RP to do with physic abilities some of which might not be that feasible. There will also be a fair amount of death and possible some amount of gore so you ahev been warned. Now if you wish to join in then please do so just post OOC that you would after the actual RP starts though you can still join but please PM me first ok.

Anyhow the RP/Story is focused around a facility deep in Pax Pacis run by a shadowy Black Ops group called Blood Talon. In trying to perfect some secret and powerful weapon they formed a specialised group of scientists to try and unlock the remaining part of the human mind. They kidnapped members from different nations secretly, This is where you can have you character come from, and after many failed attempts managed to unlock a large amount of one man's mind. Unfortunally this drove the man insane and he is now wandering the facility killing at random. The survivors are trying to escape, whilst the Black Ops soldiers are trying to contain the incident. For anyone wishing to join as a survivor you will awake in some sort of medical room with the door ripped ajar and a corridor outside lit by emergency lights, for any people wishing to take part as a Black Ops soldier you will start in a lift descending to the lower levels which suddenly slams to a halt and opening to a hallway covered in blood.

Anyhow Il start soon just post here first or PM me if you wish to join and say what you wish to join as. Enjoy.

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OOC: Ok il start this now if you do wish to join PM me otherwise enjoy.

IC: The man was there again. She didn't know who he was but just looking at his back made her want to flee in terror, whoever he was she knew he was dangerous and would kill her if he caught her. She tried to turn away but her body wouldn't move and she could only stare in horror as the man turned to face her. He was handsome but too handsome like something out of a fairy tale and then he reached out for her and as he smiled she began to scream...

Leaping upwards Clara opened her eyes and screamed into the empty room, doubling over to catch her breath she looked around the room she was in. It must have been in some kind of hospital as medical equipment and charts lay scattered across carts and the floor but something was wrong, she felt exposed and she saw why. She was naked on a medical bed the sheets thrown against the wall leaving her body full to view. She quickly coiled herself up to cover her more private areas and looked around for some sort of clothing. A quick search showed nothing but refuse and medical gear but after slowly climbing off of the bed and moving to a nearby cabinet she found it contained a pair of uniforms that a security guard would wear as well as a handgun and some ammo. It was strange but it was clothing and so she quickly dressed and for good measure brought along the handgun. Moving to the room's door she looked through the window and immediatly fell to the floor and vomited painfully.

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OOC:Technically you use your entire brain, just some of it is not conscious use.

OOC: But never all at once. not even close.

I think I'd be willing to join in this as a kidnapped patient. Have any of the patients other than the insane one had any powers unlocked?

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OOC: But never all at once. not even close.

I think I'd be willing to join in this as a kidnapped patient. Have any of the patients other than the insane one had any powers unlocked?

OOC: They may if you wish and there powers can be what you want as I mad ethis for people to have fun with. So you can have patient have powerws if you want.

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OOC: They may if you wish and there powers can be what you want as I mad ethis for people to have fun with. So you can have patient have powerws if you want.

OOC: cool...thanks :)

IC: George was a little bewildered at his current surroundings. Obviously he'd been kidnapped, which was quite an accomplishment. To kidnap a special forces operative took some doing. But he didn't let his bewilderment overwhelm his natural instinct to further servey his surroundings.

The door of the medical room had been ripped clean off its hinges, which he could tell had taken some doing as it was made of metal. The cabinets held a spare set of medical clothing, which he quickly donned, and he also withdrew the dart gun in there, no doubt used to sedate unwilling patients. There were six spare darts, and one in the gun already.

Suddenly, he whirled to face...a wall. He could have sworn he'd heard a voice behind him, but no footsteps or breating to accompany it, and sure enough, no one was there when he turned. cleariung his head, he put it out of his mind. His current objective had to be escape, so he peered out into the apparently abandoned corridor, which was lit dimly by what had to be emergency lighting...

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In another medical room a few meters away, a 15 year old teenager boy was lying in the bed. His name? Robert Jake, the son of the Great Lakes State president.


"Where the heck am I?" groaned Robert as he slowly woke up. Scanning the room quickly, he noticed it looked something like a medical room in a hospital, except something did not fit with the picture.

There was an arm lying on the floor, with a pool of blood around it and chairs scattered all over the place. "Okay, this is odd..." thought Robert. He then looked at his clothing, and noticed all he had was a thin cotton medical dress. "When did have an an unscheduled medical checkup in a hospital?" Robert asked himself as he got up and carefully avoid stepping on the pool of blood. He scanned through all of the drawers, hoping to find some kind of clothing that is more comfortable.

He opened the cabinet and found a doctor's coat, shoes, socks, and a handgun with ammo scattered around it. He quickly slipped on the doctor's coat and the shoes, only noticing that they are too big. Grabbing a roll of duct tape, he taped part of the coat together to make it fit his size better and stuffed socks in the over sized shoes. He then grabbed the hand gun and all of the ammo, tucking them into the coat's inner pocket, including the duct tape.

