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Colstream adopts Socialism


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Socialist Republic Of Colstream

President Tony Brown has today taken a new direction. Colstream from today will be a socialist state. This new step has been taken with the full blessing of the people after a referendum was taken on which way the country should go. All pacts and treaties will be kept and the country will continue to function normally.

Questions from other governments will be answered by President Brown.

Edited by Colstream
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"We welcome you to the club, comrade"

"Thank you very much. We will be monitoring other like minded nations like yourself so we can be as efficent as possible."

The chairman just had two words in response, "Socialism ROCKS!" He continued, "Now just implement it with a Meritocratic government and we can be twins!"

President Brown had this response. "What is a Meritocratic government??" before grinning.

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The Uk watches this with close interest, although we do congratulate Colstream on this. The United Worker's Front Party (UWFP) expressed its delight and congratulations on this.

Colstream will still maintain close ties with the UK so there is no need for any concern. We thank you for your support and your continued friendship.

While Molakia is an Absolute Monarchy, we appluad this peaceful power change. We wish Colstream all the best.

We thank Molakia for its support.

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"Thank you very much. We will be monitoring other like minded nations like yourself so we can be as efficent as possible."

President Brown had this response. "What is a Meritocratic government??" before grinning.

"Umm.. I'm forwarding you a link as it's a bit complicated to explain.."


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The Federation is quite frightened that so many nations are embracing socialism over Capitalism. Socialism doesn't work. We should all know that by now.

We would like you to take a look at Canada and several other successful communist and socialist nations in the world.

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The Federation is quite frightened that so many nations are embracing socialism over Capitalism. Socialism doesn't work. We should all know that by now.

"It really depends on how socialism is implemented. The historic problem with communism is that they attempted a purist state controlled system. To much state control can result in a collapse of the economic base. However, if you do what I call, "selective system implementation" and allow specific industries to be socialized and others free market.. resulting in hybridization.. then it actually works EXTREMELY well.

"It is a basic point of fact, there are some things on a scale by which only a communal effort can get them accomplished.. things like space programs, giant dams or public works, health care cost control, making sure everyone has access to the most basic levels of food, water, shelter, and power. The government is best equipped to handle these items. Folks have tried purist capitalist systems, but in a profit driven systems charities almost always falls short because they rely on the individual to completely ignore profit motive aka greed, upon which the system relies to function. Charitable contributions are a total net loss to the individual. However, the government actually benefits by providing the basics to its citizens, so if it provides food, water, shelter, and basic power.. then those who fall through the cracks of the economy system due to poor health or such are caught in a safety net from which they can recover and become productive again. Even though at the initial implementation of such a system the tax cost is high, after sufficient time of growth resulting from these programs, they actually pay for themselves in the productivity obtained even resulting in long term net surpluses in economic feedback. Most capitalist societies which falter and fail ignore this fact.. this is because of the overwhelming strength of human greed which results when pure capitalism is attempted.

"Corruption can rise to devour a good chunk of net productivity in capitalist systems. In a socialist system there is some corruption, but with adequate monitors and controls that corruption level is somewhat mitigated. Market controls are critical to prevent gamblers from derailing themselves. That said, Socialism works. In fact, Socialism is superior to any form of government, especially purist governments."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Mayo frowns at this power shift, since it knows that socialism is inefficient compared to capitalism. However, Mayo will not intervene.

Depends on the people. If they are reasonable, then socialism will prevail.

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Rational Socialism is, in effect, not true socialism. Rather it is the ultimate evolution of the pillars of society allowing civilization to advance and grow to the place it is today. We in the Imperium call the system "Labocracy", referencing the large amounts of labor giving equally large returns.

With that, the Imperium congratulates its' southern neighbor on their change to a rational system.

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"We thank you all for your support. We will continue to be rational and will not be exporting Socialist Ideas to other countries as we think that the people must decide on what direction their country takes, like the Colstream people have decided to now."

Edited by Colstream
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