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The Kingdom of Cochin Chronicles

king of cochin

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It is a festive atmosphere in the Great Temple on the day of the wedding of the King's daughter. Vikram Kerala Varma, the Crown Prince and favorite cousin brother of Shruthi was seemingly omnipresent, running around organizing various things for the wedding. A true family event, all the close relatives have assumed work for themselves. Rama Varma was resplendent in his full ceremonial dress, wearing of which was something he totally detested. However he was forced to hide his exasperation by occasional jabs delivered to him by his wife Anu who was wearing a Gold and White Sari. The person who would usually be craving for activity in such family events was forced to stand still and welcome the arriving guests and family members.

Meanwhile at the elevated stage everything had been arranged for the ceremony. KP Varma, officially Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Cochin but now doting uncle, was arranging the incense sticks in front of the para when he was called, "Kumaretta, leave the incense sticks. Help me out with these lamps. I need an extra hand to arrange them just so."

"I will be just over in a second, Mahesh." Kumar P Varma said to Gen. Mahesh Varma, Commander of Royal Cochin Defense Forces who was crouching to arrange the lamps on the many plates that had been kept there for the welcoming ceremony.

Meanwhile in the kitchens, a booming voice was bellowing, "Now put more salt into this curry. And that payasam could need some more time in fire. And Girin please , for the heaven's sake fry the papadams properly. No one likes a white papadam."

"And not a lot of us like char fried papadams either." Dr. Girin Nayak, the Minister for Agriculture replied to Gen. Mohammed Faraz, Commander of Royal Cochin Police Forces. Being family friends and people who have been doting uncles for the bride, they were totally enjoying this unorthodox work routines.

"Vikram, the groom is ready. Get the talams ready."

"Okay, Marakkar uncle. They will be ready," the Crown Prince replied to the Chief of Naval Staff of Royal Cochin Navy.

"Look Gokul. Here they come." Anu told to Rama Varma.

The groom was being led to the hall by a bevy of female relatives all bearing plates with lamps. The groom was flanked on his right by his father, Manoj and on his left by his mother Shilpa. At the entrance of the hall, as is customary of the brother of the bride, her cousin brother Vikram poured water on Nikhil's feet and cleaned his feet. The procession then made towards the dais. Lt. Gen. Shankar Iyer, Chief of Army Staff, as a regular practicing Brahmana was the officiating priest of the ceremony and led Nikhil to be seated on the left side.

"It.... It .... It is really beautiful. My daughter is getting married. My child, my baby is getting married. Oh my God!!"

"Gokul, come on. Hold it together for some time. You should not let Shruthi see you like that. We must be there for her, solid as always," Anu said to her husband whose eyes were threatening to brim with the tears, the tears of the sensitive and loving man she loved and married.

"Gokul, it is time." KP Varma said to the father of the bride.

Gokul Rama Varma, revived himself stoically and went with Kumar and Anu to lead his daughter to the wedding ceremony.

Entering his daughter's room Rama Varma was scintillated. His daughter, Shruthi, dressed in an ornately designed red sari and adorned with jewelery and flowers was looking quite heavenly. But in her eyes he still saw the sweet little girl who as a toddler loved jumping on her father's stomach and paint whiskers on her father's face.

"Come on, my dear. It is time."

Shruthi came up to Rama Varma and gave him a bone crushing hug.

The torrents he had welled up inside were threatening to come unglued when his wife told Shruthi, "Come on dearie, you dont want to see your father cry do you? Now come along."

The mother and father led their daughter to the dais where the groom was waiting.

As the bride sat to the right of the groom, the bride's father attempted to slink back into the upholstery. He was however prevented by his cousin , Mahesh who propelled him back towards the ceremony.

Shankar Iyer who had been chanting prayers for the well being of the couple now asked the groom to tie the knot.

To the accompaniment of the instruments playing the wedding music, Nikhil took the Tali, the marital thread from his uncle and tied it around Shruthi's neck. They were then both bidden to rise up and circle the dais three times with their parents after which they were bidden to sit back. Now the bride and groom were given flower garlands to put on each other, and thus they became husband and wife.

At this time both the father and mother of the bride were shedding tears of joy and bereavement of their only child.

