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Past lives, clean slates & reverse EZI.


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making claims without supporting evidence is not 'proving me wrong'

if these lists are as extensive as you claim, it should be a piece of cake to quickly assemble a convincing list of people who are or were on ezi. why wot you do it? it's a rather simple task, if you are right, to make me eat my words. its almost illogical to not do so, unless you are in fact claiming as fact your opinions which you cannot back up with evidence. since there is no way to prove they dont exist, the burden of proof is on you. and as much a ive seen your kind bicker about ezi i have never once seen more than a few scarce cases.

if its as common as you claim, prove it, otherwise i am calling your bluff.

I was on EZI for an extended period. I was tracked as to my location. However as long as I kept who I was a secret I was told I would be left alone.

The treatment I received is extremely rare in concerns to EZI. I was only given such leniency because Slayer did not agree with my sentence, it was forced by noWedge just to get TDSM8 peace at all. I think mhawk liked it as he prevented me from being public even after Slayer stated I had been let off, however mhawk honored Slayer's promise to me and never attacked me. He did threaten me once or twice though (<3 mhawk).

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Alterego, here is my opinion on the matter.

I think the best people in the world are those that live by their set of morals and don't try to impose them on others. Otherwise what we get is a bunch of people marching to kill another group of people because they call their God by a 5 letter word rather then a 3 letter word, and pray to him in a building with a cresent over it rather then a cross, and ofcourse call them evil, and clearly not human for doing such outragous acts.

So with BAPS not practicing EZI, and if an old grudge came for you, you would fight him, defeat him, pat him on the head and send him on his merry way to x location where he can plot again to take you out, or accept what happened and move on, choice being theirs. Wiether it is with a new nation or an old nation matters little, you've acted by what you consider right and wrong, but can never force him to do the same, unless you get that nifty mind control machine NPO is accused of having, which I haven't seen yet (something I've been meaning to ask Moo for, because there is this woman I'm living with that I wouldn't mind at times using it on, but that is a different topic for another day).

So end result, live by your code, and sure judge others by it privately or amongst friends that wish to hear your opinion, but there is no point to a thread like this unless your out to promote your brand of good, of undermine Karma for an incident like this. Truth is the propaganda war was won with Archon's speach, and lost with the attack by the NPO during negotiations.

As for Karma, the alliances are as different to eachother as they are to the NPO, the coalition assembled under the banner is not one mind on anything let alone EZI and all that jazz. You have alliances like GOD who were dead set on PZI against some guy that thought he was a Kaiser and once had a group of guys all pretending to be germans following him around under the sign the thor. Sure they decided to let it go in the end but it took some talking to to get it to happen. You have MK who are against PZI and EZI and all about their moral code of what is good. You have TOP that has never condemed EZI that has never EZIed or PZIed anyone, heck we let our spies go after a round or two of fighting, and never persecuted Posting this will get me warned. (am I doing it right?) for going around informing the world that we were discussing leaving Q before we wanted it out. And then Gremlins who won't even go to war with anyone until terms are somewhat thought off before the war has started, and the motive and reasonings laid out with all evidence presented. Karma is not one vision of the word, it doesn't fight for one reason, and don't follow the same moral code or have the same internal beliefs. Karma is a mix of alliances, some in my mind more noble then others fighting due to friendships, vengence, hatred, justice, or a mix of any of these reason and others against another side composed of the NPO, and thier allies in Q, 1V, and the allies of those and so forth.

BAPS does not hold the same beliefs as Valhalla, so much as your attempt to cast doubt of why we are fighting this war by pointing to the actions of one person will fail, so would me telling you that AB who is allied to Echelon, who is allied to Valhalla is stealing cookies from my cookie jar. All you care about is your allies and fighting to defend them because they treatied you good in times of peace. That is how I feel.

BTW I like grudges, they keep things intresting. And if one day in the future the NpO decides that our war on them was an evil act that could not be tolerated and are in a position to punish us, I wouldn't blame them, not becuase I think they are right, but simply because I am willing to accept that not everyone thinks like me, and are entitled to their own beliefs. That said I would give them as much hell as you gave me in our wars we had.

Edit: I'm too lazy to spell check or grammer check, read at your own risk.

Edited by Khyber
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