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A Joint Declaration of War

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Welcome. A pleasure to fight someone who doesn't talk trash. B)

We have nothing against you guys. This war is just about 'who declared on who', nothing personal at all. The Brigade holds TOOL in high regards and look forward to testing ourselves against your nations.

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This is MADNESS!!! No this is TOOL!!

:) Sorry I couldn't resist! Welcome to the fray Sparta and Brigade! It's a pleasure to batter those shiny military things with you. And here is to a glorious battle and the destruction of vast amounts of pixels!!! :P

*sniffle* so hard to lose those pixels. . . NOT!

o/ to chivalrous combat!

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Thanks RG, we need all the luck we can get!! :)

NP, we still hold a piat so Im obligated to be friendly :D JK I love you TOOLies, though I sometimes dont feel like I receive the same love back :(

But all in all I'm sad to see TOOL on the opposite side as TGE, and I'm sure you know that TGE would certainly of been right there with you had we still been as close as we once were.



I wish you guys both the best of luck, and Im sure this is going to be a gentleman's war :D

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I wish you guys both the best of luck, and Im sure this is going to be a gentleman's war :D

Despite the fervent desire of every troll in CN, this will be a gentleman's war. TOOL would have it no other way, and from the looks of it all of our esteemed advesary's are above par!

TGE rocks and you lot all know how to have a good laugh! Enjoy the overwhelming odds! :P

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Despite the fervent desire of every troll in CN, this will be a gentleman's war. TOOL would have it no other way, and from the looks of it all of our esteemed adversary's are above par!

TGE rocks and you lot all know how to have a good laugh! Enjoy the overwhelming odds! :P

I spent a little while in TOOL and loved every bit of it. In TGE I thought I was closer to y'all than anyone else, I know how y'all role and I respect every bit of what you have done. I hope to see y'all come out of this war healthy and with the sanction spot that y'all deserve. Ya-ll are a hard working alliance who have done nothing more than show class and honor throughout the game. My only disappointment is that we are no longer on the same side :(

o/ Sparta


Let this war rage on :D

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I spent a little while in TOOL and loved every bit of it. In TGE I thought I was closer to y'all than anyone else, I know how y'all role and I respect every bit of what you have done. I hope to see y'all come out of this war healthy and with the sanction spot that y'all deserve. Ya-ll are a hard working alliance who have done nothing more than show class and honor throughout the game. My only disappointment is that we are no longer on the same side :(

o/ Sparta


Let this war rage on :D

I agree that its sad to see TGE and TOOL on different sides, for I have nothing but the highest level of respect for all the Imperial Citizens of the Fatherland. I know TGE has a lot of friends at TOOL and we will miss the ahared beer! Its going to be tough to see so many of the hard worked pixels go bye-bye! But then again it's only pixels and that's the way it is. Some fervently disagree on how TOOL chose to lose those pixels and revel in us being taken down for it. But that's just the mindset of the ornery.

Luck to all! :)

o/to fighting the good fight and knowing who the rockstars are!

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