As he blessed his daughter and father-in-law Rama Varma, the King of Cochin felt the peace of a person's whose principal duties were getting accomplished. His daughter had been married off to a good man. Now there are a lot less obligations and duties for him to perform.

The man who comforted his sobbing wife was a more peaceful and determined man.

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"Zargathia congratulates the newlyweds with their matrimony, and wishes them the best for the future they hold together."

Included with the message was a Chinese porcelain tea set, with a small note attached to it.

Sorry, I didn't quite know what to give you. Best wishes ~ Queen Amyante
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Strategic Testing Facility

Yining District

While the first Project Budha was receiving laurels from the nation and its people, the second Project Budha was already under way, as secretive as the first one. Headed once again by Dr. Baba Kalyani, Project Budha II is even more ambitious in its expected yield. The Strategic Testing Facility had been expanded and strengthened for the more powerful and more complicated testing that were needed for this Project.

Today would be a pivotal test. A full working prototype of the design was crafted and was now buried nearly a kilometer underneath the ground. Several sensors were placed strategically around the device to measure and record the various characteristic parameters of the design yield.

Dr. Baba Kalyani, senior scientists of Project Budha and Varma Institute for Fundamental Research and senior officers of Royal Cochin Defense Forces, Strategic Command were standing in the main control room monitoring the various feeds.

At the designated trigger time, the device was triggered.

All eyes were on one particular monitor where the yield was computed from multiple instrument systems - 10 MT.

Project Budha II was validated. Now for bigger test of a weaponised design and Kingdom of Cochin would have another reason to see Budha Smile.

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With the soon to be induction of 6 more Yankee Class submarines, Royal Cochin Navy is to be tasked with a whole new level of submarine force projection. Independent Submarine Squadrons would be reconstituted which would be tasked with operations in discrete geographical sectors. The primary purposes of the Independent Submarine Squadrons during peace time would be intelligence collection, Special operations and deterrence patrols. During war time Independent Submarine Squadrons would either augment Task Force submarine complements, convoy protection or area sanitisation.

Intelligence Collection

The stealthy characteristics of Royal Cochin Naval submarines make them ideal intelligence gathering platforms to be deployed in sensitive regions. These units would be tasked with collecting several information such as acoustic characteristics of various naval units, monitoring and surveillance of naval exercises, interception of classified communications etc. Submarines assigned to these tasks would have dedicated officers from National Intelligence Agency and Naval Intelligence.

Special Operations

The new generation of attack submarines of Royal Cochin Navy like the second generation Zulu class and Yankee class submarines are specially suited for hosting Remotely Operating Vehicles and other special operations. They would be tasked with duties like hosting and deploying special forces teams for covert operations, installing and servicing Submarine Surveillance Modules, deploying Dormant Torpedo Systems etc. Submarines assigned to these tasks would be equipped with ROVs, SSMs, DTSs and would have dedicated officers from National Intelligence Agency and Royal Cochin Special Forces.

Deterrence Patrols

Submarines assigned to these squadrons would be assigned to patrol specific sectors against hostile submarine activity. These submarines would have to detect and interdict enemy submarines to protect vital coastlines and targets of opportunity. They are primarily defensive oriented.

These are the roles and duties as defined for the Independent Submarine Squadrons of Royal Cochin Navy. The various squadrons, the submarines assigned and the sectors they are assigned to are:

Submarine Squadron 1





Sector : Indian Ocean / Antarctic Ocean

Home Base : RCNB Gosree

Submarine Squadron 2





Sector : Pacific Ocean

Home Base : RCNB Ratnagiri

Submarine Squadron 3





Sector : Atlantic Ocean / Arctic Ocean

Home Base : RCNB Gangothri

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Royal Cochin Navy announces that 6 more Yankee class attack submarines are being built by various branches of Cochin Shipyards. The increased technological capabilities of the Kingdom has enabled massive reduction in cost of building the said submarines which were long needed by Royal Cochin Navy for its submarine warfare duties. The construction and operation of these extra submarines have been facilitated by the increased efficiency of Cochin economy through the massive improvement in nation development and technological advances over the past few years.

