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Rodentia Dominatus/FARK Declaration of War

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You know all i have to say is apparently no one in here but LE, fark, and RD understand the honor in standing up for your friends when they get attacked. LE has been nothing but good friends to RD and FARK and we are standing up for them. The rest, i am ashamed of you all, i hope you feel good about yourselves.

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07 TPF

07 RD

07 LE

07 Fark

I have yet to see an uncontested war that is seen as fair on all sides. I have respect in many ways for the diferent participants and recognize there will be failings in diplomacy at times. This is TE... Move onward...

Peace sent:):)

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Orders have been received and will be complied with. Now, to speak my mind on a couple things.

Bu, bu, but this is my life

Thanks for the laugh, King. Was good timing on that :)

Lol, or we could post support messages for our allies of TPF saying how utterly pathetic your actions are. All you are doing is trying to make people like you by attacking a large alliance/getting involved in a large war. Either that or you are sucking up to LE hoping that they will protect you in the future. Obviously, that has failed on both counts. You've lost tons of respect, and LE seems to think you are dirt.

Or, you could realize that you really do not know what you're talking about. RD and LE have been friendly to each other for a couple of rounds now. We have very similar attitudes on raiders who hit our members and such. TPF and RD had an understanding for a couple of rounds....one that involved raiding each other hurt. Lots. BG can try to spin that however he wants. The hurt was mutual.

lol I just find it funny that RD is answering a treaty from a week ago (one that LE at first said didn't exist) that has an implication of 400 nations attacking LE or several AA's.

So they they take it upon them selves to hit (so said LE at first) but then was asked to hit, of course only a 5-7 member colony of TPF with a max of like 2000 ns on the highest nation,

but realizes that they might not be strong enough so they better bring in FARK for even more back up, also an AA that LE is saying they have no ties to in their no treaty organization :P

Really in all honesty, RD or FARK would not be any fight for TPF...the fact that LE asked RD to join and RD ran to FARK to help is really, and i do mean really, an honor for us WAR BIRDS

at TPF. Not that we think its fair, but that all of you felt so highly of our fighting skills enough to invite friends to help you out!

Even if it was against a a 5 -7 man AA who at best could only hit LE's last 10 nations.

OH, and one more thing...I don't see Le asking RD or FARK to stand down and you can surely bet your A$$ TPF would have!

Also while we had offer of nations going in to help hit LE, i turned them down as i wanted this fight to be fair and equal, win or lose ;)

LE has a bunch of great nation, and as i have stated friends of mine.....And i once thought of LE to be of the highest regards of honor...But i guess that depends on who leads.

O/ to all the former leaders of LE

O/ TPF you valor is second to none!

BG, you know darn well that diplo stuff gets watered down and shortened when it's passed on. To my knowledge our response was fully justified; and yes....both TPF and RD have annoyed the crap out of each other this round through the actions of both sides' members. Why I pushed to back things down a few days ago.

As far as RD not being much of a fight for you? I think you know better. ((woflish grin))

As for FARK...I do not know the particulars of that part of things. Though it is likely that they have had the same problems with TPF as we have had.

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Orders have been received and will be complied with. Now, to speak my mind on a couple things.

Thanks for the laugh, King. Was good timing on that :)

Or, you could realize that you really do not know what you're talking about. RD and LE have been friendly to each other for a couple of rounds now. We have very similar attitudes on raiders who hit our members and such. TPF and RD had an understanding for a couple of rounds....one that involved raiding each other hurt. Lots. BG can try to spin that however he wants. The hurt was mutual.

BG, you know darn well that diplo stuff gets watered down and shortened when it's passed on. To my knowledge our response was fully justified; and yes....both TPF and RD have annoyed the crap out of each other this round through the actions of both sides' members. Why I pushed to back things down a few days ago.

As far as RD not being much of a fight for you? I think you know better. ((woflish grin))

As for FARK...I do not know the particulars of that part of things. Though it is likely that they have had the same problems with TPF as we have had.

LOL, yeah LE and TPF have also been friends for a few rounds, and even before LE became the LE it is today TPF had a treaty with them.

