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Veritas Aequitas Announcement

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o/ Going down two paygrades. B)

Awesome announcement. Cool government, but will you have pie on your irc?

Drop by and see what happens. ^_^

This announcement needs more Mrott !!!

He's on a boat getting drunk somewhere in the Atlantic (I think). :lol:

Congratulations VA.

o/ Having the constitution and depth of faith to go as far as needed

o/ Awesome quote

\o VA

<3 Mrott

<3 Conner

<3 Erix <3

sorry for such a late response ;)

:wub: Coldie

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This announcement needs more Mrott !!!

Eh, better late than never at all right? Conner and Erik were correct, for the most part. I have been away for the past week getting in a little R&R. Sadly the boat died, luckily it got us back to the dock before it decided to do so. I pretty much spent the week fishing, or sitting on the beach in pretty much a constant state of "buzzed." I either had a bottle of beer in my hand, or was making my way for another one. All in all it was a good break but sadly I had to return to reality, and after a 10 hour car ride I'm back. Any unfinished business feel free to stop by the VA channel, and hopefully I'll be here for you to bother.

Oh and of course, thanks to everyone else for all the well wishes and lovin on our latest announcement.

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