Two each of these Yankee Class submarines would be built at the Cochin Shipyard plants in RCNB Bosaso and RCNB Gosree. The manufacture of the 2 submarines to be built at Cochin Shipyards, Ratnagiri has been hampered by the earthquake which struck the Deccan Plateau. These two submarines would be completed after the present orders at Bosaso and Gosree have been completed.

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Due to the massive earthquake that has struck Dragonisia and the associated relief efforts initiated by Kingdom of Cochin, the Trans Himalayan Railroad would be temporarily closed for use of Inter Asia Railway Network, as both tracks of the rail lines and road ways are now devoted fully to the Cochin aid effort. Relief efforts from other nations planning to transit through the Trans Himalayan railway network are encouraged to cooperate and coordinate with the Ministry of Transportation to gain suitable time slots for transit. Railway Marshaling Yard at Kashgar Railway Terminal could be used as temporary rest stop while being assigned transit slots.

We thank you for your cooperation,


Mrs. Andrea Stephens,

Minister for Transportation,

Kingdom of Cochin.

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Classified / Secret

Strategic Testing Facility

Yining District

It felt warm to touch. However the thought of what it could do sent a chill up the King's nerves. The weaponized design by Project Budha II was called HX now. Soon it would join the ranks of its less potent brothers with regular model names. The device was sleek and quite shiny, an example of engineering perfection. Rama Varma looked hard at the device he wished he would never have to use for its intended use.

However it was his duty that if and when such a call had to be made, to make that call, thus condemning himself to infamy.

Rama Varma left the device and moved on to visit the other parts of the facility where a manufacturing facility is being readied for possible serial production of the devices.

Edited by king of cochin
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The highly secretive Project Reform to revamp the defense technologies and weapon systems of the Royal Cochin Defense Forces were announced as completed by the Royal Cochin Defense Forces through the announcement of a 10 Mega Ton Thermonuclear device in the Strategic Testing Facility in Yining. Project Reform was a comprehensive program involving Quarter Master Command, Varma Institute for Fundamental Research, Cochin Space Research Organization, Cochin State Armory, Metal Storm Inc, Gosree Aeronautics Limited, Cochin Shipyards and to an extent Tatra Automotive Works. Several mainstay weapon systems of RCDF like T150s, Jadayus, GG19, GS19, MetalStorm systems etc have all been improved by this joint technological effort. A Project Reform Commission would now be permanently established for regular review and improvement of RCDF weapons systems.

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The King of Cochin, His Highness Rama Varma announces that Education and Health would be made free for all citizens of the Kingdom of Cochin. Every citizen has the right to choose whichever school or physician they choose to consult. Accordingly the Treasury shall provide funds for the education or health expenses of the citizen. While visiting a doctor, the citizen needs to present their National Identification Card and would have to acknowledge that the due service had indeed provided. The patient would have to pay half the medical expenses for initial consultation the other half being paid by the Ministry of Health to the said doctor or hospital. The citizen would be compensated for their half of expenses. If the patient is unable to meet this expense they would have to bring in letter from the Tehsildar of the Taluk. In such a case the entire medical expense of the consultation would be paid by Ministry of Health. If a citizen is unable to secure any such assistance from the Tehsildar, the patient is expected to report to the Citizen's Representation Website and go to a Government Hospital where medical services are free already.

Ministry of Health would conduct due auditing of Hospitals and medical professionals to verify that only due service is being done and no fraud is being done. Royal Cochin Police Forces and Ministry of Interior would assist in these auditing procedures. Any citizen attempting to misuse this system would be subjected to penal taxation and any medical personnel involved in fraud would be subjected to criminal corruption charges and would be subjected to a punishment which would go as high as debarring from medical practice, imprisonment and penal taxation.

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With the signing of the Treaty of Walayar the Kingdom of Cochin and People's Republic of China has mended years of misunderstanding and hostilities. As a commemoration of this treaty the Royal Cochin Defense Forces is hereby ordered to withdraw the Royal Cochin Army units deployed to PRC borders. Henceforth the PRC borders would be protected by the Border Guards alone like the frontiers with other friendly nations.

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Royal Cochin Navy today unveils its Auxiliary Support Fleet. Hitherto all of these vessels were functioning under various combat Task Forces of Royal Cochin Navy, or as unorganized independent units under various Naval Base Commands. Now under the Admiralty the Auxiliary Support Fleet has been incorporated as a separate body apart from the Task Forces and Combat Squadrons.

