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Korriban Declares Existance


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Over speakers throughout the Serca protectorate the voice of Malak the leader of the uprising could be heard.

Our time has come. For many years we prepared- we grew stronger. While you rested in your craddle of power believing your rule was total and unquestionable. You were trusted to lead the protectorate. But you were decieved.

Meanwhile, his second in command, Reven led a covert infiltration of the transitional government's palace.

As our quiet mission for justice eluded you.

Guards of the palace rush to confront the man and his guard. Suddenly a blackhawk helicopter crashes through the massive doors, its propellers cutting their way through the massive pillars decorating the structure. It screaches to a firey halt bringing dust and debris flying in all directions.

You assumed no force could challange you. The voice continues.

The helicopter doors slide open and a red targetting beam lights up.

And now...

Several more beams follow.

Finally, we have returned.

The men rush out and begin opening fire against the palace guards. The secret meeting of the transitional government cut short, and unable to carry out their plans to bring down the Kingdom of Serca and create their own Kingdom. The highly trained and prepared men easily faught back the guards as their leader alerted the Serca Kingship of the plot.

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Over speakers throughout the Serca protectorate the voice of Malak the leader of the uprising could be heard.

Our time has come. For many years we prepared- we grew stronger. While you rested in your craddle of power believing your rule was total and unquestionable. You were trusted to lead the protectorate. But you were decieved.

Meanwhile, his second in command, Reven led a covert infiltration of the transitional government's palace.

As our quiet mission for justice eluded you.

Guards of the palace rush to confront the man and his guard. Suddenly a blackhawk helicopter crashes through the massive doors, its propellers cutting their way through the massive pillars decorating the structure. It screaches to a firey halt bringing dust and debris flying in all directions.

You assumed no force could challange you. The voice continues.

The helicopter doors slide open and a red targetting beam lights up.

And now...

Several more beams follow.

Finally, we have returned.

The men rush out and begin opening fire against the palace guards. The secret meeting of the transitional government cut short, and unable to carry out their plans to bring down the Kingdom of Serca and create their own Kingdom. The highly trained and prepared men easily faught back the guards as their leader alerted the Serca Kingship of the plot.

OOC: Nice video game trailer reference ;)

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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Several bombs go off in the upper levels of the palace as the fighting continues. The transitional government seal the doors to their chamber and hope for the best as they cut themselves off from the fighting. Reven fights his way to the large doors and blast them open instanly killing nearly half of the provisional government. The Provisional president rushed at Reven with a chair believing him to be unnarmed.

Reven spun and dodged the odd weapon as the president came after him again, this time with a decorative sword that once stood atop a large fireplace in the chambers. Reven pulled a hidden dagger from his thigh and stuck it intot he man's heart.

You...were decieved. And now your government shall fall.

The president's eyes widen in disbeleif. Not at his fatal wound but at the sight of a roofless palace and strifing aircraft as the well-armed uprising took the capital and left all remnants of its past government in fire and rubble.

The sky is blood red with the fires that engulf the city during the battle that took place. The uprising quitly took the uperhand and their aircraft, now in sole command of the skies continued bombing military bases and strategic buildings within the capital as similar battles all over the protectorate took place. The power now fell into the hands of the uprising. Under Malak the nation of Korriban had emerged.

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The Kingdom of Serca is shocked of this news. The Emperor orders the 2000 soldiers in the protectorate to the captial and support the uprising. 10 S-23 Fighters are patroling the skies and fire on unrecognizable aircraft. 100 M1AV Tanks also storm into the city to help with the uprising.

The Kingdom of Serca recognizes the nation of Korriban.

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We thank the kingdom for their support, but now we would be pleased if Sercan forces returned to their respective kingdom.

With That Sercan forces are returning home and relinguishing control of the military bases to Korriban Forces. If anymore help is needed we are more than willing to help.

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