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Gravity DoE

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Hey Inertia.

I think you were rolled last time, for good reason.

Although, Sovereign Dixie <3

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Isn't this Inertia reformed? You guys seem to love physics.

The people now in gravity are pretty cool, always were.

And besides, nowhere and nowhen has it been cool to hold grudges for years.

Good luck, Gravity. Send a dude over to GR to say hi. - You've got nothing to worry about from us.

Hey Inertia.

I think you were rolled last time, for good reason.

Although, Sovereign Dixie <3

To be honest, when we first started talking about forming this alliance, I did view it as Inertia 2.0. As time and events have progressed though I've come to see that it really isn't. Same people, sure. But a different time, a different alliance, under far different circumstances. Gravity was born out of our desire to merely work together once again, it's more about the underlying friendships than about politics for us. The name Gravity was proposed by me one night as more or less a satire. I think. Sometimes my sense of humor gets so dry I don't even know myself when I'm joking. <_< In any event, it stuck.

I thank you Vir, for being cool. It is our sincere wish to put the past behind, and move forward with a "clean slate" attitude towards events of the past. For those who still may not be too fond of us, we respect that and hope to prove ourselves in time. There are no grudges here, nor resentments.

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First let me start with this... <_< gravity... one of my life long foes... WHY WON'T YOU LET THIS WHITE GUY JUMP GRAVITY?!?!?!?!

Second, congratulations on your DoE. I hope things turn out well for you. Please feel free to stop by our forums linked in my sig.

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Congrats and welcome to CN! If you have small nations looking to grow and want to fill some slots feel free to come to www.the-gremlins.com and set up a business embassy to sell tech in mass amount. We buy, you sell, everyone is happy, we all grow.

Cheers and Beers,


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