The strength of the Auxiliary Support Fleet are:

Fleet Replenishment Ships - 12

Fleet Oiler - 10

Minesweeper - 14

Ocean Tug - 5

Cable Laying / Repair Ship - 3

Missile Range Instrumentation Ship - 2

Navigation Test Support Ship - 3

Ocean Surveillance Ship - 4

Oceanographic Surveillance Ship - 2

Roll On / Roll Off Ship - 10

Army Container Ship - 6

Hospital Ship - 3

Detailed information of these ships including their call signs, technical information and pennant names have been published. These ships would often work alongside the combat Task Forces of Royal Cochin Navy and would receive operational orders from the respective Task Force Commanders, however are ultimately responsible to the Auxiliary Support Fleet Command of Royal Cochin Admiralty.

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Strategic Command today announced in a brief press statement that a few new classes of warheads have been inducted into the Royal Cochin Defense Forces. These are:

C22 - 10 MT Ballistic Missile Warhead.

C10 - 5 MT KUB Warhead

GBX2 - 1 MT Gravity Bomb

GBX1 - 4 MT Gravity Bomb

All these warheads are variable yield, with the required yield programmable shortly before launch. These new warheads are being issued to Royal Cochin Defense Force combat units under purvey of Strategic Command so that a full strike option ranging from 20T to 10 MT is available per launch unit for the Kingdom in case a nuclear strike has to be conducted.

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"My dear citizens of the Kingdom of Cochin. Today I have a very momentous news to give you. Today the Kingdom of Cochin has finally secured our ancestral lands in India.

In a historic agreement signed with Dragonisia, called the Treaty of Bangalore, The Kingdom of Cochin now has sovereign possession of Northern, Western and Southern India, including our ancestral lands in Kerala.

This given below is the new map of the continental Kingdom of Cochin.


While we celebrate this joyous occasion we must also consider the fact that these areas have been severely struck by a massive earthquake and many of our brothers and sisters have had their lives shattered as a result. As new citizens of the Kingdom we need to offer them every possible help we can.

Dear citizens, it is my duty as your King that each and every one of you have a safe, secure and peaceful life and that opportunities for prosperity are provided. I hereby announce a National Year of Reconstruction, a year in which we shall bring the new parts of Cochin to the same standards of development, prosperity and security as the old parts of the Kingdom."

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GAL Quad Tiltrotor

Gosree Aeronautics Limited today unveiled its latest design : GAL Quad Tiltrotor. The GQT is a heavy lift tilt rotor transport aircraft with the cargo capacity of a Metac, capable of cruising at 250 knots and is Vertical Take Off and Land capable.


The GQT is a tandem wing design with four GAL V22 tilt rotor engines with 50 foot rotors at each of the four wing tips. The Metac size fuselage would have a 747-inch-long cargo bay with a rear loading ramp that could carry 110 paratroopers or 150 standard-seating passengers. In cargo configuration, it would accommodate eight AFS standard pallets.

In addition to the baseline configuration, the GAL team is including eight possible variants, or "excursion designs", including a sea-based variant. The design team is planning on payloads ranging from 16 to 26 tons and a range of 420 to 1000 nmi. The baseline version includes a fully retractable refueling probe and an interconnecting drive system for power redundancy.

The aircraft would have titanium alloy armor similar to that currently provided for the MH53 aircrafts in RCDF inventory. The GQT would also be capable of defensive and offensive weapon systems for possible combat applications.

Its specifications are :

# Power Plant : 4 GAL V22 turboshafts, 6,150 hp (4,590 kW) each

# Maximum speed: 350 knots , max operating at 25,000 ft

# Cruise speed: 241 knots (277 mph, 446 km/h) at sea level

# Range: 3000 km

# Combat radius: 1000 km

# Ferry range: 5000 km (with auxiliary internal fuel tanks)

# Service ceiling: 35,000 ft

# Rate of climb: 2,320 ft/min (11.8 m/s)

Several orders have already been placed for the GQT which is expected to receive the identification code GH44 on induction to Royal Cochin Defense Forces. The principal orders for the GH44s have come from Royal Cochin Army, Royal Cochin Navy, Military Engineers Corps, Ministry of Transportation, Cochin Airways, Air Gosree and the King's Guards.

