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Several IndoChinese Announcements

comrade nikonov

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TIRANA - The IndoChinese Government, which has relocated to the IndoChinese Autonomous Region of Albania and Macedonia, has concluded several announcements to be brought forth today. First, it will regard the recent string of terrorist attacks in IndoChina. The IndoChinese Security Agency has begun thorough investigations of the attacks, starting from the destruction of pipelines in Delhi, the terrorist attacks in Sindh, and the nuclear attacks on Islamabad as well as the attempted nuclear attack of Xiajing. We will like to call upon the nation of Nordheim to explain why the nuclear weapons used on Islamabad was traced to the Nordheimic nuclear program, as well as the nation of Burma to explain why the missile that was destroyed before hitting Xiajing was launched from a mobile launcher in the remote forests of Burma.

The second announcement primarily regards the IndoChinese Autonomous Region of Albania and Macedonia. Since the European War, we have witnessed the extreme bravery and valiance of the Southern Slavic people in rebuilding their region. Therefore, we will introduce complete self government to the IndoChinese Autonomous Region of Albania and Macedonia, with the small exception of Tirana, which is currently the emergency seat of power of the People's Socialist Union of IndoChina.

The third announcement is more political in nature. In light of the recent devastations of IndoChina, Chairman Zhou En Lai has resigned. Although Party Secretary Li Wufu has been installed as temporary head of state, it is the intent of the nation of IndoChina to have elections before May Day.

The fourth and final announcement will concern land. We call upon the AC to allow the resettlement of the IndoChinese people to IndoChina, namely Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Northern Thailand. We promise that we will keep our peace and work to the best of our ability to cooperate with the AC, as well as turning over all IndoChinese Asian holdings, with the exception of the original Slavorussian protectorate, and the land of Bangladesh, which Bosporan eyes as a possible sea port, to decided by the AC to use as they see fit. Monetary commitments can also be considered.

That is all, and thank you.

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Oh right, we are so scared of the IndoChinese paper army! They are being nuked their government runs away and throwing insults at us. Haha, and if you want us to respect you then please work for it. Running away in your peoples time of need is an act of cowardice and a weak government.

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Our government is the central organ of the nation. It is in the interest of security that it be temporarily relocated in the light of several nuclear attacks. DO NOT INSULT us more... A nation only has so much patience at such an immature foreign ministry.

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We really are not afraid of IndoChina. We find that nation a joke but thats our opinion. If you want to scream Ill show you to a room where you can scream for your mommy all you want. But, moving capitals and then trying to get the AC to relocate your nation is just cowardice.

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Actually, we have no intent of keeping European territories for long. We understand the danger of Europe. As soon as our government feels it is safe to relocate back into IndoChina we will hold a plebiscite to determine the future of Albania and Macedonia.

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The AC has no knowledge of a mobile launch vehicle that deployed a nuclear warhead in a missile. We have had over tens of thousands of troops deployed in the AC Protectorate of SE Asia. Besides, we have planned to give the land over to a developing governing council that will shape up to be the caretakers of the region when we depart. Any movement into the area will result in unnecessary conflict.

(OOC: Some body already has made a claim to SE Asia, sorry.)

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Our government is the central organ of the nation. It is in the interest of security that it be temporarily relocated in the light of several nuclear attacks. DO NOT INSULT us more... A nation only has so much patience at such an immature foreign ministry.

Sputtering about repeating the same thing doesn't make you look tough on the world stage.

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Oh, are the IndoChinese chickens to face their problems?

So, you have no sympathy for those in the same situation as yourselves? Perhaps we should not have sent you that aid.

I believe that is a insult to the IndoChinese nation? We are not above warfare.
Oh right, we are so scared of the IndoChinese paper army! They are being nuked their government runs away and throwing insults at us. Haha, and if you want us to respect you then please work for it. Running away in your peoples time of need is an act of cowardice and a weak government.

No, it is an act of prudence. If your capital was made uninhabitable, we would challenge you to make your government stay there before saying such words.

Sputtering about repeating the same thing doesn't make you look tough on the world stage.

It however does not help that Beijing Corp is being overly hostile and obnoxious.

One of these days they are going to push someone too far, and get themselves invaded.

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We call them cowards because they don't seem to be doing anything against stopping the terrorists and cleaning out the Nuclear Damage, and then they just move over to some land which in some other continent. We find that cowardice.

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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It seems Beijing Corp can't spell out 'hundred', and we're directing reconstruction efforts from Albania as it is closer to Skopje. We assure Beijing Corp. that as soon as we are sure that terrorist groups will not attempt to attack Xiajing again we will return.

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With the mobilisation of the IndoChinese forces the 100,000 Helzas solders inside of the Solarian Federacy have taken up positions along the borders of the nation as well as maintaining a sizable quick reaction force within the Federacy's capital city. They have set up checkpoints across the roadways into the Federacy and ground and helicopter patrols are constantly sent out to watched the off road terrain.

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OOC: Kevz.. if there was ever a time to attack your pitiful nation.. it would be now... its like half your army is in Solarein.

OOC: True however, you would have to do recon of my nation, gain equipment for arctic conditions. My troops have the benefit of terrain, knowledge and superior training for the conditions. Plus I am not even on the map yet :)

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Ah yes trying to throw an insult at us? Is that your best? Please try harder next time ;)

Oh well you still don't get it, it will be easier for the terrorists to attack the Indian Mainland because and the population because you are sitting in Albania.

No one here is throwing insults but you, hypocrites.

We've said it before--your tongue is going to get you into trouble one of these days. No wonder the Northern Empire suspects you in the attack on their Emperor.

OOC: Keshav, you up to doing a spy RP? :D I wan't to spy away one of your nukes... :P

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