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NOIR wars an alliance 5x smaller then it nice 2v1?


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Yet again OON gets picked on... i mean if ur gonna war thats fine it's TE but dude... at least make it official. And to anyone who wanted no treaties/alliances in CN:TE ( was a post about it) this is why u need them

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OON is now in a state of war with the NOIR alliance for not only un-provoked attacks against OON but also NVO members so under our ODP with NVo we are Declaring war apon the NOIR Alliance.

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That's very bad form NOIR.

At least FRANCE made it lulz, it looks like you are just being a bunch of opportunistic tech raiders



All offensive attacks from NOIR occured before France offered peace, if anything it looks like OON is attacking NOIR still.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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All OON does is whine. And NOIR did attack with us and its not because there a bunch of raiders. At the time of the initial attacks FRANCE was smaller then OON, although admittedly with are pro attacks we made it seem the other way. Anyway since we were smaller then OON and NOIR was just slightly bigger we asked them if they would like to hit with us, and they agreed.

NOIR isn't a bunch of opportunistic tech raiders, they are just solid allies.

And OON is a bunch of whiny babies.

So carry on with your lives.

Oh, and yes I accept all praise for making this round even slightly interesting.

P.S. If any of you checked my DoW you would see I thanked NOIR for hitting with us. Learn2read KenoDurkster.

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Not whining O.o seems both NOIR and France have lied about there causes ^^. Ahh well hopefully the OON's that temporarly joined alliances will come back.

Btw i am gonna call this little conflict the IRC war :D

Well NOIR looks like France got involved...

Edited by KenoDurkster
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All OON does is whine. And NOIR did attack with us and its not because there a bunch of raiders. At the time of the initial attacks FRANCE was smaller then OON, although admittedly with are pro attacks we made it seem the other way. Anyway since we were smaller then OON and NOIR was just slightly bigger we asked them if they would like to hit with us, and they agreed.

NOIR isn't a bunch of opportunistic tech raiders, they are just solid allies.

And OON is a bunch of whiny babies.

So carry on with your lives.

Oh, and yes I accept all praise for making this round even slightly interesting.

P.S. If any of you checked my DoW you would see I thanked NOIR for hitting with us. Learn2read KenoDurkster.

My bad, I fully failed to read.

Carry on

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Not whining O.o seems both NOIR and France have lied about there causes ^^. Ahh well hopefully the OON's that temporarly joined alliances will come back.

Btw i am gonna call this little conflict the IRC war :D

Well NOIR looks like France got involved...

NOIR attacked OON with France because France requested it. Seems fair enough as far as I am concerned, some OON left to join NVO and an NVO member hit a NOIR member, we responded in defense of our member.

What's wrong with that?

also: hai coolgreen you Esperian scum :awesome:

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Can't say "fair" really France & NOIR were both same size as OON :P so say we felt like it. :) Honestly is important

You were the one who said it could be fair ("since it's quite fair"), not us :P

I don't think anyone from my side ever said War is fair. ;)

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I'd just like to point out, if an NVO member hit you, it was a TECH RAID. OON merging into us was unofficial. I never agreed to it and my members sure as hell would not have known about it. So how would my members have been able to declare on you in defense of OON? That war would have been a tech raid and you hitting us because of a tech raid shows you are just a collection of opportunistic parasites.

Burning Glory has worked out an apparent peace that is supposed to be happening rather than us just rolling you. So long as you peace out with no further attacks, you wont be rolled.

As an FYI, try contacting alliance before you declare on them. One declaration from one nation (which could have been a ghost) is not a reason to declare war with no diplomacy.


Edited by kencojenko
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Btw OON can't accept or decline the peace...You'll have to ask the alliance that owns OON now... Which i won't say.. they will say it when they wish..

Edited by KenoDurkster
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That's very bad form NOIR.

At least FRANCE made it lulz, it looks like you are just being a bunch of opportunistic tech raiders

lol word... :P

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