Here are a few line diagrams of the GQT.




Here are a few cutaway diagrams of the GQT.



Here are some images of the GH44 undergoing military evaluation under various arms of RCDF, courtesy of RCDF and GAL.

These are the images from GH44's Royal Cochin Army evaluations.




These are the images from GH44's Royal Cochin Navy evaluations.




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FROM: PERSONAL TERMINAL 0101010001100001011010110110010101101111

/start message

Enclosed are a series of encrypted coordinates. I do hope you'll keep them secret, as I'd rather like to be left alone. Perhaps I could get a monthly shipment of this vodka? Assuming your brand tastes good, heh...

- Takeo

/end message


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Identifying the characteristics of Mr. Takeo's computer, a message was sent by the Minister for External Affairs, KP Varma.

"Mr. Takeo,

So long as you continue to make wise cracks of this nature, you shall receive a steady supply of Vodka from us.

KP Varma,


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Identifying the characteristics of Mr. Takeo's computer, a message was sent by the Minister for External Affairs, KP Varma.

TO: KP Varma
FROM: Personal Terminal 0101010001100001011010110110010101101111
SUBJECT: Orange Vodka

/start message

I assure you, I do not intend to stop. Thanks for the Vodka!

- Takeo

/end message

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Royal Cochin Defense Forces today formally released the structure of its Training Command. The organization was classified information until recently, the declassification is to promote international joint training programs by which Foreign military personnel could be trained at RCDF training establishments through inter governmental understanding.

The Training Command is organized into 5 wings.

1) Training Command (Army)

National Training Center - Dorvoljin, Zavkhan Province

The NTC at Dorvljin is the site of Royal Cochin Army's principal division level training center. The NTC offers a venue where full scaled ground warfare strategies can be tested and perfected. It hosts a permanent garrison named X ACR which would act as the Op For (Opposition Force) for division/brigade/battalion level combat scenarios. The X ACR is composed of personnel from Royal Cochin Army deputed to Training Command for a period of 3 years during which they would establish and test the standards of armored warfare for Royal Cochin Army. Shock Army Divisions, Armored Cavalry Regiments and Mechanized Divisions are the usual visitors to this facility. The visiting units train at the NTC for a period of 45 days during which they would be engaged by X ACR in a series of High Mobility Armored Warfare every alternate day with After Action Reviews and debriefings.

Infantry Skills School - Buchtarma, East Kazakh Province

At the ISS, Buchtarma a Trainer Battalion of Light Infantry would impart Infantry skills to the infantry soldiers of the Mechanized Divisions, Infantry Divisions and Marine Divisions. Trainer Battalion would be selected amongst the highest graded Battalions of Royal Cochin Army and would serve at the ISS for the duration of 18 months. Each Trainee Battalion would undergo 30 days of intensive combat training with field exercises every 3 days with After Action Reviews, debriefings and correctional lessons. The Battalions would be instructed in High mobility light infantry action and classic Infantry Skills.

Logistics Management School - Urumqi, Xinjiang Province

LMS is an advanced training institute to instruct officers of RCA in advanced logistical strategies and logistics management.

Army Engineering and Demolitions School - Dorvoljin, Zavkhan Province

AEDS is the advanced training center for specialty training in high explosives and battle field engineering.

Army Artillery College - Miran, Xinjiang Province

AAC is the training institute to train the officers and soldiers of the various Artillery brigades of Royal Cochin Army.

Army Institute of Technology and Management - Bishkek, Kyrgyztan

AITM is the finishing college to instruct RCA officers and enlisted soldiers in engineering and management courses for career improvement.

Army Aviation School - Pavlodar, Pavlodar Province

AAS trains the aviators of the the various helicopter units and the Airborne Divisions of Royal Cochin Army.

Army Training Academy - Medeo, Almaty Province

The principal Officer training institute for the officers of Royal Cochin Army, the recruits of RCA are trained here to become Officers.