"I do not want to imagine what is outside..." mumbled Robert as he opens the door. Pools of blood and bits of gore were in the dimly lit hallway that was lighted by emergency lights. He was slightly surprised, but seen much worse before. However, he realized that it was no unscheduled medical checkup, he was kidnapped. He scanned the hallway and walked slowly, not bothering to shout in case if someone dangerous is sticking around here.

Edited by HHAYD
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A few seconds of staring at the disgusting pool of vomit and a quick wipe to clean her mouth and Clara readied herself to step outside the small room she was in, it was difficult as much as she feared being trapped inside alone the sight outside was more horrific but she had no choice and slowly inch by inch she pushed open the door and this time kept herself from being sick. The scene outside looked like something ripped from over the top gore horror movie as bodies and pieces of bodies lay scattered along the hall way whilst blood was pooled on the floor and sprayed across the ceiling and walls. Holding the gun until her knuckles were white Clara made her way out of the room looking down the corridor for a sign of some way out or for someone to help her. She almost shot the boy that had exited the room adjunct to her but fear managed to force to freeze and she could only cower in fright.

Edited by King Kevz
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A few seconds of staring at the disgusting pool of vomit and a quick wipe to clean her mouth and Clara readied herself to step outside the small room she was in, it was difficult as much as she feared being trapped inside alone the sight outside was more horrific but she had no choice and slowly inch by inch she pushed open the door and this time kept herself from being sick. The scene outside looked like something ripped from over the top gore horror movie as bodies and pieces of bodies lay scattered along the hall way whilst blood was pooled on the floor and sprayed across the ceiling and walls. Holding the gun until her knuckles were white Clara made her way out of the room looking down the corridor for a sign of some way out or for someone to help her. She almost shot the boy that had exited the room adjunct to her but fear managed to force to freeze and she could only cower in fright.

"Who are you?" silently asked Robert.

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Clara couldn't believe it. She had found someone. Someone alive. She couldn't stop the sound of relief in her voice as she spoke to this boy. "My name is is Clara. Who are you?" she asked slowly standing up and bringing the gun back to her side, away from the young lad.

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Clara couldn't believe it. She had found someone. Someone alive. She couldn't stop the sound of relief in her voice as she spoke to this boy. "My name is is Clara. Who are you?" she asked slowly standing up and bringing the gun back to her side, away from the young lad.

"Robert Jake, son of the Great Lakes State President. All I know is that we have been kidnapped, and something went wrong here. We need to keep quiet." replied Robert.

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Clara nodded her head gingerly in response, she might be older than Robert but he knew exactly what he was doing and somehow he was unafraid. Probally those late night movies that boys watch. "What do we do now?" she whispered her eyes darting up and down the corridor in fear.

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Clara nodded her head gingerly in response, she might be older than Robert but he knew exactly what he was doing and somehow he was unafraid. Probally those late night movies that boys watch. "What do we do now?" she whispered her eyes darting up and down the corridor in fear.

"We stick together at all times unless if we are being chased by someone really dangerous. I don't know where to go, but somewhere where we can find some kind of a map direction. Lets try heading down that direction, the sign on the wall says it leads to an office, I think." replied Robert pointing his finger toward the direction.

He drew out his pistol and begun walking while whispering, "Trust me, I have been much worse than this before. Being chased around in an unknown building by 50 angry terrorists armed with automatic shotguns in the past was not fun."

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Again, George heard voices, but these were accompanied by footsteps. he took a quick glance out, and saw the two other prisoners. he assumed they were probably just that, and that they'd acquired the uniforms like he had, but he couldn;t be certain, although with the boy he was a little more certain that he otherwise would have been. He quickly darted out of the room, and rolled, heedless of the blood, behind the door that was propped against the far wall. He aimed the dart gun at them as he spoke in an even voice.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

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OOC: But never all at once. not even close.

OCC: Right we use about 90-95% of our brain in a given day, but only about 10% of neurons fire at any given time. Anymore than that and you have seizures. Sorry no more OOC.

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Again, George heard voices, but these were accompanied by footsteps. he took a quick glance out, and saw the two other prisoners. he assumed they were probably just that, and that they'd acquired the uniforms like he had, but he couldn;t be certain, although with the boy he was a little more certain that he otherwise would have been. He quickly darted out of the room, and rolled, heedless of the blood, behind the door that was propped against the far wall. He aimed the dart gun at them as he spoke in an even voice.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Robert Jake. I don't know, all I know is we are stuck in some kind of a testing facility and something went wrong." replied Robert.

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"Robert Jake. I don't know, all I know is we are stuck in some kind of a testing facility and something went wrong." replied Robert.

"Oh really?" he said sarcastically, stepping out from hbehind the door but not lowering his weapon. "I figured that much out myself."

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"And I am Clara" replied Clara standing behind Robert as she brought her weapon up ready to shoot in case this stranger was out to kill them.

he nodded at the woman, but still did not lower the weapon.

"So who are you?" asked Robert.

"It would apear I am a fellow prisoner, wherever we are. I'm George." Finally, he lowered the dart gun. If they had been his captors, they would probably have already been trying to restrain or kill him.

"You can relax, Clara...unless they inserted these darts with something lethal, which would be a waste, really, I doubt this weapon would kill you."

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