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Vaule's Parliament Suspended

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VNN News: Vaule Parliament prorogued


Sygh-Varthys, Vaule:

“This morning Vaule’s Parliament announced its plan to table a motion of no confidence in the government of President Karolekov. This shocking move against a widely popular President led to skepticism and shock among most political commentators. An even larger shock came when some members of the VFP announced their intention to defect to join the Vaule Communist Party in the vote of no confidence. Rumors began to circulate about a split in the Fenix Party (VFP), which was vehemently denied by the party leadership. Estimates show that the defecting MPs, along with the MPs from the Communist, Nationalist and Socialist Parties constitute a large enough bloc to pass the no-confidence vote.

Fearing another political deadlock in Parliament, and another standoff with the Executive branch, President Karolekov took action. The President signed an Executive decree, backed by the Supreme Court of Vaule to immediately prorogue the Vaule Parliament until further notice. This controversial move will allow President Karolekov to rule Vaule by decree until the Supreme Court forces the President to allow Parliament to resume.

As the Parliament was prorogued before the vote, the MPs will not be able to table the motion of no confidence until the Parliament resumes. Rumors are already floating around that President Karolekov’s first decree will either be an extension of the state of martial law, or a dissolution order for Parliament.

VNN polls taken shortly after the declaration show President Karolekov’s approval ratings at a steady 86%, and support for the President’s decision to prorogue Parliament is at 61%.

Despite the controversy, President Karolekov continued with his schedule today and flew to Buryat province for a 5 hour meeting with the Regional Governor of Vaule’s south eastern province. The President did not comment on the situation in Parliament, but declared that his meeting with the regional governor was “eventful”.

We will continue to watch the situation as it unfolds.”-VNN News

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"The politicians in Vaule who have sat in their seats so comfortably for so long would truly tremble if the President implemented a Meritocractic state.. requiring them to actually have an ounce of experience to represent their people.. an ounce of experience.. to actually contribute to the prosperity of the state. Dragonisia announces its support of President Karolekov and hopes he may bring a stable transition to a coalition government that will bring some peace to recently Vaule's troubled soul."

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Kingdom of Cochin gave no comment on the situation. When asked for a comment, Secretary of Industry, Mr. Mathew Joseph said, "We hope Vaule gets a stable government soon."

Department of External Affairs gave no comment.

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