2) Training Command (Navy)

Naval Training Academy - Ratnagiri

NTA is the principal Officer training institute of Royal Cochin Navy where the recruits of RCN are moulded into officers

Advanced Seamen's School - Kavaratti

Advanced Seamen's School is the principal training institute for the enlisted sailors of Royal Cochin Navy.

Naval Gunnery College - Karwar

NGC imparts specialty training in advanced naval gunnery and weaponry to the officers of RCN.

Navy Logistics and Navigation School - Pondicherry

NLNS imparts advanced education and training in naval logistics and modern and emergent navigation systems of Royal Cochin Navy.

Navy Institute for Technology and Management - Gosree

NITM is the finishing college to instruct RCN officers and enlisted sailors in engineering and management courses for career improvement.

Naval Aviation School - Ponnani

NAS is the principal training institute to train the Naval aviators of Royal Cochin Navy. A full regiment of decommissioned Mig29Ks and other transport aircrafts of Royal Cochin Navy are stationed here to train the aviators for the various flight platforms of Royal Cochin Navy.

Naval College of Warfare - Kochi

NCW is the advanced training institute for senior officers of Royal Cochin Navy, where the candidates are instructed in emergent strategies of modern naval warfare.

Royal College of Sea Rescue - Mumbai

RCSR is being established to train the officers and enlisted sailors of the Cochin Coast Guard.

Cochin Naval Academy - Lonavala

CNA is an Officer Training Institute of the RCN.

3) Training Command (Air Force)

Air Warfare Academy - Pavlodar

AWA is the principal flight training institute of Royal Cochin Air Force.

Air Warrior's School - Yining

AWS is the principal training institute for the enlisted air men of RCAF.

Air Defense School - Kuytun, Xinjiang Province

ADS trains advanced Air Defense Strategies and technologies to the officers and airmen of RCAF.

School of Aerial Combat - Pavlodar

SAC is a specialist institute where the cream of RCAF's fighter pilots are instructed in high risk Air Combat Maneuvers.

Air Force Institute of Science and Technology - Angamaly

AFISM is the finishing college to instruct RCAF officers and airmen in engineering and management courses for career improvement.

Air Force Training Academy - Lhasa

AFTA is the principal Officer training academy of the Royal Cochin Air Force.

4) Training Command (Special Forces)

School of Close Quarter Combat - Urumqi

SCQC trains the commandos of Royal Cochin Special Forces in Close Quarter Combat in an Urban environment.

Jungle Warfare School - Silent Valley, Nilambur

JWS trains RCSF commandos to operate in Tropical Jungle environment

Desert Warfare Center - Thar Desert, Rajasthan

DWC trains RCSF commandos to operate in an extreme arid environment.

Special Amphibious Warfare Center - Amindvi, Lakshadweep

SAWC trains the Marine Commandos of RCSF attached to the Marine Divisions.

High Altitude Warfare School - Siachen, Kashmir

HAWS trains RCSF commandos to operate in high altitude combat environments.

Mountain Warfare School - Tok, Tibet

MWS is a training institute run by RCSF to train personnel of Royal Cochin Army to operate in High Altitude combat environments.

Special Demolitions and Engineering School - Amindvi

SDES is a specialty training institute imparting demolition training for RCSF commandos.

School of Airborne Operations - Pavlodar

SAO imparts airborne training to personnel of RCSF and Airborne Divisions of Royal Cochin Army.

Special School for Survival - Androth, Lakshadweep

SSS is a specialized institute where the RCSF commandos are imparted special training for survival techniques.

5) Joint Training Command

National Defense College - Cochin

Joint Services Training Academy - Shimla

Command Leadership College - Karagandy

Defense Staff Training College - Hami

Royal Cadet Camp - Mussourie

Edited by king of cochin
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The King of Cochin , His Highness Rama Varma, is proud to announce the wedding of his nephew and Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Cochin,


(Son of Rear Adm. (Retd) RK Varma and Dr. Sushma Ramesh, VIFR)



(Daughter of Aravind Varma, Tratum Infotec and Adv. Archana Varma, Kyrgyz Provincial Court)

on 15th of January at Lord Poornathrayeesa Temple, Tripunithura, Kerala

and Reception thereafter at the Hill Palace, Cochin City.

