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The war so far:

Stop it at 2:11 minutes and watch the ending tomorrow evening.

Edited the time.

Edited by Ammon
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The most humorous thing about the oppinions in this thread is that if we indeed attacked FARK, the trolls would be calling us cowards for not attacking MHA.

To the Trolls: Were having a good time, and to us... Thats all that matters. Maybe you too would have fun if you got out of the open world forums, and attacked an alliance 2.5 times your size...... or attacked anyone for that matter. The round is almost over. Arent your fingers getting cramped from all the time spent here?

Great fight, Brothers, and sisters! Keep it up!

o/ LE!!


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i see all this talk of honor and friends in here, but i message one of my attackers to ask when this will be over, and i am met with this response?

i am now curious as to what "orders" were given. if an alliance is being attacked, and they can only escape damage by leaving said alliance, it sounds less and less like a friendly war, and more like a hostile takeover of power.

the identity of this member can be provided upon request; i am just elated that they picked the #2 of the defending alliance to send thie message to!

As a past member of LE I know the orders are always fight with honor. You must have got into a scrap with someone that either didn't read their war rules or should not be in LE

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I salute LE and MHA in this conflict. :popcorn:

It makes me curious now why Fark appears to bandwagon and declare on MHA too? Not that it matters, it's part of the TE fun. Just curious. :ph34r:

Nothing official announced, but the evidence is in the wars.

Edited by Ashen
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It makes me curious now why Fark appears to bandwagon and declare on MHA too? Not that it matters, it's part of the TE fun. Just curious. :ph34r:

Nothing official announced, but the evidence is in the wars.

I don't see a single war between FARK/MHA ...

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Hmmm.... Yey another nation proving my point. As far as I can see in the declarations list, (I only went back as far as the 31st of March)there are NO FARK declarations on MHA. Please stop making this into something it isnt. There's a kiddy thread around here somewhere just itching for your input. Go back there. This is the big boys thread. :P

Cheers :)

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I don't see a single war between FARK/MHA ...

Well seems we were both wrong: http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_...&Extended=1

I saw this last night before two of them expired as I was reading through our forum posts.

So Ferrie, my mistake, sorry your point was as proven as you think. So I guess I'll see you in the kiddie thread :lol:

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Well seems we were both wrong: http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_...&Extended=1

I saw this last night before two of them expired as I was reading through our forum posts.

So Ferrie, my mistake, sorry your point was as proven as you think. So I guess I'll see you in the kiddie thread :lol:


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open season on an interloper in the LE-MHA dustup: anyone can feel free to attack: LE, MHA or interested observers

his reason for engaging? "because I don't care"


Enjoy the snackfood: there's just under 70 tasty and lightly defended tech points waiting for you.

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