This was a friendly war as posted in the DOW, but its all good that you guys protected them...Not that they needed it as they well out gunned us from the start :war:

Oh yeah, as far as standing strong on RD not being much of a fight..... While i will admit you have a few good fighters, you still can't swim with the big boys :P

And if your response was justified then i guess TPF should have jumped in when LE hit TRG, but unlike some people i feel a fair fight is a fair fight!

Not saying that TRG was all that fair as they only had a hand full of nations even close to LE's but i figured the numbers would make up the difference.

Anyway i realize you and Arct have not been in gov this round so i hold no fault of this towards RD, the fact that real leadership is returning next round to

RD is the icing on the cake for me. GL to you and Arct next round!!

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I had to check back through our forums, but Ratnp is correct. This is what I asked him to do:

"See if they are willing to assist if we get hit by the whole world. They are good people, fight hard, and are able to maintain with a small alliance. We don't have anything to offer other than some fun and protection once the doo-doo hits the fan, but it would be nice to have them prepped to assist if we have 400 nations hitting us at once (like I hope we do)."

And that is what he did and the Rodents did. I will take full responsibility for the Rodents entering the war. They are our friends regardless.

Ammon, you're a good leader, and you do your alliance well, but it seems like either the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing, or you're trying to cover up the fact that you asked for a treaty (though you never used those words) out of fear of being attacked. Perhaps a spy has been informing LE? Isn't LE's whole motto basically everything against blocs and treaties? Regardless, it was a good counter attack you guys put up against us. Its too bad RD and Fark had to jump in and ruin what would have been a good war on both sides.

RD...fail. Using the excuse of backing up an ally to get your revenge against TPF for a few of our nations raiding a few of your nations. If you wanted a fair war (obviously you didn't), perhaps the squirrel could have talked to us at TPF and worked something out.

Fark...fail. Nothing else to say really, just: fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail.

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Ammon, you're a good leader, and you do your alliance well, but it seems like either the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing, or you're trying to cover up the fact that you asked for a treaty (though you never used those words) out of fear of being attacked.Perhaps a spy has been informing LE? Isn't LE's whole motto basically everything against blocs and treaties? Regardless, it was a good counter attack you guys put up against us. Its too bad RD and Fark had to jump in and ruin what would have been a good war on both sides.

RD...fail. Using the excuse of backing up an ally to get your revenge against TPF for a few of our nations raiding a few of your nations. If you wanted a fair war (obviously you didn't), perhaps the squirrel could have talked to us at TPF and worked something out.

Fark...fail. Nothing else to say really, just: fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail.

Serious? Wow, Johnny(may I call you Johnny :P). I can understand your frustration in RD, and Fark comming in when we had a fair fight going on. But really? Saying that we spy? We fight with honor! We always have. We have NEVER needed spies to dismantle an alliance. We rely on leadership, and coordination. Reading a statement such as this makes me realize how uneducated people that post here really are about how Lafayette Escadrille really operates.

There is NO honor in spying on another alliance(dont confuse this with "in game spying")!

How bout' we stop dwelling on this war, and move on to the next?

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Serious? Wow, Johnny(may I call you Johnny :P). I can understand your frustration in RD, and Fark comming in when we had a fair fight going on. But really? Saying that we spy? We fight with honor! We always have. We have NEVER needed spies to dismantle an alliance. We rely on leadership, and coordination. Reading a statement such as this makes me realize how uneducated people that post here really are about how Lafayette Escadrille really operates.

There is NO honor in spying on another alliance(dont confuse this with "in game spying")!

How bout' we stop dwelling on this war, and move on to the next?

Actually Ferrie, what I understood from his post was, he wondered if we had a spy amongst us providing us with false info. Not that we were spying (not game spying) on other alliances because Liz was making preparations for a mass attack against us.

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Actually, now that I read it sober, sounds that way to me too, lol. That vodka has a way of twisting words, doesnt it. sheesh. :P

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Serious? Wow, Johnny(may I call you Johnny :P). I can understand your frustration in RD, and Fark comming in when we had a fair fight going on. But really? Saying that we spy? We fight with honor! We always have. We have NEVER needed spies to dismantle an alliance. We rely on leadership, and coordination. Reading a statement such as this makes me realize how uneducated people that post here really are about how Lafayette Escadrille really operates.

