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Judge My Nation


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You can use more tech, both for military and for economic purposes. 5% of your NS is a rough rule of thumb that will get you close to the maximum 10% discount on infrastructure upkeep that tech gives. Plus, getting to 500 tech would let you buy level 9 planes, which would be very good to have as well. 600 tech would be safer.

Your two border walls are not ideal improvements. You could use Police HQ and get the same + 2 happiness without losing any population at all. You could also use those 2 improvement slots to buy your last factory, or use both to get a couple more clinics, that would get you another improvement slot by itself.

If you have money saved up you could drop your factories and buy labor camps, then go 10 days inactive, pay your bills with the LC, then delete them for more Police HQ, etc.. You only need the factories when you are going to buy infrastructure, so those imp. slots can be used for other things as you require them. Once you get extra imp. slots they are worth keeping around though. Once you start seeing improvements as temporary assets this will become more clear.

You also have very little purchased land; unless you are trying to stay below 1k land to avoid having to deal with naval attacks, your costs to buy land might be low enough to warrant a purchase of some more.

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You've got decent trades right now. Furs is pretty meh unfortunately, but it's not going to hold you back very much.

At your size you should start doing labor camp cycles. You should also be using labor camp cycles to buy infrastructure.

Basically you do this:

1. Destroy 5 of your cheapest improvements that will not lower your bills (like happiness improvements).

2. Build 5 labor camps.

3. For the next 10-19 days when you log in to CN, pay your bills and do not collect.

4. When you are 10-19 days inactive (don't try for 20, it CAN be done but you also could get deleted) destroy your labor camps and build back the improvements you destroyed before.

5. Optionally you can purchase infrastructure at this point.

6. Collect taxes.

7. Repeat until huge.

The reason you do this is because you can pay cheap bills every day for 19 days because of your labor camps, then collect 19 days worth of taxes without the happiness penalty from the labor camps. The longer you do step 3, the more profit you make.

The rest of your improvements are pretty good.

Your two border walls are not ideal improvements. You could use Police HQ and get the same + 2 happiness without losing any population at all. You could also use those 2 improvement slots to buy your last factory, or use both to get a couple more clinics, that would get you another improvement slot by itself.

The border walls don't just add happiness. They also improve environment, which makes you actually gain population during the current nuclear winter.

Edited by threefingeredguy
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The border walls don't just add happiness. They also improve environment, which makes you actually gain population during the current nuclear winter.

The border wall also costs you -2% population; the approx. 1.76% you would get back from gaining that environment point does not make up for what you lose. Which is why the other improvements would be better.

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No - since the environment penalty now has much bigger ramifications you want to probably alternate between Democracy (for tax collection) and Capitalism (for buying infra).

Why would you do capitalism for buying infra when Monarchy has the same infra reduction benefits? And 1 happiness is better than 1 environment.

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I would love to have my nation looked at and given constructive criticism, I make $796413.54/daily after taxes and an environmental level of 7.00(2 stars) and happiness level of 42.77. Thanks in advance!

I think you need a funnier nation bio. Bios are certainly not for noobs.

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I thought +1 environment is about +.4 happiness?

It has an effect on citizen happiness in quite a unique way something of a "utility" a better environment should increase your tax collection based on the rest of your happiness. A sort of modifier.

Environment > 1 unit of happiness.

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my words for this nations is that it is one of the best i have seen and you should be trying to get some senate votes for your team colour. :D:o

Except that the nation is not even close to being large enough to even be considered for the Senate on the black team. Remember you have to be in the top 100 in your color to be considered.

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