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Greetings, Planet Bob. The Central Defense Corps (CDC) is a multi-colored military themed alliance.

If you have in game experience and leadership ability combined with a positive attitude, you are welcome to join our ranks and become a part of our founding government. You can pm me and I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have.

The CDC believes in peace and prosperity while training our nations in the art of warfare. We will always seek the diplomatic route to conflict, but we will be prepared to stand united when diplomacy fails.

Our rank and structure is loosely based on the Marine Corps. Our government chain is as follows:

Joint Chiefs of Staff (consists of the following):


Asst. Commandant

Sergeant Major (head of Defense)

Colonel - Interior Affairs

Colonel - Global Affairs

Colonel - Econ and Trade

If you've been looking for the right opportunity to play a major role in a new alliance, this is your time. We would love to hear from you. Anyone seeking a role in the government will be interviewed to determine experience and to figure where you will be happiest and where you can best serve the alliance.

PM me or join our forums at centraldefensecorps.ipbfree.net

-Gabe Logan


Edited by Gabe Logan
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We've just finalized our Charter and we still need experienced players who are interested in upper government positions and don't mind the challenge of joining a fledgling alliance and attempting to create something great. It's not too late! PM me if you have any questions and I would be happy to discuss the alliance with you.


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Ok, so we've been experiencing a little pre-alliance existence warfare fun, you know, just to toughen up our leaders. Soon the conflict will end and we'll return to focusing on growing the alliance. I don't recommend joining just yet, but keep us in your pocket if you haven't found an alliance in the next few days. Feel free to contact me in game or via pm here if you have any questions. You can also find us on irc at #cdc or visit our forums.


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The long story short...one of our members was apparently spying on NSO for someone else...not us, and we weren't aware of it. Rather than bringing it to my attention and allowing me to deal with it, we were declared on. That member has since been removed from the alliance and this "war" is a 7 day run. When it's over, we'll get back to business.

When that time arrives, if you're still looking, please consider us. We are, in fact, honorable and do NOT tolerate spying or any other acts of espionage.


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With the threat of war looming over Planet Bob, now is a good time for new nations and old to join a fresh alliance with no stake in the events unfolding. Our scuffle has ended and you will be safe with us. We'll be announcing our new protectorate in the next couple of days as well.

Always feel free to pm me if you have any questions, either here or in game. You can also visit our forums.


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I would also like to welcome Roofus. I'm very glad he chose the Corps and I'm looking forward to what he brings to the table.

The alliance is growing. Come be a part of it. Visit our forums or pm me if you have any questions.



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