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A very late DoE + Protectorate

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The Charter


We, The Party, Friends and brothers alike hereby declare our existence. As brothers we shall unite and create a haven where we can find safety through mutual defence to prosper. All nations The Party are required to follow the rules and regulations shown in this charter.

Section 1 – Laws and Regulations

1.1 – The Party recognises each individual’s right to choose their own colour trading sphere; therefore we shall not give preference to one over the other. Nations flying The Party alliance affliction (AA) are expected to uphold the laws and regulations without question.

Section 2 – Admissions & Membership


To apply to become a member of The Party individuals must post in the “Member application area.”

In this thread you must post:

* Nation Strength:

* Infrastructure Level:

* Who Recruited You:

* Old Alliance(s):

Each applying individual must not be:

- A member of another alliance

- At war with another nation


- Individuals applying for membership are subject to approval by Big Brother or The Ministry

- Members will uphold the law and regulations set in this charter at all times. Members that are found breaking these rules could face disciplinary action by Big Brother or the Ministry. Failure to abide by the laws may result in expulsion and in severe cases ZI.

Section 3 – The Party Government

Big Brother of The Party

The Big Brother(s) hold the power to have final say in all matters. This may include but not subject to:

- Declaration of war

- Responsible for representing the alliance.

- The power to Veto decisions made by The Ministry.

- The power to expel any nation without the Ministries consent

- The authority to declare the use of nuclear weapons.

- If a Big Brother were to resign, the remaining Big Brother has the power to choose whether or not to appoint another one.

- If a Big Brother is unavailable for a period of time, the other shall assume full power until the other has returned.

If all 5 ministers and a majority of the membership feel a big brother is not acting in their best interest they can oust him and the remaining Big Brother shall elect a new one.

Section 4

The Ministry

The Ministry states will consist of 5 members respectfully each will have its own field and are able to implement change as they see fit. The Ministry is also responsible for representing the alliance and appointing deputy’s to help manage state affairs.

- Minister of Foreign Affairs

The minister of foreign affairs shall be in charge of The Party’s foreign affairs.

1.) They must not only create but also maintain good communication and friendship with other alliances in war, peace and times of crisis.

2.) The Minister of Foreign Affairs will assist in the writing, proposal, and acceptance of treaties The Party and her associates.

3.) Appoints diplomats and deputies

- Minister of Love

1.) Is in charge of the internal affairs of The Party.

2.) Reviews the behaviour of the members.

3.) is responsible for admitting new members and education.

- Minister of Peace

1.) The Minister of Peace is in charge of all Military organisation and operations inside The Party, both during peace and war.

2.) The Minister of Peace can give permission for nations to declare war provided that Big Brother has been notified and approve of the action.

3.) Appoints lieutenants and deputies.

4.) In situations where conflict arises between other alliances The Minister of Peace will consult Big Brother and the Minister of Foreign Affairs before taking the appropriate action.

- Minister of Truth

1.) The Minister of Truth is in charge of all recruitment.

2.) The Minister of Truth is charged with spreading our values to nations who seek enlightenment.

3.) Appoints recruiters.

4.) The Minister of Truth shall assist the Minster of Love with the education of new members

5.) The Minister of Truth shall provide propaganda.

- Minister of Plenty

1.) The Minister of Plenty is in charge of all Trade and Tech deal schemes

2.) The Minister of Plenty will organise programs to help nations grow

3.) Appoints bankers and may deem members deputies of certain departments

Each Minister will serve until Big Brother decide that the Minister in question is not acting in the best interest of the alliance. If the majority of the membership feel that a new minister is required he will be removed from power and Big Brother shall assign a new minister.

Section 7 – Rights of Members

1.) All members have the freedom of speech and expressions in the private forums. Speech in public forums is allowed but members must remain respectful to other alliances.

Members must not troll or flame other alliances. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action by Big Brother or The Ministry.

2.) The right to exist on any colour trading sphere.

3.) All members reserve the right to leave The Party at all times as long as the following conditions are met:

- The Member posts a resignation thread at the designated area

- Fulfil any military or financial obligations imposed on them.

- The member has not conducted any form of espionage or any forms of aggression against the The Party and her associates.

Section 8 – War and Espionage


1.) The Party condemns tech raiding and will not conduct any form of aggression upon any nation unless ordered or approved by Big Brother.

2.) Should an alien nation attack a member of The Party, we as brothers will support each other either with military force or financial support.

3.) Should there be a time that The Party finds itself in a state of war all members regardless of rank must pledge their forces to the cause.


1.) Members of The Party hold the right to purchase spies for security purposes.

2.) Members will not spy against other nations unless ordered to by Big Brother or The Minister of Love.

3.) The use of spies against The Party is viewed as an act of aggression. The nation in question may face ZI. However diplomacy will be used before any kind of retaliation.

Section 9 – Expectations of Members

1.) Members are expected to be as active as possible.

2.) During a state of war Members must try their best to visit the forums once a day

3.) All members pledge to offer their military and economical power in a state of war

4.) Members are to treat one and another with respect at all times.

5.) Members must stay respectful to other alliances in public forums and public IRC channels.

Section 10 – Amendments

1.) Big Brother hold the right to amend the charter as they see fit

2.) If a member feels that the charter should be amended he should present it to The Ministry where they will put forward the idea to Big Brother.


Zurital - Big Brother

Hello Dave - Big Brother

Edited by Zurital
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I. Peace:

Both signatories agree to neither attack each other nor spy on each other.

II. Aid:

The Brigade agrees to give financial assistance to The Party if a request is made, within reason.

III. Defense:

The Brigade agrees to defend The Party on request. The Party is not obligated to defend The Brigade, but may do so if they choose.

IV. Cancellation:

This treaty may be canceled 72 hours after private notification of the reasons behind the cancellation.

Signed for The Brigade

Patriarchs of The Brigade

Brigadier General (MoW): Xander Don

Chief Commisioner (MoIA): FoAmY99

Grand Emissary (MoFA): Segovia



Judicial Council

Captain Oblivious

JB dinglenutz

Adrian LaCroix

Signed for The Party

Zurital - Big Brother

Hello Dave - Big Brother

o/ The Brigade

o/ The Party

Edited by Adrian LaCroix
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Congratulations on the formation of your alliance. I must admit to a point of confusion, however. Your posted charter says

Section 8 – War and Espionage


1.) The Party condones tech raiding and will not conduct any form of aggression upon any nation unless ordered or approved by Big Brother.

That seems contradictory. Tech Raiding is condoned ("to overlook or forgive an offence or wrongdoing") and no form of aggression will be conducted? Perhaps you mean that Tech Raiding is condemned?

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