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Declaration of Existence: The University


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Since Canada has voted to disband its government, the people of the Canary Islands were satisfied with having their own government, and as a result are presently re-organizing into an independent state.

The Canary Islands now fashion themselves as "The University" led by a Provost.

As the new state is in a state of flux due to the process of internal reorganization details are sketchy at best, but are trusted to be forthcoming in the coming days.

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Report from the AP: Wild rumors flew about while "The University," formerly known as the Canary Islands underwent some internal re-organization to become an independent state following on the heals of the dissolution of the Canadian Territories. Many were uncertain as to what path the nascent nation-state would follow as it took its first steps towards becoming an independent nation. However, after long hours, the chosen representatives of the islands' inhabitants have made some headway and statements are being issued about the newborn country.

One representative leaving the conference this evening was quoted as saying, "We are truly creating a revolutionary new system of governance. Just wait and see what we have in the works. It is incredibly surprising, and in many ways quite controversial."

Shortly thereafter, an offical statement was provided to the AP to be published for the world to see.

Conference for the Establishment of "The University"

The representatives present at the conference have come to consensus on the form of government for the nation to be henceforth known as "The University." The overall form of the government shall be that of a Techno-autocracy. Where being the dissemination of information and the utilization of technology to resolve our society's issues will be paramount, and the autocratic portion of the government will be solely within the executive branch. The legislative branch of the government will be comprised of 2 legislative bodies. The particulars at this time have yet to be worked out, but it is known that one body shall be appointed by "jury" selection from the highly educated citizenry, and the other body shall consist of elected officials who will be elected by the citizens. The title of the leader for the executive branch was originally going to be that of "Provost," but has since been discarded by the representatives in favor of "Academician." There will also be a system of courts, for which the particulars have yet to be illuminated.

The representatives also wish the citizenry to know that a constitution will be published in short order, once it has been ratified by all representatives at the conference.

The goal of the nation in the short term is to pursue technology and knowledge with little to no restriction from sources, both foreign and domestic. This is to facilitate the later re-organization of the nation and its territories at that time into a new but not totally unrelated form of government, once the necessary research has been concluded.

For the present and foreseeable future, the military forces of "The University" shall be kept in defensive readiness only while the new order is established and cemented into the daily lives of the citizenry.

As for the ~3,000,000 citizens in the country, they can count on being contacted by a local representative of the government for placement in research facilities or support industries (if not already placed) or to be enrolled in higher educational programs at the local institutions to be brought up to an "acceptable" level of education so that they may fulfill their role as a citizen within "The University."

Additionally, the representatives attending the conference are open to the entertainment and negotiation of various treaties from other nations/alliances. Interested parties are instructed to contact the Office of the Academician for consideration.

Presently, the AP has managed to compile some statistics on "The University"

Population: ~3,032,000 citizens

Literacy: 96.70% and climbing rapidly

Technology Level: 304.50

Soldiers: ~242,560 (Detailed Statistics unavailable at this time)

Tanks: ~12,580 (Detailed Statistics unavailable at this time)

AirForce: All Statistics unavailable at this time

Navy: All Statistics unavailable at this time

CMs: All Statistics unavailable at this time

Nuclear Weapons: All Statistics unavailable at this time

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IC: Zarfef wishes to recognize The University and says that it is only customary that he get an honorary doctorate... he wishes to honor you with the opportunity while recognizing you to the world.

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