The ceremony would be a private affair closed to close friends and family members, however the citizens of the Kingdom and dignitaries from friendly nations are welcome to attend the Reception.

As a commemoration of the joyous event, January 15 would be a national holiday.

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Classified / Secret

RCDF Pentagon

Secure Meeting Transcripts

Gen. Mahesh Varma (D)

Vice. Adm. KP Marakkar (N)

Lt. Gen. Shankar Iyer (A)

AVM Praveen Kumar (F)

Maj. Gen. Vijay Kerala Varma (SC)

Lt. Gen. Mahesh B Iyer (NIA)

D: Gentlemen, so here is the situation. We have now withdrawn from Bosaso and though our range of influence has shrunk we now have sufficient defense density to defend the additional borders gained through the acquisition of Cochin-India. Now the naval assets assigned to protect Bosaso could be much better assigned to protect the Cochin coastline. Isn't that correct Admiral Marakkar?

N: We had assigned considerable submarine and surface warfare assets to the protection of Bosaso, assets which would come handy towards more fruitful power projection.

A: The difference due to the withdrawal of 10th Infantry Regiment is not substantial for Royal Cochin Army, but I suppose the skills gained by 10th IR could be used fruitfully in the Thar Desert region.

F: RF12 regiment is not a substantial redeployment though I do feel that we could increase the air presence in South India and Lakshadweep.

D: Thank you for bringing that point, Praveen. As you may have read from the briefing, Holy American Empire is expanding their presence in Diego Garcia. Major General Vijay, if you could please..

SC: Gentlemen, these are images obtained by Strategic Reconnaissance Agency when one of our LEO satellites made a pass over Diego Garcia. As you can see we have what looks like two HAE Battlefleets sailing towards it and this later image shows considerable construction activity in that island.

N: Seems like those americans are building a Fleet base here. They are sufficiently postured so that they can monitor a large area of Indian Ocean. Our SOSUS line goes quite close to Diego and they can cut it. They could pose a credible threat to us.

D: Do we have a reason to believe that they are a threat to us now?

NIA: We have not seen or heard about any hostile tendencies towards us from HAE. We are effectively neutral.

D: Neutral or not, Diego Garcia cannot be left unmonitored. Marakkar, I need submarine patrols outside their EEZ. If they make one move towards destroying our SOSUS, I want to know about that. We should regularly send some surface combatants to patrol those waters. All patrolling to be conducted in International waters only. I also want more passive intelligence collectors installed around Diego Garcia. Is that understood, Admiral Marakkar?

N: Yes Sir.

D: Now Praveen, I want some reconnaissance flights to be conducted. Make them seem like regular shuttle flights to Gangothri, but send ELINT aircrafts instead. How many of the HALOB ELINTs do we have that has the capability of launching the new composite recce drone?

F: Four, Sir.

D: I guess this is a nice area to try it out. Remember we need deniability. Now General Mahesh, you said you had a proposal for a covert mission to HAE?

N: Covert mission? Against a possibly fortified naval base?

NIA: The plan requires audacity and certain amount of cunning, but we believe it can be pulled off quite harmlessly. There is zero possibility of any international incident, we would make it seem as routine as possible. The complete plan would be submitted before launch and we believe that there is no urgency to launching this mission.

D: You shall now receive the briefing documents. By the way, Vijay. We need to launch more satellite reconnaissance assets over Diego Garcia. I suppose MEO or GEO?

SC: Yes Sir.

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With the development of Cochin-India to the Kingdom's development standards, the prevailing dependency of the Indian provinces on hydrocarbon fuels and the shutting down of the KREL Bosaso Refiner, The Ministry of Natural Resources has decided to increase petroleum extraction from Xinjiang Oil Fields and Oil Rigs in Arabian Sea. The added refining potential would be provided by Refineries in Kandla, Mangalore and Kochi. The increased production is unlikely to hamper the oil reserves of the Kingdom as the withdrawal from Bosaso would mean that much lesser consumption of petroleum products by Royal Cochin Defense Forces.

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The last official Cochin presence is Bosaso has been terminated with the sailing out of the cruiser CNS Ranger escorting a flotilla of merchant ships transporting the last industrial machinery from the dismantles industrial area. Bosaso is now fully under the control of United Mechodamian States.

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