There is NO honor in spying on another alliance(dont confuse this with "in game spying")!

How bout' we stop dwelling on this war, and move on to the next?

My apologies if you interpreted what I said as offensive. I didn't mean to imply that LE has implanted spies within the ranks of TPF. I was merely saying that it seems like every time TPF has a war planned, it seems like something happens to improve our potential opponent's odds. In this case, LE forming a treaty of sorts in the event that she be attacked. Seems a bit strange coming from the alliance that preaches against blocs and treaties in TE. I don't think we need to mention what happened last round.

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My apologies if you interpreted what I said as offensive. I didn't mean to imply that LE has implanted spies within the ranks of TPF. I was merely saying that it seems like every time TPF has a war planned, it seems like something happens to improve our potential opponent's odds. In this case, LE forming a treaty of sorts in the event that she be attacked. Seems a bit strange coming from the alliance that preaches against blocs and treaties in TE. I don't think we need to mention what happened last round.

I think you should read the thread.

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Ok...I'm really confused now..... Where exactly are you saying there is a spy?

Instead of beating around the bush, how bout' you cut the !@#$, and say what your really trying to imply. If your alliance's "war plans" get debunked every time you war.... Its probably time for a new Govt. We have absolutely nothing to do with your in house actions.

...and for the record.... WE NEVER FORMED A TREATY!! We mearly asked a friend that if we were to be attacked by multiple large alliances, if they would be willing to fight along side of us. There is no Dishonor in this!

Now, AGAIN!!!!!!......How bout' we stray from the conspiracy theories, and rediculous accusations, and prepare for one last hoorah at the end of the round.

That is all! :) I feel better.

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There was and is no treaty, de facto or casual. I asked them and a few other small Alliances (through diplos), if they would be interested in getting into a big $@! fight if one went down. If you read my post for comprehension, you we see that I only offered protection when the battle was joined.

As for you guys plans turning to crap, a little discipline by your member would help; you have guys declaring an hour + early, and some alliances watch for those things.

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Actually, the point that is being missed in all of this:

If RoWN had not been the first AA to jump into the TPF/LE war, it may not have escalated with RD being asked to take out RoWN.

I think RoWN were just TPF members who jumped ship, understood after the fact, but it looked at the time like other AAs were coming in...


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*SIGHS* I wish this crap would all just go away.



This is what prompted my response or I'd have stabbed this thread with my Homer Simpson talking beer bottle opener to help it die:

If RoWN had not been the first AA to jump into the TPF/LE war, it may not have escalated with RD being asked to take out RoWN.

I think RoWN were just TPF members who jumped ship, understood after the fact, but it looked at the time like other AAs were coming in...

Actually, the Republic of White Nations have been a small protectorate of ours since early this session, one that we've stood up for more than once. This is the first time for them in TE and they ended up a protectorate of ours after we rolled them for raiding one of our nations. None of them have ever been in TPF, and when asked if they wanted to join, they declined. Their bios generally say "Colony of TPF" in them. They have an embassy at our forums, if anyone cares to go look, and they have their own forums as well.

Here is a recruitment thread of theirs, posted when they realized CN had forums lol:


They joined in that war, not because they were asked, but because the crazy fellows felt loyalty to us for helping them out this session. They just like war in general, which is in the true spirit of TE. I'm sure they knew full well that LE would roll them, and it didn't matter to them. I rather admire that level of loyalty and honor. So, I respectfully ask that this be recognized.

BTW they say no RD ever attacked them, only LE. If needed, I can ask one of them to confirm this here. I watched their wars while all this went on, and they are right. It also seemed that LE only attacked them to defend itself (rightfully so, of course). They still have a couple of wars going on with LE nations, which they have tried to peace out to no avail. Considering the misunderstandings concerning RoWN as expressed in the quoted post, I guess I can see why that might be. However, again, they acted merely out of loyalty and honor, two virtues I know LE respects as much as TPF does.

This should be an over-and-done issue for all of us, as far as I am concerned. Some TPF (and probably some LE) just feel that it was a good fight spoiled, that's all. But who cares anymore? Let's all go on with our lives and the session and let Ferrie's avvy lead the way.

o/ TPF

o/ RoWN

o/ LE

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