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Joint Ravyns-LoSS Announcement

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Moonlight Serenade Accords


On this date, June 17, 2009, The Ravyns and the League of Small Superpowers (LoSS) announce their friendship and mutual respect for one another and love of singing off key serenades in the moonlight in the woods through this document.

I. Sovereignty

Both The Ravyns and LoSS agree to respect one another's sovereignty. Neither shall try to impede on this sovereignty through espionage or overthrowing their respective governments.

II. Defense

A. Mutual Defense

Should either signatory come under military attack by another alliance, the other signatory is obligated to respond with full military support unless requested to stand down by the attacked signatory.

B. Optional Aggression

Should either signatory engage in an offensive war, the other signatory is given the option, but is not obligated, to join in on the war.

C. Financial Aid

In the event that a signatory does not request military support, they may request financial aid during the conflict or afterwards to aid in reconstruction.

D. Intelligence

Should either signatory discover intelligence counter to the well-being of the other signatory, they are obligated to pass along that information.

III. Peace

Should either signatory decidedly attack the other, this treaty is immediately null and void. Should a rogue be responsible for attacks, the offense will be dealt with diplomatically and reimbursement paid out as soon as possible.

IV. Financial Growth

Both parties are encouraged to participate in tech deals, trade circles and distribution of aid in order to promote the growth of themselves and the other signatory.

V. Cancellation

This treaty is considered null and void should either signatory call for it’s cancellation and a 48 hour window expires after the other signatory is notified. Should Article II or Article III be violated, this treaty is immediately null and void.

Signed for The Ravyns

Sharduke, Don

Drakedeath, The Front

Mariowpower1, The Executive

Gorchin, Warlord

Signed for LoSS

Lord Slade -- Triumvir

Desert Ratz -- Triumvir

Co God Ben -- Triumvir, The Guy That Wanted A Special Font >_<

Nikolaos -- Minister of the Interior

Krunk the Great -- Minister of Recruitment and Education

Cleaverlch -- Senator

Itastenice -- Senator

Randy -- Senator

Liltrekkie -- Senator

:wub: LoSS

tl;dr Read it, it's a short treaty <_<

[22:00] <Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> I like how we didnt' even mention that it is an upgrade

Oh yeah, this is an upgrade.

Edited by Drakedeath
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Signed for LoSS

Lord Slade -- Triumvir

Desert Ratz -- Triumvir

Co God Ben -- Triumvir, The Guy That Wanted A Special Font >_<

Nikolaos -- Minister of the Interior

Krunk the Great -- Minister of Recruitment and Education

I see that you have not replaced these individuals as I have demanded. My fist will be shaken in your direction, sirs.

Oh, and congrats. :P

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Alek's still on the PM list

Good sir, I am not in either of these fine alliances. Please redirect your mindless drivel regarding PMs to a relevant thread, perhaps the one that has something to do with me.

That taken care of, congrats to my former brothers in the Ravyns and the good guys in LoSS on this upgrade (except Krunk of course).

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They always post these when I am not around!

Anyway, Ravyns have been an excellent treaty partner and we have molded our whole protectorate program based off our relationship with them. They have been solid friends and an unshakable foundation has been built between our two alliances. I am sad to see an old treaty fall away, but very happy that it was replaced by this.

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Good sir, I am not in either of these fine alliances. Please redirect your mindless drivel regarding PMs to a relevant thread, perhaps the one that has something to do with me.

That taken care of, congrats to my former brothers in the Ravyns and the good guys in LoSS on this upgrade (except Krunk of course).

Thank you....even if Im not included in your gratz I acknowledge that I should be :)

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